Lieb–Liniger Model



The Lieb–Liniger model describes a gas of particles moving in one dimension and satisfying
Bose–Einstein statistics In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (B–E statistics) describes one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting, indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states at thermodynamic e ...


A model of a gas of particles moving in one dimension and satisfying
Bose–Einstein statistics In quantum statistics, Bose–Einstein statistics (B–E statistics) describes one of two possible ways in which a collection of non-interacting, indistinguishable particles may occupy a set of available discrete energy states at thermodynamic e ...
was introduced in 1963 Elliott H. Lieb and Werner Liniger, ''Exact Analysis of an Interacting Bose Gas. I. The General Solution and the Ground State'', Physical Review 130: 1605–1616, 1963Elliott H. Lieb, ''Exact Analysis of an Interacting Bose Gas. II. The Excitation Spectrum'', Physical Review 130:1616–1624,1963 in order to study whether the available approximate theories of such gases, specifically Bogoliubov's theory, would conform to the actual properties of the model gas. The model is based on a well defined Schrödinger Hamiltonian for particles interacting with each other via a two-body potential, and all the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of this Hamiltonian can, in principle, be calculated exactly. Sometimes it is called one dimensional
Bose gas An ideal Bose gas is a quantum-mechanical phase of matter, analogous to a classical ideal gas. It is composed of bosons, which have an integer value of spin, and abide by Bose–Einstein statistics. The statistical mechanics of bosons were develo ...
with delta interaction. It also can be considered as quantum
non-linear Schrödinger equation In mathematics and science, a nonlinear system is a system in which the change of the output is not proportional to the change of the input. Nonlinear problems are of interest to engineers, biologists, physicists, mathematicians, and many other ...
. The ground state as well as the low-lying excited states were computed and found to be in agreement with Bogoliubov's theory when the potential is small, except for the fact that there are actually two types of elementary excitations instead of one, as predicted by Bogoliubov's and other theories. The model seemed to be only of academic interest until, with the sophisticated experimental techniques developed in the first decade of the 21st century, it became possible to produce this kind of gas using real atoms as particles.

Definition and solution of the model

There are N boson particles with coordinates x on the line ,L/math>, with periodic boundary conditions. Thus, a state of the N-body system must be described by a wave function \psi(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_j, \dots,x_N) that remains unchanged under permutation of any two particles (permutation symmetry), i.e., \psi(\dots, x_i,\dots, x_j, \dots) = \psi(\dots, x_j,\dots, x_i, \dots) for all i \neq j and \psi satisfies \psi( \dots, x_j=0, \dots ) =\psi(\dots, x_j=L,\dots ) for all j. The Hamiltonian, in appropriate units, is : H = -\sum_^N \partial^2/\partial x_j^2 + 2c \sum_ \delta(x_i-x_j)\ , where \delta is the
Dirac delta function In mathematics, the Dirac delta distribution ( distribution), also known as the unit impulse, is a generalized function or distribution over the real numbers, whose value is zero everywhere except at zero, and whose integral over the entire ...
, i.e., the interaction is a contact interaction. The constant c\geq 0 denotes its strength. The delta function gives rise to a boundary condition when two coordinates, say x_1 and x_2 are equal; this condition is that as x_2 \searrow x_1, the derivative satisfies \left.\left(\frac - \frac \right) \psi (x_1, x_2)\_= c \psi (x_1=x_2). The hard core limit c=\infty is known as the
Tonks–Girardeau gas In physics, a Tonks–Girardeau gas is a Bose gas in which the repulsive interactions between bosonic particles confined to one dimension dominate the system's physics. It is named after physicists Marvin D. Girardeau and Lewi Tonks. It is not a B ...
. Schrödinger's time independent equation, H\psi = E\psi is solved by explicit construction of \psi. Since \psi is symmetric it is completely determined by its values in the simplex \mathcal , defined by the condition that 0 \leq x_1 \leq x_2 \leq \dots, \leq x_N \leq L. In this region one looks for a \psi of the form considered by H.A. Bethe in 1931 in the context of magnetic spin systems—the Bethe ansatz. That is, for certain real numbers k_1< k_2 < \cdots , to be determined, : \psi(x_1, \dots, x_N) = \sum_P a(P)\exp \left( i \sum_^N k_ x_j\right) where the sum is over all N ! permutations, P, of the integers 1,2, \dots, N, and P maps 1,2,\dots,N to P_1,P_2,\dots,P_N. The coefficients a(P), as well as the k's are determined by the condition H\psi =E\psi, and this leads to : E= \sum_^N\, k_j^2 : a(P) = \prod_ \left(1+\frac\right) \, . Dorlas (1993) proved that all eigenfunctions of H are of this form. These equations determine \psi in terms of the k's, which, in turn, are determined by the periodic boundary conditions. These lead to N equations: : L\, k_j= 2\pi I_j\ -2 \sum_^N \arctan \left(\frac \right) \qquad \qquad \text j=1, \, \dots,\, N \ , where I_1 < I_2 < \cdots < I_N are integers when N is odd and, when N is even, they take values \pm \frac12, \pm \frac32, \dots . For the ground state the I's satisfy : I_ - I_j = 1, \quad \ 1\leq j The first kind of elementary excitation consists in choosing I_1,\dots, I_ as before, but increasing I_N by an amount n>0 (or decreasing I_1 by n). The momentum of this state is p= 2\pi n /L (or -2\pi n /L). For the second kind, choose some 0< n \leq N/2 and increase I_i\to I_i+1 for all i\geq n. The momentum of this state is p= \pi - 2\pi n/L. Similarly, there is a state with p= -\pi +2\pi n/L. The momentum of this type of excitation is limited to , p, \leq \pi. These excitations can be combined and repeated many times. Thus, they are bosonic-like. If we denote the ground state (= lowest) energy by E_0 and the energies of the states mentioned above by E_(p) then \epsilon_(p) = E_(p)-E_0 and \epsilon_(p) = E_(p)-E_0 are the excitation energies of the two modes.

Thermodynamic limit

To discuss a gas we take a limit N and L to infinity with the density \rho =N/L fixed. The ground state energy per particle e = \frac, and the \epsilon_(p) all have limits as N \to \infty. While there are two parameters, \rho and c, simple length scaling x \to \rho x shows that there is really only one, namely \gamma =c/\rho. To evaluate E_0 we assume that the ''N'' k's lie between numbers K and -K, to be determined, and with a density L\, f(k). This f is found to satisfy the equation (in the interval -K \leq k \leq K) : 2c\int_^K \frac dp = 2\pi f(k) - 1 \quad \quad \int\nolimits_^K f(p) dp = \rho \, , which has a unique positive solution. An excitation distorts this density f and similar integral equations determine these distortions. The ground state energy per particle is given by : e = \frac\int_^K k^2 f(k) dk . Figure 1 shows how e depends on \gamma and also shows Bogoliubov's approximation to e. The latter is asymptotically exact to second order in \gamma, namely, e \approx \gamma - 4 \gamma^ / (3\pi). At \gamma = \infty, e = \pi^2/3. Figure 2 shows the two excitation energies \epsilon_1(p) and \epsilon_2 (p) for a small value of \gamma = 0.787. The two curves are similar to these for all values of \gamma >0, but the Bogoliubov approximation (dashed) becomes worse as \gamma increases.

From three to one dimension.

This one-dimensional gas can be made using real, three-dimensional atoms as particles. One can prove, mathematically, from the Schrödinger equation for three-dimensional particles in a long cylindrical container, that the low energy states are described by the one-dimensional Lieb–Liniger model. This was done for the ground state and for excited states. The cylinder does ''not'' have to be as narrow as the atomic diameter; it can be much wider if the excitation energy in the direction perpendicular to the axis is large compared to the energy per particle e.


External links

* See also Elliott H. Lieb (2008), Scholarpedia, 3(12):871

{{DEFAULTSORT:Lieb-Liniger model Statistical mechanics