A dome () is an architectural element similar to the hollow upper half of a sphere. There is significant overlap with the term cupola, which may also refer to a dome or a structure on top of a dome. The precise definition of a dome has been a ...
is a self-supporting structural element of architecture that resembles the hollow upper half of a sphere.
Every dome in the world which was the largest dome of its time is listed below. The defining criterion is in each case the inner diameter of the largest circular cross-section of the dome.
This list excludes dome-shaped structures that are not self-supporting such as
The O2
The O2 is a large entertainment district on the Greenwich peninsula in South East London, England, including an indoor arena, a music club, a Cineworld cinema, an exhibition space, piazzas, bars, and restaurants. It was built largely with ...
in London which is in diameter and supported by masts.
Below is a list of buildings that have held the title of the largest dome in the world.
By continent
Below is a list of buildings that have held the title of the largest dome on their continent.
In the first half of the 1980s a dome with a diameter of was built near Istra, Russia. It collapsed on January 25, 1986
In 1990, the diameter building named "Kupolen" (the Dome) was completed in Borlänge, Sweden. Originally an exposition hall with a few stores at ground level, today a mall in three level
North America
South America
By structure
Below is a list of buildings that have held the title of the largest dome in terms of their structure.
Famous large domes
Below is a list of large domes which are considered particularly important for various reasons but have never held the title of the largest dome in the world.
See also
List of tallest domes
List of Roman domes
This is a list of Roman domes. The Romans were the first builders in the history of architecture to realize the potential of domes for the creation of large and well-defined interior spaces. Domes were introduced in a number of Roman building ...
{{DEFAULTSORT:Largest Domes
Lists of construction records
A dome () is an architectural element similar to the hollow upper half of a sphere. There is significant overlap with the term cupola, which may also refer to a dome or a structure on top of a dome. The precise definition of a dome has been a m ...
A dome () is an architectural element similar to the hollow upper half of a sphere. There is significant overlap with the term cupola, which may also refer to a dome or a structure on top of a dome. The precise definition of a dome has been a m ...