List Of Ninja Hattori-kun Episodes



Ninja Hattori-kun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by the Fujiko Fujio duo (and later by Fujiko A. Fujio) which was serialized between 1964 and 1988. It was later adapted into a television drama that aired on TV Asahi from 1966 ...
episodes include a 1966 television drama, 1981 anime and a 2013 anime.

1966 TV drama

Season 1

Season 1 official title was 'Ninja Hattori-kun'.

Season 2

Season 2 official title was 'Ninja Hattori + Ninja Monster Jippō'.

1981 anime

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

*189: Rice planting competition (田植えに挑戦の巻) *190: A strange confession (おかしな告白の巻) *192: Shishimaru is being kidnapped (誘拐された獅子丸の巻) *193: I just hate cameras (カメラはキライキライの巻) *195: Improving the robot (ロボットに強くなろうの巻) *198: Kenichi is a man (ケン一氏は男でござるの巻) *199: Tsubame Ninja Love Sparks Technique (ツバメ忍法恋火花の巻) *200: A challenge to stop mom (ママ上足どめ作戦の巻) *206: A western stock farm (西部劇牧場の巻) *207: Papa's confidence (パパの自信タップリ日曜大工の巻) *209: An incident on father's day (父の日のできごとの巻) *210: Leave, Shishimaru (スッポン獅子丸を放せの巻) *211: The dumb old policeman (どじなおまわりさんの巻) *214: Afraid of cakes? (ケーキが怖いの巻) *215: Beware of goods displayed at bazaar (バザー・出品作にご用心の巻) *217: A bad new classmate (つむじまがりの転校生の巻) *218: Doing one best thing a day (やりぬくぞ一日一善の巻) *219: Catching crayfish (忍法ザリガニつりの巻) *283: The culprit is a secret (犯人の名はヒミツにすべしの巻) *285: Very busy with ninja change yourself technique (忍法変り身大忙しの巻) *286: Kenichi starts zen meditation (座禅をはじめたケン一氏の巻) *301: Yumeko's personal invitation (夢子ちゃんの手作りご招待の巻) *307: Teacher is the best fisherman (先生はルアーの名人だの巻) *311: Shishimaru suffers from stomach trouble (お腹をこわしたシンゾウの巻) *312: Teacher's Instant Camera (先生のインスタントカメラの巻) *314: The forgotten lottery (忘れていた宝くじの巻) *315: Teach me how to sleep (眠れる方法教えるでござるの巻) *316: Yumeko poses for the painting (モデルになった夢子ちゃんの巻) *317: Shishimaru has no confidence (自信をなくした獅子丸の巻) *319: Mama's pampering (ママ上のえこひいきの巻) *320: Let's stop sir's hiccups (先生のシャックリをとめろの巻) *322: How an ad balloon comes to rescue (アドバルーンで助けてぇの巻) *325: Yumeko's sweater which got shrunk (縮んだ夢子殿のセーターの巻) *332: The head of the statue gives away (彫刻の首が落ちたの巻) *333: Kenichi's talent is exploding (ケン一氏才能の爆発でござるの巻) *340: Sir is having trouble with his mom (先生氏の苦手はお母さんの巻) *341: The scary snowlady (雪女はこわいよォの巻) *356: Ninja technique of crow puppets (忍法カラス操りの巻) *360: Sir is in love (先生氏が恋をしたの巻) *366: Flying range of pigeons (とんだはとレースの巻) *368: Restoring sir's reputation (先生の名誉回復作戦の巻) *370: Shishimaru is a ninja dog (獅子丸は忍者犬でござるの巻) *373: The bear uproar the sky to rein (スキー場はクマ騒動の巻) *378: Recover the policemen's pistol (おまわりさんのピストルを取り返せの巻) *380: Kenichi is having a very bad stomach ache (ケンちゃんのおなか大ピンチの巻) *384: Beware of compliments (おせじにご用心の巻) *411: Ninja bowling war (忍法ボウリング合戦の巻) *413: A big discovery, African (大発見!アフリカグモの巻) *414: Shishimaru wants to become a bronze statue(銅像になりたい獅子丸の巻)

Special episodes

All these special episodes were part of 1981-1987 anime. It consists of total 11 episodes.

2013 anime

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6


Ninja Hattori-kun is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by the Fujiko Fujio duo (and later by Fujiko A. Fujio) which was serialized between 1964 and 1988. It was later adapted into a television drama that aired on TV Asahi from 1966 ...
Ninja Hattori-kun