Locally Compact Quantum Group



In mathematics and
theoretical physics Theoretical physics is a branch of physics that employs mathematical models and abstractions of physical objects and systems to rationalize, explain and predict natural phenomena. This is in contrast to experimental physics, which uses experim ...
, a locally compact quantum group is a relatively new C*-algebraic approach toward
quantum group In mathematics and theoretical physics, the term quantum group denotes one of a few different kinds of noncommutative algebras with additional structure. These include Drinfeld–Jimbo type quantum groups (which are quasitriangular Hopf algebra ...
s that generalizes the Kac algebra, compact-quantum-group and Hopf-algebra approaches. Earlier attempts at a unifying definition of quantum groups using, for example, multiplicative unitaries have enjoyed some success but have also encountered several technical problems. One of the main features distinguishing this new approach from its predecessors is the axiomatic existence of left and right invariant weights. This gives a
noncommutative In mathematics, a binary operation is commutative if changing the order of the operands does not change the result. It is a fundamental property of many binary operations, and many mathematical proofs depend on it. Most familiar as the name o ...
analogue of left and right Haar measures on a locally compact Hausdorff group.


Before we can even begin to properly define a locally compact quantum group, we first need to define a number of preliminary concepts and also state a few theorems. Definition (weight). Let A be a C*-algebra, and let A_ denote the set of positive elements of A . A weight on A is a function \phi: A_ \to ,\infty such that * \phi(a_ + a_) = \phi(a_) + \phi(a_) for all a_,a_ \in A_ , and * \phi(r \cdot a) = r \cdot \phi(a) for all r \in
,\infty. *_We_say_that__\phi__is_densely_defined_if_and_only_if__\mathcal_^__is_a_dense_subset_of__A__,_or_equivalently,_if_and_only_if_either__\mathcal___or__\mathcal___is_a_dense_subset_of__A_. *_We_say_that__\phi__is_proper_if_and_only_if_it_is_non-zero,_lower_semi-continuous_and_densely_defined. Definition_(one-parameter_group)._Let__A__be_a_C*-algebra._A_one-parameter_group_on__A__is_a_family__\alpha_=_(\alpha_)___of_*-automorphisms_of__A__that_satisfies__\alpha__\circ_\alpha__=_\alpha___for_all__s,t_\in_\mathbb_._We_say_that__\alpha__is_norm-continuous_if_and_only_if_for_every__a_\in_A_,_the_mapping__\mathbb_\to_A__defined_by__t_\mapsto_(a)__is_continuous_(surely_this_should_be_called_strongly_continuous?). Definition_(analytic_extension_of_a_one-parameter_group)._Given_a_norm-continuous_one-parameter_group__\alpha__on_a_C*-algebra__A_,_we_are_going_to_define_an_analytic_continuation.html" "title=",\infty) and a \in A_ . Some notation for weights. Let \phi be a weight on a C*-algebra A . We use the following notation: * \mathcal_^ := \ , which is called the set of all positive \phi -integrable elements of A . * \mathcal_ := \ , which is called the set of all \phi -square-integrable elements of A . * \mathcal_ := \text ~ \mathcal_^ = \mathcal_^ \mathcal_ , which is called the set of all \phi -integrable elements of A . Types of weights. Let \phi be a weight on a C*-algebra A . * We say that \phi is faithful if and only if \phi(a) \neq 0 for each non-zero a \in A_ . * We say that \phi is lower semi-continuous if and only if the set \ is a closed subset of A for every \lambda \in ,\infty. * We say that \phi is densely defined if and only if \mathcal_^ is a dense subset of A_ , or equivalently, if and only if either \mathcal_ or \mathcal_ is a dense subset of A . * We say that \phi is proper if and only if it is non-zero, lower semi-continuous and densely defined. Definition (one-parameter group). Let A be a C*-algebra. A one-parameter group on A is a family \alpha = (\alpha_)_ of *-automorphisms of A that satisfies \alpha_ \circ \alpha_ = \alpha_ for all s,t \in \mathbb . We say that \alpha is norm-continuous if and only if for every a \in A , the mapping \mathbb \to A defined by t \mapsto (a) is continuous (surely this should be called strongly continuous?). Definition (analytic extension of a one-parameter group). Given a norm-continuous one-parameter group \alpha on a C*-algebra A , we are going to define an analytic continuation">analytic extension In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, analytic continuation is a technique to extend the domain of definition of a given analytic function. Analytic continuation often succeeds in defining further values of a function, for example in a n ...
of \alpha . For each z \in \mathbb , let : I(z) := \ , which is a horizontal strip in the complex plane. We call a function f: I(z) \to A norm-regular if and only if the following conditions hold: * It is analytic on the interior of I(z) , i.e., for each y_ in the interior of I(z) , the limit \displaystyle \lim_ \frac exists with respect to the norm topology on A . * It is norm-bounded on I(z) . * It is norm-continuous on I(z) . Suppose now that z \in \mathbb \setminus \mathbb , and let : D_ := \. Define \alpha_: D_ \to A by (a) := f(z) . The function f is uniquely determined (by the theory of complex-analytic functions), so \alpha_ is well-defined indeed. The family (\alpha_)_ is then called the analytic extension of \alpha . Theorem 1. The set \cap_ D_ , called the set of analytic elements of A , is a dense subset of A . Definition (K.M.S. weight). Let A be a C*-algebra and \phi: A_ \to ,\infty a weight on A . We say that \phi is a K.M.S. weight ('K.M.S.' stands for 'Kubo-Martin-Schwinger') on A if and only if \phi is a ''proper weight'' on A and there exists a norm-continuous one-parameter group (\sigma_)_ on A such that * \phi is invariant under \sigma , i.e., \phi \circ \sigma_ = \phi for all t \in \mathbb , and * for every a \in \text(\sigma_) , we have \phi(a^ a) = \phi(\sigma_(a) [\sigma_(a)]^) . We denote by M(A) the multiplier algebra of A. Theorem 2. If A and B are C*-algebras and \pi: A \to M(B) is a non-degenerate *-homomorphism (i.e., \pi B is a dense subset of B ), then we can uniquely extend \pi to a *-homomorphism \overline: M(A) \to M(B) . Theorem 3. If \omega: A \to \mathbb is a state (i.e., a positive linear functional of norm 1 ) on A , then we can uniquely extend \omega to a state \overline: M(A) \to \mathbb on M(A) . Definition (Locally compact quantum group). A (C*-algebraic) locally compact quantum group is an ordered pair \mathcal = (A,\Delta) , where A is a C*-algebra and \Delta: A \to M(A \otimes A) is a ''non-degenerate'' *-homomorphism called the co-multiplication, that satisfies the following four conditions: * The co-multiplication is co-associative, i.e., \overline \circ \Delta = \overline \circ \Delta . * The sets \left\ and \left\ are linearly dense subsets of A . * There exists a faithful K.M.S. weight \phi on A that is left-invariant, i.e., \phi \! \left( \overline(\Delta(a)) \right) = \overline(1_) \cdot \phi(a) for all \omega \in A^ and a \in \mathcal_^ . * There exists a K.M.S. weight \psi on A that is right-invariant, i.e., \psi \! \left( \overline(\Delta(a)) \right) = \overline(1_) \cdot \psi(a) for all \omega \in A^ and a \in \mathcal_^{+} . From the definition of a locally compact quantum group, it can be shown that the right-invariant K.M.S. weight \psi is automatically faithful. Therefore, the faithfulness of \psi is a redundant condition and does not need to be postulated.


The category of locally compact quantum groups allows for a dual construction with which one can prove that the bi-dual of a locally compact quantum group is isomorphic to the original one. This result gives a far-reaching generalization of
Pontryagin duality In mathematics, Pontryagin duality is a duality (mathematics), duality between locally compact abelian groups that allows generalizing Fourier transform to all such groups, which include the circle group (the multiplicative group of complex numb ...
for locally compact Hausdorff abelian groups.

Alternative formulations

The theory has an equivalent formulation in terms of
von Neumann algebra In mathematics, a von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is a *-algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space that is closed in the weak operator topology and contains the identity operator. It is a special type of C*-algebra. Von Neumann algebra ...

See also

Locally compact space In topology and related branches of mathematics, a topological space is called locally compact if, roughly speaking, each small portion of the space looks like a small portion of a compact space. More precisely, it is a topological space in which ev ...
Locally compact field In algebra, a locally compact field is a topological field whose topology forms a locally compact Hausdorff space.. These kinds of fields were originally introduced in p-adic analysis since the fields \mathbb_p are locally compact topological spac ...
Locally compact group In mathematics, a locally compact group is a topological group ''G'' for which the underlying topology is locally compact and Hausdorff. Locally compact groups are important because many examples of groups that arise throughout mathematics are loc ...


*Johan Kustermans & Stefaan Vaes.
Locally Compact Quantum Groups.
Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Vol. 33, No. 6 (2000), pp. 837-934. * Thomas Timmermann. "An Invitation to Quantum Groups and Duality - From Hopf Algebras to Multiplicative Unitaries and Beyond." EMS Textbooks in Mathematics, European Mathematical Society (2008). C*-algebras Functional analysis Quantum groups Harmonic analysis Representation theory