

Magnus I, Duke of Mecklenburg (1345 – 1 September 1384) was Duke of Mecklenburg from 1383 until his death. Magnus was the third son of Duke Albert II of Mecklenburg and his wife
Euphemia of Sweden Euphemia of Sweden (Swedish: ''Eufemia Eriksdotter''; 1317 – 16 June 1370) was a Swedish princess. She was Duchess consort of Mecklenburg, heiress of Sweden and of Norway, and mother of King Albert of Sweden. (c. 1338-1412) . Biography ...
, the sister of the King
Magnus IV of Sweden Magnus IV (April or May 1316  – 1 December 1374; Swedish ''Magnus Eriksson'') was King of Sweden from 1319 to 1364, King of Norway as Magnus VII (including Iceland and Greenland) from 1319 to 1355, and ruler of Scania from 1332 to 1360. By ...
. Sometime after 1362, he married Elizabeth of Pomerania-Wolgast, daughter of Barnim IV, Duke of Pomerania. Magnus had two children: * John IV, Regent of Mecklenburg from 1384 to 1395 and co-regent from 1395 to 1422 * Euphemia (d. 16 October 1417); : married on 18 October 1397 with Lord Balthasar of Werle After the death of his brother Henry III in 1383, he ruled Mecklenburg jointly with Henry's son Albert IV until his own death in 1384.

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Genealogical table of the House of Mecklenburg
House of Mecklenburg Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin 1345 births 1384 deaths {{Germany-noble-stub