The Legendre pseudospectral method for
optimal control
Optimal control theory is a branch of mathematical optimization that deals with finding a control for a dynamical system over a period of time such that an objective function is optimized. It has numerous applications in science, engineering and ...
problems is based on
Legendre polynomials. It is part of the larger theory of
pseudospectral optimal control
Pseudospectral optimal control is a joint theoretical-computational method for solving optimal control problems. It combines pseudospectral (PS) theory with optimal control theory to produce PS optimal control theory. PS optimal control theory ...
, a term coined by
A basic version of the Legendre pseudospectral was originally proposed by Elnagar and his coworkers in 1995.
[G. Elnagar, M. A. Kazemi, and M. Razzaghi, "The Pseudospectral Legendre Method for Discretizing Optimal Control Problems," ''IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,'' 40:1793–1796, 1995.] Since then, Ross,
Fahroo and their coworkers
have extended, generalized and applied the method for a large range of problems.
[Q. Gong, W. Kang, N. Bedrossian, F. Fahroo, P. Sekhavat and K. Bollino, "Pseudospectral Optimal Control for Military and Industrial Applications," ''46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,'' New Orleans, LA, pp. 4128–4142, Dec. 2007.] An application that has received wide publicity
is the use of their method for generating real time trajectories for the
International Space Station.
There are three basic types of Legendre pseudospectral methods:
# One based on Gauss-Lobatto points
## First proposed by Elnagar et al
and subsequently extended by Fahroo and Ross
[Fahroo, F. and Ross, I. M., “Costate Estimation by a Legendre Pseudospectral Method,” ''Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics'', Vol.24, No.2, March–April 2001, pp.270-277.] to incorporate the
covector mapping theorem.
## Forms the basis for solving general nonlinear finite-horizon optimal control problems.
## Incorporated in several software products
DIDOOTISPSOPT# One based on Gauss-Radau points
## First proposed by Fahroo and Ross and subsequently extended (by Fahroo and Ross) to incorporate a
covector mapping theorem.
[Fahroo, F. and Ross, I. M., “Pseudospectral Methods for Infinite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems,” ''Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics'', Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 927-936, 2008.]
## Forms the basis for solving general nonlinear infinite-horizon optimal control problems.
## Forms the basis for solving general nonlinear finite-horizon problems with one free endpoint.
# One based on Gauss points
## First proposed by Reddien
## Forms the basis for solving finite-horizon problems with free endpoints
[Fahroo F., and Ross, I. M., "Advances in Pseudospectral Methods for Optimal Control," ''AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference'', AIAA Paper 2008-7309, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 2008.]
## Incorporated in several software products
The first software to implement the Legendre pseudospectral method was
DIDO in 2001.
[J. R. Rea, ''A Legendre Pseudospectral Method for Rapid Optimization of Launch Vehicle Trajectories,'' S.M. Thesis, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001.] Subsequently, the method was incorporated in the NASA code OTIS.
Years later, many other software products emerged at an increasing pace, such as PSOPT,
Flight implementations
The Legendre pseudospectral method (based on Gauss-Lobatto points) has been implemented in flight
NASA on several spacecraft through the use of the software,
DIDO. The first flight implementation was on November 5, 2006, when
NASA used
DIDO to maneuver the
International Space Station to perform th
Zero Propellant Maneuver The
Zero Propellant Maneuver
A zero-propellant maneuver (ZPM) is an optimal attitude trajectory used to perform spacecraft rotational control without the need to use thrusters. ZPMs are designed for spacecraft that use momentum storage actuators. Spacecraft ZPMs are used to pe ...
was discovered by Nazareth Bedrossian using
DIDOWatch a videoof this historic maneuver.
See also
Chebyshev pseudospectral method The Chebyshev pseudospectral method for optimal control problems is based on Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. It is part of the larger theory of pseudospectral optimal control, a term coined by Ross. Unlike the Legendre pseudospectral method ...
Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral methods
Ross–Fahroo lemma
Covector mapping principle
The covector mapping principle is a special case of Riesz' representation theorem, which is a fundamental theorem in functional analysis. The name was coined by Ross and co-workers,Ross, I. M., “A Historical Introduction to the Covector Mappin ...
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Optimal control
Numerical analysis
Control theory