Leonid Serebrennikov



Leonid Fyodorovich Serebrennikov (October 2, 1947, Moscow) is a Soviet and Russian actor and a singer. His voice appeared in approximately 70 films. Performer of the song ''Absurdly, jokingly, blindly, madly, fairy''... (''Nelepo, smeshno, bezrassudno, bezumno, volshebno''...) from a popular 1978 Soviet film ''An Ordinary Miracle'', ''Just Imagine'' (''Predstavte Sebe'') from 1982 film ''
Charodei ''Charodei'' (russian: Чародеи, translations ''Enchanters'', ''Sorcerers'', ''Magicians'') is a 1982 Soviet romantic fantasy musical film directed by Konstantin Bromberg. Plot summary Ivan Puhov (Abdulov) is in love with a very kind a ...
''. He was the host of several television programs.


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* 1947 births Living people Male actors from Moscow Singers from Moscow Soviet male singers Soviet male actors Soviet television presenters Russian television presenters Honored Artists of the Russian Federation 20th-century Russian male singers {{Russia-singer-stub