''Cotesia'' species
* '' Cotesia abdinbekovae'' Papp, 2009 * '' Cotesia abjecta'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia acaudus'' (Provancher, 1886) * '' Cotesia acerbiae'' Shaw & Vikberg, 2015 * '' Cotesia acronyctae'' (Riley, 1870) * '' Cotesia acuminata'' (Reinhard, 1880) * '' Cotesia acutula'' (Tobias, 1973) * '' Cotesia adippevora'' Shaw, 2009 * '' Cotesia affinis'' (Nees, 1834) * '' Cotesia agricola'' (Viereck, 1917) * '' Cotesia algonquinorum'' (Viereck, 1917) * '' Cotesia alia'' (Muesebeck, 1958) * '' Cotesia alternicolor'' (You & Zhou, 1988) * '' Cotesia alypiae'' (Muesebeck, 1922) * '' Cotesia americana'' ( Lepeletier, 1825) * '' Cotesia amesis'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia ammalonis'' (Muesebeck, 1926) * '' Cotesia amphipyrae'' (Watanabe, 1934) * '' Cotesia analis'' (Nees, 1834) * '' Cotesia ancilla'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia anisotae'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia anomidis'' (Watanabe, 1942) * '' Cotesia anthelae'' (Wilkinson, 1928) * '' Cotesia aphae'' (Watanabe, 1934) * '' Cotesia arctica'' (Thomson, 1895) * '' Cotesia argynnidis'' (Riley, 1889) * '' Cotesia asavari'' (Sathe, 1989) * '' Cotesia astrarches'' (Marshall, 1889) * '' Cotesia atalantae'' (Packard, 1881) * '' Cotesia aururus'' (Telenga, 1955) * '' Cotesia australiensis'' (Ashmead, 1900) * '' Cotesia autographae'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia autumnatae'' Shaw, 2013 * '' Cotesia ayerzai'' ( Brèthes, 1920)B
* '' Cotesia bactriana'' (Telenga, 1955) * '' Cotesia balli'' Oltra & Michelena, 1989 * '' Cotesia bambeytripla'' (Shenefelt, 1972) * '' Cotesia berberidis'' (Rudow, 1910) * '' Cotesia berberis'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia bhairavi'' (Sathe & Inamdar, 1991) * '' Cotesia biezankoi'' (Blanchard, 1960) * '' Cotesia bifida'' (Sharma, 1973) * '' Cotesia bignellii'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia bonariensis'' (Brèthes, 1916) * '' Cotesia bosei'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * '' Cotesia brachycera'' (Thomson, 1895) * '' Cotesia brevicornis'' (Wesmael, 1837)C
* '' Cotesia cajae'' (Bouché, 1834) * '' Cotesia caligophagus'' (Blanchard, 1964) * '' Cotesia callimone'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia calodetta'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia capucinae'' (Fischer, 1961) * '' Cotesia carduicola'' (Packard, 1881) * '' Cotesia cerurae'' (Muesebeck, 1926) * '' Cotesia charadrae'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia chares'' (Nixon, 1965) * '' Cotesia cheesmanae'' (Wilkinson, 1928) * '' Cotesia chiloluteelli'' (You, Xiong & Wang, 1985) * '' Cotesia chiloniponellae'' (You & Wang, 1990) * '' Cotesia chilonis'' (Munakata, 1912) * '' Cotesia chinensis'' (Wilkinson, 1930) * '' Cotesia chrysippi'' (Viereck, 1911) * '' Cotesia cingiliae'' (Muesebeck, 1931) * '' Cotesia cirphicola'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * '' Cotesia cleora'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia clepta'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia clethrogynae'' Long, 2014 * '' Cotesia clisiocampae'' (Ashmead, 1903) * '' Cotesia compressithorax '' (Hedqvist, 1965) * '' Cotesia congestiformis'' (Viereck, 1923) * ''D
* '' Cotesia danaisae'' (Hedqvist, 1965) * '' Cotesia decaryi'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia deliadis'' (Bingham, 1906) * '' Cotesia delicata'' (Howard, 1897) * '' Cotesia delphinensis'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia depressa'' (Viereck, 1912) * '' Cotesia depressithorax'' (Tobias, 1964) * '' Cotesia diacrisiae'' (Gahan, 1917) * '' Cotesia dictyoplocae'' (Watanabe, 1940) * '' Cotesia disparis'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia diurnii'' Rao & Nikam, 1984 * '' Cotesia diversa'' (Muesebeck & Walkely, 1951)E
* '' Cotesia effrena'' (Wilkinson, 1928) * '' Cotesia elaeodes'' (de Saeger, 1944) * '' Cotesia electrae'' (Viereck, 1912) * '' Cotesia eliniae'' Papp, 1989 * '' Cotesia elongata'' Zargar & Gupta, 2019 * '' Cotesia empretiae'' (Viereck, 1913) * '' Cotesia endii'' (Sathe & Ingawale, 1995) * '' Cotesia enypiae'' (Mason, 1959) * '' Cotesia erionotae'' (Wilkinson, 1928) * '' Cotesia errator'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia euchaetis'' (Ashmead, 1898) * '' Cotesia eulipis'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia eunomiae'' Shaw, 2009 * '' Cotesia euphobetri'' (Blanchard, 1935) * '' Cotesia euphydryidis'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia euprocti'' Sathe, 2005 * '' Cotesia euryale'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia euthaliae'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * '' Cotesia evagata'' (Papp, 1973) * '' Cotesia exelastisae'' (Bhatnagar, 1950)F
* '' Cotesia fascifemorata'' van Achterberg, 2006 * '' Cotesia ferruginea'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia fiskei'' (Viereck, 1910) * '' Cotesia flagellator'' (Wilkinson, 1930) * '' Cotesia flagitata'' (Papp, 1971) * '' Cotesia flaviconchae'' (Riley, 1881) * '' Cotesia flavicornis'' (Riley, 1889) * ''G
* '' Cotesia gabera'' Papp, 1990 * '' Cotesia gades'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia gastropachae'' (Bouché, 1834) * '' Cotesia geometricae'' Austin, 2000 * '' Cotesia geryonis'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia gillettei'' (Baker, 1895) * '' Cotesia glabrata'' (Telenga, 1955) * ''H
* '' Cotesia hadenae'' (Muesebeck, 1926) * '' Cotesia halisidotae'' (Muesebeck, 1931) * '' Cotesia hallii'' (Packard, 1877) * '' Cotesia hanshouensis'' (You & Xiong, 1983) * '' Cotesia harteni'' Papp, 2003 * '' Cotesia hemileucae'' (Riley, 1881) * '' Cotesia hesperidivora'' (Viereck, 1912) * '' Cotesia hiberniae'' (Kurdjumov, 1912) * '' Cotesia hispanica'' (Oltra & Falco, 1996) * '' Cotesia honora'' Papp, 1990 * '' Cotesia hyperion'' (de Saeger, 1944) * '' Cotesia hyphantriae'' (Riley, 1887) * '' Cotesia hypopygialis'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia hypsipylae'' (Wilkinson, 1928)I
* ''J
* '' Cotesia jayanagarensis'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * '' Cotesia jucunda'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia judaica'' (Papp, 1970) * '' Cotesia jujubae'' (Wilkinson, 1929) * '' Cotesia juniperatae'' (Bouché, 1834) * '' Cotesia junoniae'' (Riley, 1889)K
* '' Cotesia kamiyai'' (Watanabe, 1934) * '' Cotesia kariyai'' (Watanabe, 1937) * '' Cotesia karviri'' Sathe & Rokade, 2005 * '' Cotesia kasparyani'' (Tobias, 1976) * '' Cotesia kazak'' (Telenga, 1949) * '' Cotesia khuzestanensis'' Zargar & Gupta, 2019 * '' Cotesia koebelei'' (Riley, 1889) * '' Cotesia kraussi'' (Muesebeck, 1958) * '' Cotesia kurdjumovi'' (Telenga, 1955)L
* '' Cotesia laeviceps'' (Ashmead, 1890) * '' Cotesia langei'' (Muesebeck, 1938) * '' Cotesia lepidopteri'' Sathe & Rokade, 2005 * '' Cotesia lesbiae'' (Blanchard, 1947) * '' Cotesia levigaster'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia limbata'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia limenitidis'' (Riley, 1871) * '' Cotesia lineola'' (M
* '' Cotesia mahoniae'' (Mason, 1975) * '' Cotesia malevola'' (Wilkinson, 1929) * '' Cotesia malshri'' (Sathe & Inamdar, 1991) * ''N
* '' Cotesia nemoriae'' (Ashmead, 1898) * '' Cotesia neptisis'' (Watanabe, 1934) * '' Cotesia neustriae'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia nigritibialis'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia nikami'' Kurhade & Nikam, 1998 * '' Cotesia nitens'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia noctuidiphagus'' (Muesebeck, 1926) * '' Cotesia nonagriae'' (Olliff, 1893) * '' Cotesia nothus'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia nuellorum'' Whitfield, 2018 * '' Cotesia numen'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia nycteus'' (de Saeger, 1944)O
* '' Cotesia obscuricornis'' (Viereck, 1917) * '' Cotesia ocneriae'' (Ivanov, 1899) * '' Cotesia oeceticola'' (Blanchard, 1935) * '' Cotesia ofella'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia ogara'' Papp, 1990 * '' Cotesia okamotoi'' (Watanabe, 1921) * '' Cotesia olenidis'' (Muesebeck, 1922) * '' Cotesia onaspis'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia oppidicola'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia opsiphanis'' (Schrottky, 1909) * '' Cotesia ordinaria'' (Ratzeburg, 1844) * '' Cotesia orestes'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia orientalis'' Chalikwar & Nikam, 1984 * '' Cotesia ornatricis'' (Muesebeck, 1958) * '' Cotesia orobenae'' (Forbes, 1883)P
* '' Cotesia pachkuriae'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * '' Cotesia paludicolae'' (Cameron, 1909) * '' Cotesia paphi'' (Schrottky, 1902) * '' Cotesia pappi'' Inanç, 2002 * '' Cotesia parastichtidis'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia parbhanii'' (Rao, 1969) * '' Cotesia parijati'' Sathe, 2003 * '' Cotesia parvicornis'' (de Saeger, 1944) * '' Cotesia peltoneni'' (Papp, 1987) * '' Cotesia philoeampus'' (Cameron, 1911) * '' Cotesia phobetri'' (Rohwer, 1915) * '' Cotesia pholisorae'' (Riley, 1889) * '' Cotesia pieridis'' (Bouché, 1834) * '' Cotesia pilicornis'' (Thomson, 1895) * '' Cotesia pistrinariae'' (Wilkinson, 1929) * '' Cotesia planula'' Song & Chen, 2004 * '' Cotesia plathypenae'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia podunkorum'' (Viereck, 1912) * '' Cotesia praepotens'' ( Haliday, 1834) * '' Cotesia pratapae'' (Ashmead, 1896) * '' Cotesia prenidis'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia progahinga'' (Hedqvist, 1965) * '' Cotesia prozorovi'' (Telenga, 1955) * '' Cotesia pterophoriphaga'' (Shenefelt, 1972) * '' Cotesia pyralidis'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * '' Cotesia pyraustae'' (Viereck, 1912) * '' Cotesia pyrophilae'' (Muesebeck, 1926)R
* '' Cotesia radiantis'' (Wilkinson, 1929) * '' Cotesia radiarytensis'' (Shenefelt, 1972) * '' Cotesia rangii'' (Bhatnagar, 1950) * ''S
* '' Cotesia salebrosa'' (Marshall, 1885) * '' Cotesia saltator'' (Thunberg, 1822) * '' Cotesia saltatoria'' (Balevski, 1980) * '' Cotesia sasakii'' (Watanabe, 1932) * '' Cotesia satunini'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia scabricula'' (Reinhard, 1880) * '' Cotesia schaeferi'' (Marsh, 1979) * '' Cotesia schaffneri'' (Muesebeck, 1931) * '' Cotesia schini'' (Muesebeck, 1958) * '' Cotesia schizurae'' (Ashmead, 1898) * '' Cotesia scitula'' (Riley, 1881) * '' Cotesia scotti'' (Valerio & Whitfield, 2009) * '' Cotesia selenevora'' Shaw, 2009 * '' Cotesia senegalensis'' (Risbec, 1951) * '' Cotesia sericea'' (Nees, 1834) * '' Cotesia sesamiae'' (Cameron, 1906) * '' Cotesia setebis'' (Nixon, 1974) * '' Cotesia seyali'' (Risbec, 1951) * '' Cotesia shemachaensis'' (Tobias, 1976) * '' Cotesia shrii'' Sathe, Ingawale & Bhosale, 1994 * '' Cotesia sibyllarum'' (Wilkinson, 1936) * '' Cotesia simurae'' (You & Zhou, 1989) * '' Cotesia smerinthi'' (Riley, 1881) * '' Cotesia sorghiellae'' (Muesebeck, 1933) * '' Cotesia specularis'' (Szépligeti, 1896) * '' Cotesia sphenarchi'' (Risbec, 1951) * '' Cotesia sphingivora'' (Granger, 1949) * '' Cotesia spuria'' (Wesmael, 1837) * '' Cotesia subancilla'' (Balevski, 1980) * '' Cotesia subordinaria'' (Tobias, 1976) * '' Cotesia suvernii'' Sathe, Ingawale & Bhosale, 1994 * '' Cotesia suzumei'' (Watanabe, 1932)T
* '' Cotesia taprobanae'' (Cameron, 1897) * '' Cotesia tatehae'' (Watanabe, 1932) * '' Cotesia tegera'' (Papp, 1977) * '' Cotesia teleae'' (Muesebeck, 1926) * '' Cotesia telengai'' (Tobias, 1972) * '' Cotesia tenebrosa'' (Wesmael, 1837) * '' Cotesia testacea'' Fujie, Shimizu & Fernandez-Triana, 2018 * '' Cotesia tetrica'' (Reinhard, 1880) * '' Cotesia thapinthotha'' Papp, 1990 * '' Cotesia theae'' (Sonan, 1942) * '' Cotesia theclae'' (Riley, 1881) * '' Cotesia tibialis'' (Curtis, 1830) * '' Cotesia tiracolae'' (Ashmead, 1896) * '' Cotesia tmetocerae'' (Muesebeck, 1921) * ''U-Z
* '' Cotesia ukrainica'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia unicolor'' (Curtis, 1835) * '' Cotesia urabae'' Austin & Allen, 1989 * '' Cotesia vanessae'' (Reinhard, 1880) * '' Cotesia vestalis'' (Haliday, 1834) (diamondback moth parasitoid) * '' Cotesia villana'' (Reinhard, 1880) * '' Cotesia viridanae'' (Tobias, 1986) * '' Cotesia xavieri'' Rousse, 2013 * '' Cotesia xylina'' (Say, 1836) * '' Cotesia yakutatensis'' (Ashmead, 1902) * '' Cotesia zagrosensis'' Zargar & Gupta, 2019 * '' Cotesia zygaenarum'' (Marshall, 1885)References
{{Reflist, refs= {{Cite journal , title = Annotated and illustrated world checklist of Microgastrinae parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) , date = 2020 , last1 = Fernandez-Triana , first1 = Jose , last2 = Shaw , first2 = Mark R. , last3 = Boudreault , first3 = Caroline , last4 = Beaudin , first4 = Melanie , last5 = Broad , first5 = Gavin R. , display-authors = 4 , journal = ZooKeys , issue = 920 , pages = 1–1089 , url = https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/39128/ , doi = 10.3897/zookeys.920.39128, pmid = 32390740 , pmc = 7197271 , doi-access = free Cotesia, List of