

The lieutenant governor of Hawaii ( haw, Hope kiaʻāina o Hawaiʻi) is the assistant chief executive of the U.S. state of
Hawaii Hawaii ( ; haw, Hawaii or ) is a state in the Western United States, located in the Pacific Ocean about from the U.S. mainland. It is the only U.S. state outside North America, the only state that is an archipelago, and the only ...
and its various agencies and departments, as provided in the Article V, Sections 2 though 6 of the Constitution of Hawaii. Elected by popular suffrage of residents of the state on the same ticket as the governor of Hawaii, the officeholder is concurrently the secretary of State of Hawaii. The officeholder becomes acting governor of Hawaii if the governor becomes disabled from duty. Historically, Hawaii lieutenant governors were members of either the Hawaii Democratic Party or Hawaii Republican Party. Four have gone on to become governor of Hawaii: George Ariyoshi, Ben Cayetano,
John D. Waiheʻe III John David Waihee III (born May 19, 1946) is an American politician who served as the fourth governor of Hawaii from 1986 to 1994. He was the first American of Native Hawaiian descent to be elected to the office from any state of the United Stat ...
, and Josh Green.


The lieutenant governor of Hawaii is limited to two four-year terms. Inauguration takes place on the first Monday in December following a gubernatorial election. A single term ends at noon four years later. The lieutenant governor must be thirty years old and be a resident of Hawaii for five consecutive years previous to election. Unlike some other states, the office of Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii is a full-time position and requires that the lieutenant governor be barred from other professions or paid positions during the term.

List of lieutenant governors


Living former lieutenant governors

, there are nine living former lieutenant governors of Hawaii, the oldest being George Ariyoshi (served 1970–1974, born 1926). The most recent lieutenant governor to die was Nelson Doi (served 1974–1978, born 1922) on May 16, 2015. The most recently serving lieutenant governor to die was Jean King (1978–1982, born 1925) on November 24, 2013.


External links

Lieutenant Governor of the State of Hawaii - Official Site

{{DEFAULTSORT:Lieutenant Governor Of Hawaii Government of Hawaii
Hawaii Hawaii ( ; haw, Hawaii or ) is a state in the Western United States, located in the Pacific Ocean about from the U.S. mainland. It is the only U.S. state outside North America, the only state that is an archipelago, and the only ...