

''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the
grass family Poaceae () or Gramineae () is a large and nearly ubiquitous family of monocotyledonous flowering plants commonly known as grasses. It includes the cereal grasses, bamboos and the grasses of natural grassland and species cultivated in lawns and ...
which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist
Johann Daniel Leers Johann, typically a male given name, is the German language, German form of ''Iohannes'', which is the Latin language, Latin form of the Greek language, Greek name ''Iōánnēs'' (), itself derived from Hebrew language, Hebrew name ''Johanan (name ...
(1727-1774). ; Species * ''
Leersia angustifolia ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ...
'' Prodoehl - Sudan * ''
Leersia denudata ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' Launert - from Kenya to Cape Province * '' Leersia drepanothrix'' Stapf - from Guinea to Uganda * ''
Leersia friesii ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ...
'' Melderis - from Uganda to Botswana * ''
Leersia hexandra ''Leersia hexandra'' is a species of grass known by the common names southern cutgrass, clubhead cutgrass, and swamp rice grass.
'' Sw. - Africa, Eurasia, Australian, North + South America, various islands * '' Leersia japonica'' (Honda) Honda - China, Japan, Korea * '' Leersia lenticularis'' Michx. - central + eastern USA * '' Leersia ligularis'' Trin. - Latin America + West Indies from
Coahuila Coahuila (), formally Coahuila de Zaragoza (), officially the Free and Sovereign State of Coahuila de Zaragoza ( es, Estado Libre y Soberano de Coahuila de Zaragoza), is one of the 32 states of Mexico. Coahuila borders the Mexican states of N ...
to Paraguay * '' Leersia monandra'' Sw. - Texas, Florida, Mexico, West Indies * ''
Leersia nematostachya ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' Launert - Cameroon, Angola, Zambia * '' Leersia oncothrix'' C.E.Hubb. - Zambia * ''
Leersia oryzoides ''Leersia oryzoides'' is a species of grass known by the common name rice cutgrass or just cut-grass. It is a widespread grass native to Europe, Asia, and North America and present in many other regions, such as Australia, as an introduced specie ...
'' (L.) Sw. - Eurasia (from Azores to Primorye), North America (Canada, USA, northeastern Mexico) * '' Leersia perrieri'' (A.Camus) Launert - Madagascar * ''
Leersia sayanuka ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' Ohwi - China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam * ''
Leersia stipitata ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' Bor - Thailand * ''
Leersia tisserantii ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' (A.Chev.) Launert - from Guinea to Namibia * ''
Leersia triandra ''Leersia'' is a genus of plants in the grass family which includes species known generally as cutgrasses. The genus is widespread across many countries on all the inhabited continents. It was named for the German botanist Johann Daniel Leers ( ...
'' C.E.Hubb. - Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cameroon * ''
Leersia virginica ''Leersia virginica'', commonly known as whitegrass, white cutgrass, or Virginian cutgrass, is a perennial grass that is native to eastern North America, typically found in partially shaded low-lying wet areas. Its blooming period occurs from mi ...
'' Willd. - eastern Canada, eastern + central USA ; formerly included see ''
Arthraxon ''Arthraxon'', commonly known as carpetgrass, is a genus of Asian, African and Australian plants in the grass family, Poaceae, containing the following species: * ''Arthraxon antsirabensis'' – Madagascar * ''Arthraxon castratus'' – Hainan, ...
Digitaria ''Digitaria'' is a genus of plants in the grass family native to tropical and warm temperate regions but can occur in tropical, subtropical, and cooler temperate regions as well. Common names include crabgrass, finger-grass, and fonio. They ar ...
Maltebrunia ''Maltebrunia'' is a genus of African plants in the grass family. ; Species * ''Maltebrunia leersioides'' Kunth – Madagascar * ''Maltebrunia letestui'' (Koechlin) Koechlin – Cameroon, Gabon, Republic of the CongoHubbard, C. E. 1962. Tabula ...
Megastachya ''Megastachya'' is a genus of African plants in the grass family. ; Species * ''Megastachya madagascariensis'' (Lam.) Chase - Madagascar * ''Megastachya mucronata'' (Poir.) P.Beauv. - Madagascar, South Africa, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Central Africa ...
'' * ''Leersia aristata -
Hygroryza aristata ''Hygroryza'' (watergrass) is a genus of Asian plants in the grass family. ;Species The only known species is ''Hygroryza aristata,'' (Asian watergrass) native to China (Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Yunnan), Bangladesh, Cambodia, India (Ma ...
'' * ''Leersia digitaria -
Digitaria ciliaris ''Digitaria ciliaris'' is a species of grass known by the common names southern crabgrass,''Digitaria ...
'' * ''Leersia disticha -
Megastachya mucronata ''Megastachya'' is a genus of African plants in the grass family. ; Species * '' Megastachya madagascariensis'' (Lam.) Chase - Madagascar * '' Megastachya mucronata'' (Poir.) P.Beauv. - Madagascar, South Africa, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Central Afri ...
'' * ''Leersia hispida - Arthraxon hispidus'' * ''Leersia latifolia - Maltebrunia leersioides''


External links

''Leersia'' Fact Sheet

Grass Manual Treatment
Oryzoideae Poaceae genera Taxa named by Carl Linnaeus {{Poaceae-stub