Litsea Glutinosa



''Litsea glutinosa'' is a rainforest tree in the laurel family, Lauraceae. Common names include soft bollygum, bolly beech, Bollywood, bollygum, brown bollygum, brown Bollywood, sycamore and brown beech. The powdered bark, known as jigat, may be used as an adhesive paste in incense stick production.


This species is native to India, South China to Malaysia, Philippines, Australia and the western Pacific islands. It had been introduced to La RĂ©union, Mauritius, Mayotte and New Caledonia where it is considered an invasive Invasive Species Database


{{Taxonbar, from=Q10743709 Litsea, glutinosa Flora of the Northern Territory Flora of Queensland Flora of Western Australia Trees of Australia Incense material Trees of Nepal