

Leliwa is a Polish coat of arms. It was used by several hundred
szlachta The ''szlachta'' (Polish: endonym, Lithuanian: šlėkta) were the noble estate of the realm in the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth who, as a class, had the dominating position in ...
families during the existence of the
Kingdom of Poland The Kingdom of Poland ( pl, Królestwo Polskie; Latin: ''Regnum Poloniae'') was a state in Central Europe. It may refer to: Historical political entities * Kingdom of Poland, a kingdom existing from 1025 to 1031 * Kingdom of Poland, a kingdom exi ...
and the
Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, formally known as the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and, after 1791, as the Commonwealth of Poland, was a bi- confederal state, sometimes called a federation, of Poland and Lithuania ...
, and remains in use today by many of the descendants of these families. There are several forms of the arms, all of which bear the name, Leliwa, but which may be distinguished as variations of the same arms by the addition of a Roman numeral. In 19th century during a pan South-Slavic
Illyrian movement The Illyrian movement ( sh-Latn-Cyrl, Ilirski pokret, Илирски покрет; sl, Ilirsko gibanje) was a pan-South-Slavic cultural and political campaign with roots in the early modern period, and revived by a group of young Croatian inte ...
heraldic term Leliwa ( hr, Leljiva) also entered Croatian heraldry as a name for the coat of arms considered to be the oldest known
symbol A symbol is a mark, sign, or word that indicates, signifies, or is understood as representing an idea, object, or relationship. Symbols allow people to go beyond what is known or seen by creating linkages between otherwise very different conc ...
; Bleu celeste, a mullet of six points Or surmounted above a crescent Argent – A golden six-pointed star (representing the morning star) over a silver crescent moon on a blue shield, but also as a name for all other coats of arms that have a crescent and a mullet.


Original coat of arms of Leliwa, otherwise referred to as Leliwa I include Azure Shield (in Polish heraldry, this tincture is always sky blue), a crescent or, surmounted by a mullet of six points of the second, a Polish nobleman's helm, Crest out of a Polish nobleman's coronet, a fan of seven peacock's feathers proper, charged with the elements of the shield. Azure Mantling and or Motto Leliwa, signifying the battle cry, 'to the Liwa', of these proclamatio-arms.

Notable bearers and others

Bearers mostly resided in the regions
Kraków Kraków (), or Cracow, is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River in Lesser Poland Voivodeship, the city dates back to the seventh century. Kraków was the official capital of Poland until 159 ...
Poznań Poznań () is a city on the River Warta in west-central Poland, within the Greater Poland region. The city is an important cultural and business centre, and one of Poland's most populous regions with many regional customs such as Saint Joh ...
Sandomierz Sandomierz (pronounced: ; la, Sandomiria) is a historic town in south-eastern Poland with 23,863 inhabitants (as of 2017), situated on the Vistula River in the Sandomierz Basin. It has been part of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship (Holy Cross Provi ...
of Poland, Wolyn and
Podolia Podolia or Podilia ( uk, Поділля, Podillia, ; russian: Подолье, Podolye; ro, Podolia; pl, Podole; german: Podolien; be, Падолле, Padollie; lt, Podolė), is a historic region in Eastern Europe, located in the west-central ...
of Ukraine. Families:
Tarnowski family The House of Tarnowski (plural: Tarnowscy) is the name of a Polish noble and aristocratic family (see: Szlachta). Because Polish adjectives have different forms for the genders, Tarnowska is the form for a female family member. History The Ta ...
Sieniawski family 200px, Adam Sieniawski 200px, Mikołaj Hieronim Sieniawski The Sieniawski family (plural: Sieniawscy, feminine form: Sieniawska) was a Polish szlachta family. They were magnates in the First Republic of Poland. Their properties were inherited by ...
, Roycewicz family, Morsztyn family, Hlebowicz family, Czapski family,
Tyszkiewicz family Tyszkiewicz is the name of the Tyszkiewicz family, a Polish–Lithuanian magnate noble family of Ruthenian origin. The Lithuanian equivalent is Tiškevičius; it is frequently transliterated from Russian and Belarusian as Tyshkevich. Other peopl ...
, Średziński families (''Śrzedziński, Srzedziński, Sredziński''), Sudnik family of Sudniki in the former Vilnius poviat (modern day Belarus). Notable bearers of this coat of arms include: Henryk Leliwa-Roycewicz, Krzysztof Monwid Dorohstajski, Rafał Jarosławski, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, Adam Sieniawski, Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski,
Mikołaj Sieniawski Mikołaj Sieniawski (c. 1489 – 1569) was a notable Polish magnate, military commander and a prominent politician of his times. He built stone Brzeżany Castle round which the modern town of Berezhany has developed. He is not to be confused ...
Mikołaj Hieronim Sieniawski Mikołaj Hieronim Sieniawski (1645–1683) was a Polish noble (szlachcic), military leader and politician. Early life and family He was the son of the starost of Lwów Adam Hieronim Sieniawski and Wiktoria Elżbieta Potocka, the daughter o ...
, Konstanty Słotwinski, Jędrzej Śniadecki,
Jan Tarnowski Jan Amor Tarnowski (Latin: Joannes Tarnovius; 1488 – 16 May 1561) was a Polish nobleman, knight, military commander, military theoretician, and statesman of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland. He was Grand Crown Hetman from 1527, and was th ...
, Jan z Tarnowa,
Ludwik Tyszkiewicz Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz ( lt, Liudvikas Tiškevičius; 1748 – 26 June 1808) was a Polish–Lithuanian nobleman (''szlachcic'') and Field Lithuanian Hetman from 1780 to 1791, Great Lithuanian Treasurer from 1791, Great Lithuanian Marshal fro ...
, Ludwik Skumin Tyszkiewicz, Jan Janowicz Zabrzeziński, Jan Jurejewicz Zabrzeziński,
Juliusz Słowacki Juliusz Słowacki (; french: Jules Slowacki; 4 September 1809 – 3 April 1849) was a Polish Romantic poet. He is considered one of the " Three Bards" of Polish literature — a major figure in the Polish Romantic period, and the father of m ...
Witold Pilecki Witold Pilecki (13 May 190125 May 1948; ; codenames ''Roman Jezierski, Tomasz Serafiński, Druh, Witold'') was a Polish World War II cavalry officer, intelligence agent, and resistance leader. As a youth, Pilecki joined Polish underground ...
, Andrzej Bobola,
Józef Czapski Józef Czapski (3 April 1896 – 12 January 1993) was a Polish artist, author, and critic, as well as an officer of the Polish Army. As a painter, he is notable for his membership in the Kapist movement, which was heavily influenced by Céza ...
, Karol Hutten-Czapski, Emeryk Hutten-Czapski,
Agenor Romuald Gołuchowski Count Agenor Romuald Gołuchowski (8 February 1812, Skala-Podilska, Galicia – 3 August 1875, Lwów, Galicia) was a Polish-Austrian conservative politician, member of parliament of Austria, Minister of Interior and governor of Galicia, and fathe ...
, Spytek I Jarosławski, Jan Chrucki, Henryk Dobrzański, Kazimierz Antoni Wodzicki, Michael Bisping There are also:
Lipka Tatar The Lipka Tatars (Lipka – refers to '' Lithuania'', also known as Lithuanian Tatars; later also – Polish Tatars, Polish-Lithuanian Tatars, ''Lipkowie'', ''Lipcani'', ''Muślimi'', ''Lietuvos totoriai'') are a Turkic ethnic group who origin ...
families of Aksan, Aksanow,
Adamowicz Adamowicz is a Polish surname; it may refer to: * Adamowicz brothers Brothers Benjamin Adamowicz (born in Krajsk, Russian Empire, 1898; died June 1979, New York), and Joseph Adamowicz (born in Jankowszczyzna, Russian Empire, 1893; died November 1 ...
, Abramowicz, Musicz, Illasiewicz and Smolski. Zaporozhian Cossack families of Hłasko (Hlaska). Hungarian families of Urak and Czobor. Circassian families of Szymkowicz and Temruk. French families of de Virion and de Spiner. German, Prussian families of Morstyn, Beyer, Brandt, Bolte, Przywidzki, Damerau, Kappel, Lipen. Flemish family of Bremer and Dutch/Netherlands families of De Kunder/Kunter/Kunther. Moldavian family Brăescu.


Drawings of Leliwa during the ages Toison d'Or (Folio 120r).jpg, In ''Toison d'Or'' from ca. 1433–1435 (in the upper right corner) Armorial bellenville folio 67v.jpg, In ''Armorial Bellenvillle'' from 1360 to 1400 (in the lower left corner) Gelre Folio 53v.jpg, Leliwa in the 15th century shape in ''Armorial Gelre'' (in the upper right corner) Bergshammarsamlingen (page 113).jpg, In ''Codex Bergshammar'' from the 15th century (second row, second column) Armorial Lyncenich folio 224.jpg, In ''Armorial Lyncenich'' from the 15th century (in the upper right corner) Leliwa Stemmata Polonica.jpg, Leliwa in a sixteenth-century copy of ''Stemmata Polonica'' by Długosz Leliwa seal XIVw.jpg, Seal with the Leliwa arms of an unknown Jerzy from the beginning of the 14th century Leliwa Seal 1413.jpg, Seal with the Leliwa arms of Jadwiga z Leżenic from the act of the
Union of Horodlo Union commonly refers to: * Trade union, an organization of workers * Union (set theory), in mathematics, a fundamental operation on sets Union may also refer to: Arts and entertainment Music * Union (band), an American rock group ** ' ...
in 1413
DUMA BRAESCU 1445.jpg, Leliwa on the seal of Moldavian Boyar Duma Brăescu on a document from 1445 POL COA Leliwa średniowieczna.svg, Leliwa in the medieval shape – modern reconstruction POL COA Leliwa XVw.svg, Leliwa in the 15th century shape – modern reconstruction Leliwa_Ambrozy_1572.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial of Ambroży z Nysy, ca. 1572 Leliwa Paprocki 1584.jpg, Leliwa in ''Gniazdo cnoty...'' by Bartłomiej Paprocki, 1578 Leliwa Paprocki Herby 1584.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial ''Herby rycerztwa polskiego...'' by Bartłomiej Paprocki, 1584 POL_COA_Leliwa_Bielski.jpg, Leliwa in ''Kronice polskiej'' by Marcin Bielski, 1597 POL_COA_Leliwa_Gorczyn.jpg, Leliwa in ''Kleynotach..'' by Jan Aleksander Gorczyn, 1630 Leliwa Okolski 1641.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial of Okolski, 1641 Herb Leliwa XVIIwiek BB.jpg, Leliwa on a cartouche in the Castle of Bielsko-Biala of the princes Sułkowski, 17th century Leliwa Niesiecki 1740.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial of Niesiecki, 1740 Leliwa_Dunczewski_1757.jpg, Leliwa in ''Herbarzu wielu domow Korony Polskiey St. Duńczewskiego'', 1757 Slowaccyherb.jpg, Leliwa in a legitimacy document of the Słowacki family, 1803 POL Leliwa Ostrowski.PNG, Leliwa in the armorial of Ostrowski, 1897 Leliwa Kojałowicz 1905.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial of Wijuk Kojałowicz, reprinted in 1905 Leliwa Leszczyc.jpg, Leliwa in the armorial of „Herby szlachty polskiej” by Z. Leszczyca, 1908
Paintings Jan Krzysztof Tarnowski.jpg, Leliwa on the painting of Jan Krzysztof Tarnowski, 16th century Mikołaj_Hieronim_Sieniawski.JPG, Leliwa on the painting of
Mikołaj Hieronim Sieniawski Mikołaj Hieronim Sieniawski (1645–1683) was a Polish noble (szlachcic), military leader and politician. Early life and family He was the son of the starost of Lwów Adam Hieronim Sieniawski and Wiktoria Elżbieta Potocka, the daughter o ...
, 17th century Janusz Tyszkiewicz.jpg, Leliwa on the painting of Janusz Tyszkiewicz Łohojski, 17th century Jerzy Tyszkiewicz, bishop of Vilnius.PNG, Leliwa on the painting of
Jerzy Tyszkiewicz Jerzy Tyszkiewicz ( lt, Jurgis Tiškevičius; 1596–1656) was auxiliary bishop of Vilnius from 1627 to 1633, bishop of Samogitia from 1633 to 1649, and bishop of Vilnius from 1649 to 1656. Biography He was born in Vistyčy ( be, Вістычы ...
, 17th century
Standard variations POL COA Pietrasiewicz.svg, Pietrasiewicz POL COA Pilecki.svg, Pilecki (in Prussia) POL COA Piotrowicz.svg, Piotrowicz (in
Samogitia Samogitia or Žemaitija ( Samogitian: ''Žemaitėjė''; see below for alternative and historical names) is one of the five cultural regions of Lithuania and formerly one of the two core administrative divisions of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania ...
), it could be also a variation of Murdelio
POL COA Piotrowicz II.svg, Piotrowicz II POL COA Policzyński.svg, Policzyński POL COA Poliwczyński.svg, Poliwczyński (in Prussia) POL COA Przywidzki.svg, Przywidzki POL COA Sieniawski.svg, Coat of arms of Prokop Sieniawski, a combination with the coat of arms Chodkiewicz of his wife POL COA Trzcieński.svg, Trzcieński vel Trzciński POL COA Wietcki.svg, Wietecki POL COA Wietcki II.svg, Witecki - according to Niesiecki POL COA Wojanowski.svg, Wojanowski POL COA Szczęsny Wojanowski.svg, Coat of arms of Szczęsny Wojanowski, containing symbols of a Commander of the Malta Knights POL COA Zienkowicz.svg, Zienkowicz
Standard variations from ennoblements POL COA Bajer.svg, Bajer - variation granted to Andrzej Bajer in 1678 POL COA Erbs.svg, Erbs – variation granted to Andrzej Grochowski in 1753 POL COA Leliwa Juzwikiewicz.svg, Juźwikiewicz – variation granted to Juźwikiewicz brothers in 1777 POL COA Lesieniewicz.svg, Lesieniewicz – variation from an ennoblement in 1739, mentioned in ''Małorossijskim Gierbovniku''. POL COA Ryks.svg, Ryks - variation from a confirmation of nobility of the Ryks (Ryx) family (from Land of Warsaw) in Prussia in 1804 POL COA Wodzicki.svg, Wodzicki – variation from an ennoblement in 1676, used also by Borsztyn family Standard variations (considered as Leliwa variations only by single
heraldist Heraldry is a discipline relating to the design, display and study of armorial bearings (known as armory), as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank and pedigree. Armory, the best-known branc ...
s) POL COA Adamowicz tatarski.svg, Adamowicz (Tatar family) POL COA Kiwalski.svg, Kiwalski POL COA Macewicz.svg, Macewicz (from Lithuania) POL COA Macewicz II.svg, Variety of Macewicz from an ennoblement in 1764-65 or 1781 POL COA Leliwa Mokierski.svg, Mąkierski vel Makierski vel Mokierski, mentioned by Wittyg POL COA Pawłowski III.svg, Pawłowski (from the Czech part of Silesia, formerly from Land of Poznań POL COA Pawłowski V.svg, Pawłowski de Rosenfeld a German family, branch of the Pawłowski family which used the "Pawłowski III" coat of arms POL COA Pawsza.svg, Pawsza POL COA Pierścień.svg, Coat of arms of Pierścień granted to
Franciszek Ryx Franciszek () is a masculine given name of Polish origin (female form Franciszka). It is a cognate of Francis, Francisco, François, and Franz. People with the name include: * Edward Pfeiffer (Franciszek Edward Pfeiffer) (1895–1964), Polish gen ...
in 1768
POL COA Ryx.svg, Coat of arms of Franciszek Ryx (1790) POL COA Leliwa Staszkiewicz.svg, – variation used by the Staszkiewicz family from Samogitia, mentioned by Niesiecki POL COA Żarowski.svg, Żarowski – from an ennoblement in 1576, according to Konarski a variation of Leliwa
Aristocratic variations POL COA Ostrogski.svg, Coat of arms of Princess
Ostrogski The House of Ostrogski ( pl, Ostrogscy, lt, Ostrogiškiai, ua, Острозькі - ''Ostroz'ki'') was one of the more prominent families in the Kingdom of Poland, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. The fa ...
Zasławski The House of Zasławski (plural ''Zasławscy'') was the name of a Polish–Ruthenian noble family and a cadet branch of the Ostrogski family. The Zasławski family had its power base in Volhynia, Crown of the Kingdom of Poland (today in Uk ...
, used according to Tadeusz Gajl also by Kłosewicz, Neronowicz, Szpila, Szpilewski and Szpilowski families.
POL COA Czapski.svg, The basic count version of the Leliwa used by Czapski and Morsztyn families POL COA Gołuchowski.svg, Coat of arms of Count Gołuchowski, with the coat of arms of the Russian Empire POL COA Hutten-Czapski.svg, Coat of arms of Hutten-Czapski, a combination of Leliwa and the German coat of arms of the Hutten family POL COA Pawłowski IV Baron.svg, Baron variation of the Pawłowski family (mentioned only by
Juliusz Karol Ostrowski Juliusz is a given name. Notable people with the name include: *Juliusz Bardach (1914–2010), Polish legal historian *Juliusz Bursche (1862–1942), bishop of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in Poland *Juliusz Bogdan Deczkowski (1924–1998), note ...
POL COA Tarnowski hrabia.svg, Coat of arms of Count
Tarnowski Tarnowski (feminine: Tarnowska; plural: Tarnowscy) is a Polish-language toponymic surname derived from the city of Tarnów. Related surnames People * Tarnowski family, a Polish noble family * Adam Tarnowski (senior) (1866–1946), Polish and Aus ...
POL COA Tyszkiewicz.svg, Coat of arms of Count
Tyszkiewicz Tyszkiewicz is the name of the Tyszkiewicz family, a Polish–Lithuanian magnate noble family of Ruthenian origin. The Lithuanian equivalent is Tiškevičius; it is frequently transliterated from Russian and Belarusian as Tyshkevich. Other peopl ...
POL COA Wodzicki hrabia.svg, Coat of arms of Count Wodzicki
Families from Kashubia POL COA Czarnicki.svg, Czarnicki POL COA Dułak III.svg, Dułak POL COA Fargow.svg, Fargo POL COA Gliszczyński IV.svg, Gliszczyński POL COA Lisewski.svg, Lisewski POL COA Mach.svg, Mach POL COA Mach odm.svg, Mach - variation of the previous POL COA Mach IId.svg, Mach - variation of the previous POL COA Małszycki.svg, Małszycki POL COA Ossowski.svg, Ossowski POL COA Piechowski.svg, Piechowski POL COA Piotroch.svg, Piotroch and Poklat POL COA Repka.svg, Repko POL COA Spęgawski.svg, Spęgawski (II) POL COA Żychcki.svg, Żychcki In Croatian and Illyrian heraldry HRV_Central_Croatia_COA.svg, So-called oldest Croatian coat of arms Coat_of_arms_of_Croatia.svg, coat of arms of the Republic of Croatia, first shield from the left Ban standard.PNG, Banal standard 1848. First CoA of Croatia.svg, first (?) coat of arms of Croatia Ondrej2 pecet.jpg, Seal of king Andrije II., Duke of Croatia and Dalmatia (1197–1204) Coat of arms of Grand Illyria.png, Coat of arms of imaginary Great
Illyria In classical antiquity, Illyria (; grc, Ἰλλυρία, ''Illyría'' or , ''Illyrís''; la, Illyria, ''Illyricum'') was a region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula inhabited by numerous tribes of people collectively known as the Illyr ...
Coat of arms of Zagreb.svg, Coat of arms of Zagreb Varaždin (grb).gif, Coat of arms of
Varaždin ) , image_photo = , image_skyline = , image_flag = Flag of Varaždin.svg , flag_size = , image_seal = , seal_size = , image_shield = Grb_Grad ...
Coa Croatia Country Illyria History.svg, Coat of arms of
Illyria In classical antiquity, Illyria (; grc, Ἰλλυρία, ''Illyría'' or , ''Illyrís''; la, Illyria, ''Illyricum'') was a region in the western part of the Balkan Peninsula inhabited by numerous tribes of people collectively known as the Illyr ...
from Fojnica Armorial Coat of arms of the legitimate Kingdom of Bosnia.png, Coat of arms of Bosnia from a map of
Joan Blaeu Joan Blaeu (; 23 September 1596 – 21 December 1673) was a Dutch cartographer born in Alkmaar, the son of cartographer Willem Blaeu. Life In 1620, Blaeu became a doctor of law but he joined the work of his father. In 1635, they published ...
(1668.) ordered by Ban of Croatia
Petar Zrinski Petar IV Zrinski ( hu, Zrínyi Péter) (6 June 1621 – 30 April 1671) was Ban of Croatia (Viceroy) from 1665 to 1670, general and a writer. A member of the Zrinski noble family, he was noted for his role in the attempted Croatian-Hungarian Ma ...
Coa Bosnia and Herzegovina Country History (Fojnica Armorial) (17th century).svg, Coat of arms of Grb Bosne from Fojnica Armorial

See also

Polish heraldry Polish heraldry is the study of the coats of arms that have historically been used in Poland and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. It treats of specifically Polish heraldic traits and of the Polish heraldic system, contrasted with heraldic sys ...
Heraldic family A heraldic clan (''ród herbowy''), in Poland, comprised all the noble (''szlachta'') bearers of the same coat of arms. The members of a heraldic clan were not necessarily linked by consanguinity. The concept was unique to Polish heraldry. His ...
List of Polish nobility coats of arms A ''list'' is any set of items in a row. List or lists may also refer to: People * List (surname) Organizations * List College, an undergraduate division of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America * SC Germania List, German rugby unio ...


Bartosz Paprocki Bartosz Paprocki (also ''Bartholomeus Paprocky'' or ''Bartholomew Paprocki'', pl, Bartłomiej (Bartosz) Paprocki, cs, Bartoloměj Paprocký z Hlahol a Paprocké Vůle; ca. 1540/43 in Paprocka Wola near Sierpc – 27 December 1614 in Lviv, Po ...
: Herby rycerstwa polskiego na pięcioro ksiąg rozdzielone, Kraków, 1584. * Tadeusz Gajl: Herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku : ponad 4500 herbów szlacheckich 37 tysięcy nazwisk 55 tysięcy rodów. L&L, 2007. . * Alfred Znamierowski: Herbarz rodowy. Warszawa: Świat Książki, 2004. . *
Jan Długosz Jan Długosz (; 1 December 1415 – 19 May 1480), also known in Latin as Johannes Longinus, was a Polish priest, chronicler, diplomat, soldier, and secretary to Bishop Zbigniew Oleśnicki of Kraków. He is considered Poland's first histor ...
: Liber Beneficiorum. T. I,II. * Włodzimierz Dworzaczek: Leliwici Tarnowscy. Instytut Wydawniczy PAX, 1971. . * Sławomir Górzyński: Herby szlachty polskiej. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego i Wydawnictwo ALFA, 1990. . * Szymon Okolski: Orbis Poloni.. T. 2. Kraków: 1641–1643. * Juliusz Karol Ostrowski: Księga herbowa rodów polskich. T. 1–2. Warszawa: Główny skład księgarnia antykwarska B. Bolcewicza, 1897. * Franciszek Piekosiński: Heraldyka polska wieków średnich. Kraków: Akademia Umiejętności, 1899. * Hipolit Stupnicki: Herbarz polski Kaspra Niesieckiego. T. 6. Lipsk: Breitkopf i Haertl, 1841. * Alfred Znamierowski: Herbarz rodowy. Warszawa: Świat Książki, 2004. . * Oleg Odnorozhenko, Rodova heral''dyka Ruso-Vlaxiyi (Moldav''skoho hospodarstva) kincya XIV-XVI st., Harkiv, 2008, p. 65. * Album paléographique moldave. Documents du XIVe, XVe et XVIe siècle. Recueillis par Jean Bogdan et publiés avec une instruction et des résumés par N. Iorga. Album paleografic moldovenesc. Documente din secolele al XIV-lea, al XV-lea şi al XVI-lea. Adunate de Ioan Bogdan şi publicate cu o introducere şi resumate de N. Iorga, Bucarest/București – Paris, 1926, planşa 98 (imagini în anexă).


{{Coats of arms of Polish families, state=collapsed
Leliwa Leliwa is a Polish coat of arms. It was used by several hundred szlachta families during the existence of the Kingdom of Poland and the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, and remains in use today by many of the descendants of these families. The ...