

Martin Hinds (10 April 1941 in
Penarth Penarth (, ) is a town and community in the Vale of Glamorgan ( cy, Bro Morgannwg), Wales, exactly south of Cardiff city centre on the west shore of the Severn Estuary at the southern end of Cardiff Bay. Penarth is a wealthy seaside resort ...
Wales Wales ( cy, Cymru ) is a Countries of the United Kingdom, country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is bordered by England to the Wales–England border, east, the Irish Sea to the north and west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the ...
– 1 December 1988) was a British scholar of the
Middle East The Middle East ( ar, الشرق الأوسط, ISO 233: ) is a geopolitical region commonly encompassing Arabia (including the Arabian Peninsula and Bahrain), Asia Minor (Asian part of Turkey except Hatay Province), East Thrace (Europ ...
historiographer Historiography is the study of the methods of historians in developing history as an academic discipline, and by extension is any body of historical work on a particular subject. The historiography of a specific topic covers how historians h ...
of early Islamic history.


Dr. Hind's interest in Islamic culture began as early as the year 1960 when he was a student of Arabic at the
School of Oriental and African Studies SOAS University of London (; the School of Oriental and African Studies) is a public research university in London, England, and a member institution of the federal University of London. Founded in 1916, SOAS is located in the Bloomsbury are ...
SOAS where he developed a number of close friendships with scholars from
North Africa North Africa, or Northern Africa is a region encompassing the northern portion of the African continent. There is no singularly accepted scope for the region, and it is sometimes defined as stretching from the Atlantic shores of Mauritania in t ...
. In the summer of 1962, he arrived in
Tunisia ) , image_map = Tunisia location (orthographic projection).svg , map_caption = Location of Tunisia in northern Africa , image_map2 = , capital = Tunis , largest_city = capital , ...
and visited famous historic places there like the prominent
Carthage Carthage was the capital city of Ancient Carthage, on the eastern side of the Lake of Tunis in what is now Tunisia. Carthage was one of the most important trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean and one of the most affluent cities of the clas ...
, a suburb of Tunis that was the centre of the
Carthaginian Empire Carthage () was a settlement in modern Tunisia that later became a city-state and then an empire. Founded by the Phoenicians in the ninth century BC, Carthage reached its height in the fourth century BC as one of the largest metropolises in t ...
in antiquity. He visited also famous Islamic monuments like
Al-Zaytuna Mosque Al-Zaytuna Mosque, also known as Ez-Zitouna Mosque, and El-Zituna Mosque ( ar, جامع الزيتونة, literally meaning ''the Mosque of Olive''), is a major mosque at the center of the Medina of Tunis in Tunis, Tunisia. The mosque is the o ...
. Built early in the 8th century AD, it is the oldest mosque in the capital of Tunisia and the second to be built in Ifriqiya and the Maghreb region after the
Mosque of Uqba The Great Mosque of Kairouan ( ar, جامع القيروان الأكبر), also known as the Mosque of Uqba (), is a mosque situated in the UNESCO World Heritage town of Kairouan, Tunisia and is one of the most impressive and largest Islamic mo ...
in Al-Kairouan. Dr. Hinds also visited Al-Kairouan and its Mosque of Uqba. He was fascinated by Islamic architecture and by the academic role of the Al-Zaytuna mosque which is known to have hosted one of the first and greatest universities in the history of Islam.Edmund Bosworth
"Martin Hinds 1941-1988"
''Bulletin (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies)'', Vol. 16, No. 1. (1989), pp. 118-120.
He also travelled by ordinary citizen mini-bus through Libya to Egypt in 1962 and 1965, and was a welcome visitor for an old English friend en route.


Together with
Patricia Crone Patricia Crone (March 28, 1945July 11, 2015) was a Danish historian specializing in early Islamic history. Crone was a member of the Revisionist school of Islamic studies and questioned the historicity of the Islamic traditions about the beginn ...
he argues in his book '' God's Caliph : Religious Authority in the First Centuries of Islam'' that the first Caliphs were heads of state as well as heads of the religious community. Later religious scholars claimed power for themselves on behalf of the communities they represented, thus creating the situation in Sunni Islam where there is no centralized religious power. The Shi'ite system is therefore no deviation but represents the original order of power in early Islam. Martin Hinds adheres to the
Revisionist School of Islamic Studies The Revisionist school of Islamic studies, (also Historical-Critical school of Islamic studies and skeptic/revisionist Islamic historians) Hoyland, ''In God's Path'', 2015: p.232 is a movement in Islamic studies that questions traditional Muslim ...


* '' God's Caliph : Religious Authority in the First Centuries of Islam'' (1986), with
Patricia Crone Patricia Crone (March 28, 1945July 11, 2015) was a Danish historian specializing in early Islamic history. Crone was a member of the Revisionist school of Islamic studies and questioned the historicity of the Islamic traditions about the beginn ...
. * ''The History of al-Tabari Vol. 23: The Zenith of the Marwanid House'' (1990), as translator.

Papers related to Ibadism

* Hinds, Martin: (1991) ''An early islamic family from Oman: al-''ʿ''Awtabī's account of the Muhallabids''. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1991. Journal of Semitic Studies. Monographs, 17.
d. and transl. by Martin Hinds D. or d. may refer to, usually as an abbreviation: * Don (honorific), a form of address in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and their former overseas empires, usually given to nobles or other individuals of high social rank. * Date of death, as an abbreviati ...
(3, 97 pp., 25 cm.). (pbk). * Hinds, Martin: (1996) ''Studies in early Islamic history''. Ed. by Jere Bacharag, Lawrence I. Conrad and
Patricia Crone Patricia Crone (March 28, 1945July 11, 2015) was a Danish historian specializing in early Islamic history. Crone was a member of the Revisionist school of Islamic studies and questioned the historicity of the Islamic traditions about the beginn ...
. With an introduction by G.R. Hawting. Princeton, New Jersey: Darwin Press, 1996, (xix, 262 pp.; ill.; 25 cm.). . * Hinds, Martin: (2010) The Ṣiffīn arbitration agreement. In: Saeed, Abdullah: (ed.) ''Islamic political thought and governance''. London: Routledge, 2010, vol. 1.


1941 births 1988 deaths People from Penarth Scholars of medieval Islamic history Fellows of Trinity Hall, Cambridge 20th-century Welsh historians Ibadi studies {{UK-historian-stub