

Lingraja Law College commonly known as LLC is Government law institute situated at Bidutpuri Colony, Khodasingi in Berhampur of Ganjam district in the Indian state of Odisha. It offers 3 years
LL.B Bachelor of Laws ( la, Legum Baccalaureus; LL.B.) is an undergraduate law degree in the United Kingdom and most common law jurisdictions. Bachelor of Laws is also the name of the law degree awarded by universities in the People's Republic of Chi ...
. and 2 years Master of Laws ( LL.M) courses approved by the Bar Council of India (BCI) and it is affiliated to Berhampur University. Lingaraj Law College was established in 1969.


{{coord, 19.30955, 84.82775, type:edu_globe:earth_region:IN, display=title Universities and colleges established in 1969 1969 establishments in Orissa Law schools in Odisha Colleges affiliated to Berhampur University Ganjam district