Madnur or madnoor is located at .Languages
As the village borders Maharashtra and Karnataka, the people of the village are fluent in Marathi and Kannada languages apart from Telugu. Besides, these people can speak the national language Hindi.Schools
There are separate high school for girls and boys and some primary schools are run by the State Government. Apart from this there is one Residential School and Junior College in the village. Further, some private schools are in the village viz; Vasavi Public School & Karmel Public SchoolTourism
Many temples are located in Madnoor village such as Balaji Temple, Hanuman Temple, Santhoshi Matha mandir, Saibaba Temple, Somalingal, Nagareshwar Mandir, and Pochamma Temple. Another famous temple is located nearby Madnoor village i.e., Mirzapur Hanuman Temple; the devotees are come here from Marahashtra, Karnataka & Telangana state for visit, on occasion of Hanuman Jayathi an Jathara will be conducted for 3 days.Events
On the eve of Dhashera all villagers gather at Hills of Pochamma Temple where "Ravana Dhahana" is to be taken up by the village elders, then everyone visits each other's homes by giving "Jambhi leaves" by treating them as gold. Further, on eve of Ugadhi everyone exchanges a special liquid soup called as "Payasam". On the eve of Sankranthi everyone goes to their agriculture fields and make pooja and kids will play with kites. Later at night every one goes to another's home and distributes a sweet which is called as "Nuvvulu".Offices
Before formation of Mandals, Madnoor is an erstwhile samithi headquarter of Jukkal Samithi. At present various Government officer are there like MPDO Office, Tahsil Office, Gram Panchayat, Agriculture Market Committee, MEO Office, Police Station, Veterinary dispensary, Primary Health Center, Child & Women Development Agency, Asst. Social Welfare Office, etc.Agriculture
Most of the agricultural lands are black-soiled land, and the main crops for farmers are cotton, millet, soybean, green gram and black gram.Factories
As the village is a cotton production village, a lot of cotton factories are established in the nearby village and most people and farmers will get employment in these factories which are the backbone of the village.References
Villages in Nizamabad district {{Nizamabad-geo-stub