''Lejla'' is an 1868 Czech-language opera by
Karel Bendl
Karel Bendl, or german: Karl Bendl, pseudonym: ''Podskalský'' (16 April 1838, Prague, Bohemia, Austrian Empire 20 September 1897, Prague) was a Czech composer.
Bendl was born and died in Prague. He studied at the organ school, where he ...
[David Charlton, Jonathan Cross, ''The Cambridge Companion to Grand Opera'', 2003 p. 376: "The first whole-hearted Czech grand opera, however, was by Šebor's senior of five years, Karel Bendl. ''Lejla'', premièred in four acts but later revised and published in five, was given for the first time in the ]Provisional Theatre
The Prague Provisional Theatre ( cz, Prozatímní divadlo, ) was erected in 1862 as a temporary home for Czech drama and opera until a permanent National Theatre could be built. It opened on 18 November 1862 and functioned for 20 years, during wh ...
on 4 January 1868."
*"Ó ještě čekat...V líbezném klínu" (from ''Lejla'')
Ivan Kusnjer (baritone)
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1868 operas
Czech-language operas