Mariana Codruț



Mariana Codruţ (born 1 November 1956 in Prisacani, Romania) is a Romanian poet, writer and journalist.


''Poetry'': * Măceşul din magazia de lemne (Junimea,1982). * Schiţă de autoportret (Junimea, 1986). * Tabieturile nopţii de vară (Cartea Românească, 1989). * Existenţă acută (Cartea Românească, 1994). * Blanc (Vinea, 2000). * Ultima patrie (Paralela 45, 2007). * Areal (Paralela 45, 2011) ''Essay'': * Românul imparțial (Dacia, 2011) ''Novels'': * Casa cu storuri galbene (Polirom, 1997). * Nudul Dianei (Polirom, 2007). ''Short stories'': * Ul Baboi şi alte povestiri (Polirom, 2004). ''Anthologies'': * Cartea roz a comunismului (Versus, 2004, ed. Gabriel H. Decuble). * Tovarăşe de drum. Experienţa feminină în communism (Polirom, 2008, eds. Dan Lungu, Radu Pavel Gheo); translated in Italian: Compagne di viaggio (Sandro Teti editore, Roma, 2011, transl. by Mauro Barindi, Anita Natascia Bernacchia, Maria Luisa Lombardo)

External links

Book presentation of "The Nude of Diana" with English excerpt

Poems by the Club 8-group, a.o. by Mariana Codruţ

Author's blog

Article about the author by Bogdan Creţu in Ziarul de duminica
Romanian women novelists Romanian women short story writers Romanian short story writers Romanian women poets Living people 1956 births {{Romania-bio-stub