

The Later Gupta dynasty ruled the Magadha region in eastern India between the 6th and 8th centuries CE. The Later Guptas succeeded the imperial Guptas as the rulers of Magadha, but there is no evidence connecting the two dynasties; these appear to be two distinct families. The Later Guptas are so-called because the names of their rulers ended with the suffix "-gupta" ( Late Brahmi: ''gu-pta''), which they might have adopted to portray themselves as the successors of the imperial Guptas.


After the decline of the Gupta Empire, the Later Guptas succeeded them as the rulers of Magadha. The daughter of the dynasty's founder Krishnagupta is said to have married prince Adityavarman of the Maukhari dynasty. According to the Aphsad inscription of Ādityasena, Krishnagupta's grandson Jivitagupta carried out military expeditions in the Himalayan region and southwestern
Bengal Bengal ( ; bn, বাংলা/বঙ্গ, translit=Bānglā/Bôngô, ) is a geopolitical, cultural and historical region in South Asia, specifically in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent at the apex of the Bay of Bengal, predom ...
. During the reign of Jivitagupta's son Kumaragupta, the dynasty developed a rivalry with the Maukharis. Kumaragupta defeated the Maukhari king Ishanavarman in 554 CE, and died at Prayaga. His son Damodaragupta suffered reverses against the Maukharis. Damodaragupta's son Mahasenagupta allied with the Pushyabhuti dynasty. His sister married the ruler Adityavardhana. He invaded Kamarupa and defeated
Susthita Varman Susthitavarman (also known as Sri-Mriganka) (590-595) was a ruler of Kamarupa. He was a son of Sthitavarman and Queen Nayanadevi. Reign Susthitavarman was renowned as Sri-Mriganka. He was succeeded by his two sons, Supratisthitavarman and Bh ...
. But he subsequently faced three invaders: the Maukhari king Sharvavarman, the Kamarupa king Supratishthita-varman, and the Tibetan king Songtsen. His vassal Shashanka also abandoned him (and later established the independent
Gauda Kingdom The Gauḍa Kingdom (Gāuṛ Rājya) or Shashankas, was a classic kingdom during the Classical period on the Indian subcontinent, which originated in the region of Bengal (modern-day West Bengal and Bangladesh) in 4th century CE or possibly ea ...
). The Maukhari king Sharvavarman is thought to have defeated Damodaragupta, invading Magadha circa 575 CE, which made him ruler of the entire
Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh (; , 'Northern Province') is a state in northern India. With over 200 million inhabitants, it is the most populated state in India as well as the most populous country subdivision in the world. It was established in 1950 ...
. Under these circumstances, Mahasenagupta was forced to flee Magadha, and take shelter in
Malwa Malwa is a historical region, historical list of regions in India, region of west-central India occupying a plateau of volcanic origin. Geologically, the Malwa Plateau generally refers to the volcanic plateau, volcanic upland north of the Vind ...
. Subsequently, the Pushyabhuti emperor Harsha (ruled c.606–647 CE) restored the Later Gupta rule in Magadha, and they ruled as Harsha's vassals. After Harsha's death, the Later Gupta ruler Adityasena became the sovereign ruler of a large kingdom extending from the
Ganges The Ganges ( ) (in India: Ganga ( ); in Bangladesh: Padma ( )). "The Ganges Basin, known in India as the Ganga and in Bangladesh as the Padma, is an international river to which India, Bangladesh, Nepal and China are the riparian states." is ...
in the north to the Chhota Nagpur in the south; and from Gomati River in the east to the
Bay of Bengal The Bay of Bengal is the northeastern part of the Indian Ocean, bounded on the west and northwest by India, on the north by Bangladesh, and on the east by Myanmar and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India. Its southern limit is a line bet ...
in the west. However, he was defeated by the
Chalukya The Chalukya dynasty () was a Classical Indian dynasty that ruled large parts of southern and central India between the 6th and the 12th centuries. During this period, they ruled as three related yet individual dynasties. The earliest dynas ...
s. Jivitagupta II, the last known ruler of the dynasty, appears to have been defeated by Yashovarman of the Varman dynasty of Kannauj circa 750 CE.


The known Later Gupta rulers include: * ''Nrpa Shri'' Krishna-gupta (Kṛṣṇagupta), r. c. 490-505 CE * ''Deva Shri''
Harsha-gupta The Later Gupta dynasty ruled the Magadha region in eastern India between the 6th and 8th centuries CE. The Later Guptas succeeded the imperial Guptas as the rulers of Magadha, but there is no evidence connecting the two dynasties; these appear ...
(Harṣagupta), r. c. 505-525 CE * ''Shri'' Jivita-gupta I, r. c. 525-550 CE * ''Shri''
Kumara-gupta The Later Gupta dynasty ruled the Magadha region in eastern India between the 6th and 8th centuries CE. The Later Guptas succeeded the imperial Guptas as the rulers of Magadha, but there is no evidence connecting the two dynasties; these appear ...
, r. c. 550-560 CE * ''Shri''
Damodara-gupta The Later Gupta dynasty ruled the Magadha region in eastern India between the 6th and 8th centuries CE. The Later Guptas succeeded the imperial Guptas as the rulers of Magadha, but there is no evidence connecting the two dynasties; these appear ...
, r. c. 560-562 CE * ''Shri'' Mahasena-gupta, r. c. 562-601 CE * ''Shri'' Madhava-gupta, r. c. 601-655 CE (Queen: Shrimati) * ''Maharajadhiraja'' Aditya-sena, r. c. 655-680 CE (Queen: Konadevi) * ''Maharajadhiraja'' Deva-gupta, r. c. 680-700 CE (Queen: Kamaladevi) * ''Maharajadhiraja'' Vishnu-gupta (Viṣnugupta) (Queen: Ijjadevi) * ''Maharajadhiraja''
Jivita-gupta II The Later Gupta dynasty ruled the Magadha region in eastern India between the 6th and 8th centuries CE. The Later Guptas succeeded the imperial Guptas as the rulers of Magadha, but there is no evidence connecting the two dynasties; these appear ...

Guptas of Jayapura

A small kingdom that ruled the area around Lakhisarai district during the 11th and 12th centuries bore the name ''Gupta'' and have subsequently been linked as a surviving line of the Later Gupta. Evidence of their rule comes from the Panchob copper-plate inscription which was discovered in 1919.



* * * * * {{ref end Dynasties of India Kingdoms of Bihar States and territories established in the 6th century States and territories disestablished in the 8th century Ancient empires and kingdoms of India