This is a list of ancient monuments from
Republican and
Imperial is that which relates to an empire, emperor, or imperialism.
Imperial or The Imperial may also refer to:
United States
* Imperial, California
* Imperial, Missouri
* Imperial, Nebraska
* Imperial, Pennsylvania
* Imperial, Texas
periods in the city of
, established_title = Founded
, established_date = 753 BC
, founder = King Romulus ( legendary)
, image_map = Map of comune of Rome (metropolitan city of Capital Rome, region Lazio, Italy).svg
, map_caption ...
Italy ( it, Italia ), officially the Italian Republic, ) or the Republic of Italy, is a country in Southern Europe. It is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and its territory largely coincides with the homonymous geographical ...
Amphitheater of Caligula
Amphitheatrum Castrense
The Amphitheatrum Castrense is a Roman amphitheatre in Rome, next to the church of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.Coulston, J C (01/01/2000). ''Ancient Rome : the archaeology of the eternal city''. eBook Academic Collection (EBSCOhost): Oxford Univers ...
Amphitheater of Nero
Amphitheater of Statilius Taurus
The Colosseum ( ; it, Colosseo ) is an oval amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy, just east of the Roman Forum. It is the largest ancient amphitheatre ever built, and is still the largest standing amphitheatre in the world ...

Baths of Agrippa
Baths of Caracalla
Baths of Commodus
Baths of Constantine
Baths of Decius
The Baths of Decius (Latin: ''thermae Decianae'') were a thermae (baths) complex built on the Aventine Hill by the emperor Decius in 249 or 252. Its site was between the present-day sites of the churches of Santo Alessio and Santa Prisca, on the V ...
Baths of Diocletian
Baths of Licinius Sura The Baths of Licinius Sura or ''Thermae Suranae'' were a private ancient Roman bath complex built by Lucius Licinius Sura on the Aventine Hill (Regio XIII Aventinus) in Rome.
They were restored during the short reign of Gordian III. The baths wer ...
Baths of Nero and Alexander
The Baths of Nero (''Thermae Neronis'') or Baths of Alexander (''Thermae Alexandrinae'') were a complex of ancient Roman baths on the Campus Martius in Rome, built by Nero in either 62 or 64 and rebuilt by Alexander Severus in 227 or 229. It stoo ...
Baths of Septimius Severus
The Domus Severiana is the modern name given to the final extension to the imperial palaces on the Palatine Hill in Rome, built to the south-east of the Stadium Palatinum in the Domus Augustana of Septimius Severus. It included the Baths of Septimi ...
Baths of Titus
The Baths of Titus or ''Thermae Titi'' were public baths (''Thermae'') built in 81 AD at Rome, by Roman emperor Titus.
The baths sat at the base of the Esquiline Hill, an area of parkland and luxury estates which had been taken over by Nero (AD 5 ...
Baths of Trajan (later misnamed the
Baths of Domitian)
Circus Flaminius
The Circus Flaminius was a large, circular area in ancient Rome, located in the southern end of the Campus Martius near the Tiber River. It contained a small race-track used for obscure games, and various other buildings and monuments. It was "bui ...
Circus Maximus
The Circus Maximus ( Latin for "largest circus"; Italian: ''Circo Massimo'') is an ancient Roman chariot-racing stadium and mass entertainment venue in Rome, Italy. In the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and ...
Circus of Maxentius
The Circus of Maxentius (known until the 19th century as the Circus of Caracalla) is an ancient structure in Rome, Italy, part of a complex of buildings erected by emperor Maxentius on the Via Appia between AD 306 and 312. It is situated between ...
Circus of Nero
Circus Varianus
Gardens of Lucullus
Gardens of Maecenas
Gardens of Sallust
Horti Aciliorum
Horti Agrippinae
Horti Caesaris
Horti Domitiae
The Horti Domitiae were a set of private gardens in ancient Rome, belonging to Domitia Longina, wife of the emperor Domitian. They were sited on the right bank of the river Tiber. A few years later the Mausoleum of Hadrian was built in the same a ...
Horti Lamiani
Horti Liciniani
Horti Lolliani
The Horti Lolliani was a set of private gardens on the Esquiline Hill in ancient Rome, belonging to and named after Lollia Paulina, briefly the wife of Caligula.
After her divorce, Paulina was considered as a potential suitor to the new emperor Cl ...
Horti Pompeiani
Horti Tauriani
Porticus Aemilia
Porticus Deorum Consentium
Porticus of Livia
Porticus Octavia
Porticus Octaviae
Porticus Vipsania
Theatre of Balbus
Theatre of Marcellus
Theatre of Pompey
Ludus Magnus
Naumachia Vaticana
The Naumachia Vaticana or Trajan's Naumachia ( la, Naumachia Traiani), also referred to inaccurately as the Circus of Hadrian, was an ancient structure in Rome, Italy, dedicated by Roman emperor Trajan in AD 109. A naumachia, it functioned as a l ...
Odeum of Domitian
The Odeon of Domitian was an ancient Roman building on the Campus Martius in Rome, used for plays and musical competitions and with room for an audience of 11,000. Begun by Domitian in imitation of Greek odeons (neighbouring his stadium to its s ...
Saepta Julia
Stadium of Domitian
The Stadium of Domitian ( it, Stadio di Domiziano), also known as the ''Circus Agonalis'', was located to the north of the Campus Martius in Rome, Italy. The Stadium was commissioned around AD 80 by the Emperor Titus Flavius Domitianus as a gift t ...

Forum Romanum
Roman Forum
Imperial fora
Forum of Augustus
The Forum of Augustus ( la, Forum Augustum; it, Foro di Augusto) is one of the Imperial fora of Rome, Italy, built by Augustus (). It includes the Temple of Mars Ultor. The incomplete forum and its temple were inaugurated in 2 BC, 40 years aft ...
Forum of Caesar
Forum of Nerva
Forum of Peace
Forum or The Forum (plural forums or fora) may refer to:
Common uses
*Forum (legal), designated space for public expression in the United States
*Forum (Roman), open public space within a Roman city
**Roman Forum, most famous example
*Internet ...
Trajan's Forum
Trajan's Forum ( la, Forum Traiani; it, Foro di Traiano) was the last of the Imperial fora to be constructed in ancient Rome. The architect Apollodorus of Damascus oversaw its construction.
This forum was built on the order of the empe ...
Forum Boarium
The Forum Boarium (, it, Foro Boario) was the cattle ''forum venalium'' of ancient Rome. It was located on a level piece of land near the Tiber between the Capitoline, the Palatine and Aventine hills. As the site of the original docks of Ro ...
Forum Holitorium
Forum Piscarium
Forum Pistorium
Forum Suarium The Forum Suarium was the pork ''forum venalium'' of ancient Rome during the empire, mentioned first in two inscriptions dating c. AD 200.= e This market was near the barracks of the ''cohortes urbanae'' in the northern part of the Campus Martius, ...
Forum venalium
A ( ) was a food market in Ancient Rome during the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. These mercantile fora were extensions of the Roman Forum and contained numerous buildings and monuments erected under the Republic and the Empire.
In his ''Polit ...
Forum Vinarium
Trajan's Market
Macellum Liviae

Aqua Alexandrina
Aqua Alsietina
Aqua Anio Novus
Aqua Anio Vetus
Aqua Appia
Aqua Augusta
Aqua Claudia
Aqua Julia
The Aqua Julia (or Iulia) is a Roman aqueduct built in 33 BC by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, Agrippa under Augustus to supply the city of Rome. It was repaired and expanded by Augustus from 11–4 BC.
The source of the Aqua Iulia is ...
Aqua Marcia
Aqua Tepula
Aqua Traiana
Aqua Virgo
Pons Aelius
Pons Aemilius
Pons Agrippae
The Pons Agrippae (Bridge of Agrippa) was an ancient bridge across the River Tiber in Rome. It was located 160 metres above the Ponte Sisto, and is known from an inscribed cippus set up by the ''curatores riparum'' during the Principate of ...
Pons Aurelius
Pons Cestius
Pons Fabricius
Pons Lamentanus
Pons Milvius
Pons Neronianus
Pons Probi
The Pons Probi (Bridge of Probus) was a bridge over the River Tiber in Ancient Rome, just south of Porta Trigemina.
The Pons Probi connected the Aventine Hill to the Trastevere. The Roman bridge was probably built during the reign of the Emper ...
Pons Sublicius

Catacomb of Calepodius
Catacomb of Callixtus
Catacombs of Marcellinus and Peter
Catacombs of Rome
Catacombs of San Valentino
Columbarium of Pomponius Hylas
Esquiline Necropolis
Vatican Necropolis
Meta Sudans

Castra of ancient Rome
Castra Nova equitum singularium
Castra Peregrina
The Castra Peregrina ("camp of the strangers") was a castrum (a military barracks) in Rome situated on the Caelian Hill. It was occupied by various military units during the later part of the Roman Empire.
Location and archaeology
The barrac ...
Castra Praetoria

Alta Semita The Alta Semita ("High Path") was a street in ancient Rome that gave its name to one of the 14 regions of Augustan Rome.
The Alta Semita brought traffic into Rome from the salt route ''(Via Salaria)'' that had existed since prehistoric times. The g ...
Clivus Argentarius The lautumiae were tuff, tufa quarries that became a topography of ancient Rome, topographical marker in ancient Rome. They were located on the northeast slope of the Capitoline Hill, forming one side of the Graecostasis, where foreign embassies gat ...
Clivus Capitolinus
Clivus Palatinus The Clivus Palatinus is a modern term for a road in ancient Rome between the Roman Forum and the Palatine Hill. It formed a processional route issues off the Via Sacra near the Arch of Titus and runs up onto the Palatine, where it disappears, thou ...
Clivus Scauri
Clivus Suburanus
Via Appia
The Appian Way (Latin and Italian: ''Via Appia'') is one of the earliest and strategically most important Roman roads of the ancient republic. It connected Rome to Brindisi, in southeast Italy. Its importance is indicated by its common name, ...
Via Ardeatina
Via Asinaria
''Via Asinaria'' was an ancient Roman road
Roman roads ( la, viae Romanae ; singular: ; meaning "Roman way") were physical infrastructure vital to the maintenance and development of the Roman state, and were built from about 300 BC through ...
Via Aurelia
The ''Via Aurelia'' (Latin for "Aurelian Way") is a Roman road in Italy constructed in approximately 241 BC. The project was undertaken by Gaius Aurelius Cotta, who at that time was censor.Hornblower, Simon, & Antony Spawforth. ''The Oxford Cla ...
Via Cornelia
Via Flaminia
Via Labicana
The Via Labicana was an ancient road of Italy, leading east-southeast from Rome. It seems possible that the road at first led to Tusculum, that it was then extended to Labici, and later still became a road for through traffic; it may even have ...
Via Lata
The Via del Corso is a main street in the historical centre of Rome. It is straight in an area otherwise characterized by narrow meandering alleys and small piazzas. Considered a wide street in ancient times, the Corso is approximately 10 metre ...
Via Latina
The Via Latina (Latin for "Latin Road") was a Roman road of Italy, running southeast from Rome for about 200 kilometers.
It led from the Porta Latina in the Aurelian walls of Rome to the pass of Mount Algidus; it was important in the ear ...
Via Laurentina
Via Ostiensis
Via Portuensis
Via Praenestina
Via Sacra
Via Salaria
Via Tiburtina
Vicus Jugarius
Vicus Longus
Vicus Patricius
Vicus Tuscus
Cloaca Circi Maximi
* Cloaca Maxima
Walls / Gates

* Murus Romuli, Wall of Romulus
* Servian Wall
** Porta Caelimontana
** Porta Capena
** Porta Carmentalis
** Porta Collina
** Porta Esquilina
** Porta Flumentana
** Porta Fontinalis
** Porta Lavernalis
** Porta Naevia
** Porta Querquetulana
** Porta Quirinalis
** Porta Raudusculana
** Porta Salutaris
** Porta Sanqualis
** Porta Trigemina
** Porta Viminale
* Aurelian Walls
** Porta San Sebastiano, Porta Appia
** Porta Ardeatina
** Porta Asinaria
** Porta San Pancrazio, Porta Aurelia Pancraziana
** Porta Aurelia-Sancti Petri
** Porta Clausa
** Porta Flaminia
** Porta Latina
** Porta Maggiore, Porta Praenestina
** Porta Metronia
** Porta Nomentana
** Porta San Paolo, Porta Ostiensis
** Porta Pinciana
** Porta Portese
** Porta Praetoriana
** Porta Principalis Dextera
** Porta Salaria
** Porta Septimiana
** Porta Tiburtina
Triumphal arches
* Arcus Argentariorum
* Arcus Novus
* Arch of Arcadius, Honorius and Theodosius
* Arch of Augustus, Rome, Arch of Augustus
* Arch of Claudius (British victory)
* Arches of Claudius
* Arch of Constantine
* Arch of Dolabella
* Arch of Domitian
* Forum of Augustus, Arches of Drusus and Germanicus
* Arch of Fabius
* Arch of Gallienus
* Arch of Germanicus (Rome), Arch of Germanicus
* Arch of Gratian, Valentinian and Theodosius
* Arch of Portugal, Arch of Hadrian (now referred to as the Arch of Portugal)
* Arch of Janus
* Arch of Lentulus and Crispinus
* Arch of Marcus Aurelius (Rome), Arch of Marcus Aurelius
* Arch of Nero
* Arch of Octavius
* Arch of Pietas
* Arch of Septimius Severus
* Arch of Tiberius
* Arch of Titus (Circus Maximus)
* Arch of Titus, Arch of Titus (Roman Forum)
* Arch of Drusus, Arch of Trajan (now referred to as the Arch of Drusus)
* Column of Antoninus Pius
* Column of Marcus Aurelius
* Column of Phocas
* Decennalia (column), Decennalia
* Trajan's Column
* Colossus of Constantine
* Colossus of Nero
* Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius

* Casal Rotondo
* Meta Romuli
* Pyramid of Cestius
* Terebinth of Nero
* Tomb of Caecilia Metella
* Tomb of Eurysaces the Baker
* Tomb of Geta
* Tomb of the Scipios
* Mausoleum of Augustus
* Castel Sant'Angelo, Mausoleum of Hadrian
* Mausoleum of Helena
* Mausoleum of Honorius
* Mausoleum of Maxentius
* Flaminio Obelisk
* Lateran Obelisk
* Elephant and Obelisk, Obelisco della Minerva
* Obelisk of Montecitorio

* Domus Aurea
* Domus Severiana
* Domus Tiberiana
* Domus Transitoria
* House of Augustus
* Palace of Domitian
**Domus Augustana
**Flavian Palace, Domus Flavia
* Ara Pacis, Altar of Augustan Peace
* Altar of Consus
* Altar of Dis Pater and Proserpine
* Altar of Domitius Ahenobarbus
* Altar of Victory
* Great Altar of Hercules
* Basilica Aemilia
* Basilica Argentaria
* Basilica Fulvia
* Basilica Hilariana
* Basilica Julia
* Basilica of Junius Bassus
* Basilica of Maxentius
* Basilica of Neptune
* Basilica Opimia
* Basilica Porcia
* Basilica Sempronia
* Basilica Ulpia
* Porta Maggiore Basilica
Early churches

* Basilica di San Clemente
* Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
* Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls
* Basilica of St. John Lateran
** Lateran Baptistery
* Old St. Peter's Basilica
* San Sebastiano fuori le mura
* San Pietro in Vincoli
* Santa Costanza
* Santa Pudenziana
* Santa Sabina
Aventine Hill
* Temple of Bona Dea
* Temple of Ceres
* Temple of Diana (Rome), Temple of Diana Aventina
* Temple of Juno Regina (Aventine), Temple of Juno Regina
* Temple of Luna
* Temple of Minerva (Aventine), Temple of Minerva
Caelian Hill
* Temple of Claudius
Capitoline Hill
* Temple of Fides
* Temple of Fortuna Redux
* Temple of Juno Moneta
* Temple of Jupiter Custos
* Temple of Jupiter Feretrius
* Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
* Temple of Jupiter Tonans
* Temple of Ops
* Temple of Veiovis
Campus Martius

* Pantheon, Rome, Pantheon
* Temple of Apollo Sosianus
* Temple of Bellona (Rome), Temple of Bellona
* Temple of Feronia
* Temple of Fortuna Equestris
* Temple of Hadrian
* Temple of Hercules Custos
* Temple of Hercules Musarum
* Temple of Isis and Serapis
* Temple of Juno Regina (Campus Martius), Temple of Juno Regina
* Temple of Jupiter Stator (2nd century BC), Temple of Jupiter Stator
* Temple of Juturna
* Temple of the Lares
* Temple of Matidia
* Temple of the Sun (Rome), Temple of the Sun
* Temple of Mars
* Temple of Minerva Chalcidica
* Temple of Neptune (Rome), Temple of Neptunus
* Temple of Fortuna Huiusce Diei
* Temple of the Nymphs
* Temple of Vulcanus
Esquiline Hill
* Temple of Juno Lucina
* Temple of Minerva Medica (no longer extant)
* Temple of Minerva Medica (nymphaeum), Nymphaeum called the 'Temple of Minerva Medica'
Forum Boarium

* Temple of Hercules Pompeianus
* Temple of Hercules Victor
* Temple of Fortuna
* Temple of Mater Matuta
* Temple of Portunus
* Temple of Pudicitia Patricia
Forum Holitorium
* Temple of Janus (Forum Holitorium), Temple of Janus
* Temple of Juno Sospita
* Temple of Piety
* Temple of Spes
* Temple of Victory (Himera)
Forum Romanum

*Temple of Antoninus and Faustina
*Temple of Caesar
*Temple of Castor and Pollux
*Temple of Concord
*Temple of Janus (Roman Forum), Temple of Janus
*Temple of Romulus
*Temple of Saturn
*Temple of Venus and Roma
*Temple of Vespasian and Titus
*Temple of Vesta
Imperial fora

* Temple of Mars Ultor
* Temple of Minerva (Forum of Nerva), Temple of Minerva
* Temple of Trajan
* Temple of Peace, Rome, Temple of Peace
* Temple of Venus Genetrix
Palatine Hill
* Elagabalium
* Temple of Apollo Palatinus
* Temple of Cybele (Palatine), Temple of Cybele
* Temple of Juno Sospita (Palatine), Temple of Juno Sospita
* Temple of Victory
* Temple of Fortuna Respiciens
Quirinal Hill
* Temple of the Flavia gens
* Temple of Pudicitia Plebeia
* Temple of Quirinus
* Serapeum#Quirinal Hill, Temple of Serapis
Tiber Island
* Temple of Asclepius, Rome, Temple of Asclepius
* Temple of Faunus
External links
ROMEat LacusCurtius
{{Ancient Roman architecture lists
Ancient Roman buildings and structures in Rome, *Monuments
Lists of ancient Roman buildings and structures, Monuments
Lists_of_monuments_and_memorials_in_Rome, Ancient monuments