

Liliana Alonso (born 18 May 1954) (née Negre) is an
Argentine Argentines (mistakenly translated Argentineans in the past; in Spanish ( masculine) or ( feminine)) are people identified with the country of Argentina. This connection may be residential, legal, historical or cultural. For most Argentines ...
Justicialist Party The Justicialist Party ( es, Partido Justicialista, ; abbr. PJ) is a major political party in Argentina, and the largest branch within Peronism. Current president Alberto Fernández belongs to the Justicialist Party (and has, since 2021, served ...
(PJ) politician. She was a National Senator representing
San Luis Province San Luis () is a province of Argentina located near the geographical center of the country (on the 32° South parallel). Neighboring provinces are, from the north clockwise, La Rioja, Córdoba, La Pampa, Mendoza and San Juan. History The ci ...
in the
Federal Commitment Federal Commitment is an Peronist political party in Argentina formed by the fusion of Es Posible Party and the Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity. The party is currently part of the governing Everyone’s Front coalition of President ...
bloc from 2001 to 2017. Negre graduated with a law degree at the
University of Buenos Aires The University of Buenos Aires ( es, Universidad de Buenos Aires, UBA) is a public research university in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Established in 1821, it is the premier institution of higher learning in the country and one of the most prestigi ...
in 1976 and with a masters in Business Law in 1993 at the Austral University. She had a career in the judicial system and at the state prosecutor's office of San Luis, and is a prolific writer. She was candidate for national deputy in 1999. Negre de Alonso was appointed to the Senate in March 2001 to complete the term of
Alberto Rodríguez Saá Alberto José Rodriguez Saá (born August 21, 1949) is an Argentine lawyer and politician. He is the Governor of San Luis Province. He was presidential candidate for the center-right peronism, Federal Peronism, in 2007 and 2011. The Rodriguez S ...
and was elected to the Senate later that year, then re-elected in 2005. She is close to her fellow San Luis senator Adolfo Rodríguez Saá, opposing the kirchneristas (followers of
Néstor Kirchner Néstor Carlos Kirchner (; 25 February 195027 October 2010) was an Argentine lawyer and politician who served as the President of Argentina from 2003 to 2007, Governor of Santa Cruz Province from 1991 to 2003, Secretary General of UNASUR and ...
) of the
Front for Victory The Front for Victory ( es, Frente para la Victoria, FPV) was a centre-left Peronist electoral alliance in Argentina, and is formally a faction of the Justicialist Party. Former presidents Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner w ...
. They have formed an alliance with other
Peronists Peronism, also called justicialism,. The Justicialist Party is the main Peronist party in Argentina, it derives its name from the concept of social justice., name=, group= is an Argentine political movement based on the ideas and legacy of Ar ...
from the provinces (Peronismo Federal) opposed to the centralization and authoritarian style of the Kirchners and represents them as the second vice-president of the Senate since February 2008. Negre de Alonso is a devout
Roman Catholic Roman or Romans most often refers to: *Rome, the capital city of Italy *Ancient Rome, Roman civilization from 8th century BC to 5th century AD *Roman people, the people of ancient Rome *''Epistle to the Romans'', shortened to ''Romans'', a letter ...
and a member of
Opus Dei Opus Dei, formally known as the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei ( la, Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei), is an institution of the Catholic Church whose members seek personal Christian holiness and strive to imbue their work a ...
. She has opposed liberalising the law on contraception and abortion. She heads the Global Action Network of Legislators and Governors for Life and the Family, bringing together several
anti-abortion Anti-abortion movements, also self-styled as pro-life or abolitionist movements, are involved in the abortion debate advocating against the practice of abortion and its legality. Many anti-abortion movements began as countermovements in respo ...
legislators in
Europe Europe is a large peninsula conventionally considered a continent in its own right because of its great physical size and the weight of its history and traditions. Europe is also considered a subcontinent of Eurasia and it is located enti ...
Latin America Latin America or * french: Amérique Latine, link=no * ht, Amerik Latin, link=no * pt, América Latina, link=no, name=a, sometimes referred to as LatAm is a large cultural region in the Americas where Romance languages — languages derived ...
. She voted against the
same-sex marriage Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is the marriage of two people of the same sex or gender. marriage between same-sex couples is legally performed and recognized in 33 countries, with the most recent being Mexico, constituting ...
in 2010.


External links

Senate profileStatements of Senator Negre de Alonso against the gay marriage
1954 births Living people People from San Luis, Argentina Argentine anti-abortion activists Argentine Roman Catholics Justicialist Party politicians Members of the Argentine Senate for San Luis Women members of the Argentine Senate 21st-century Argentine women politicians 21st-century Argentine politicians {{Argentina-politician-stub