Landsbankinn (literally "the National bank"), originally NBI hf., is an Icelandic
A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans. Lending activities can be directly performed by the bank or indirectly through capital markets.
Because ...
headquartered in
Reykjavík ( ; ) is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxaflói bay. Its latitude is 64°08' N, making it the world's northernmost capital of a sovereign state. With a po ...
. It was established in 2008 by the Icelandic government out of the domestic operations of its predecessor
Landsbanki (literally "national bank"), also commonly known as Landsbankinn (literally "the national bank") which is now the name of the current rebuilt bank (here called "New Landsbanki"), was one of the largest Icelandic commercial banks that f ...
which failed during the
2008–2011 Icelandic financial crisis
The Icelandic financial crisis was a major economic and political event in Iceland that involved the default of all three of the country's major privately owned commercial banks in late 2008, following their difficulties in refinancing their ...
. It is the largest bank in
Iceland ( is, Ísland; ) is a Nordic island country in the North Atlantic Ocean and in the Arctic Ocean. Iceland is the most sparsely populated country in Europe. Iceland's capital and largest city is Reykjavík, which (along with its s ...
and the history of its predecessor goes back to 1885. In 2022 the bank had 35 branches around Iceland. The bank has around 39% market share in the retail market and around 34% in the corporate banking market (2022).
NBI hf. was created 9 October 2008, after the government had taken control of the insolvent
Landsbanki (literally "national bank"), also commonly known as Landsbankinn (literally "the national bank") which is now the name of the current rebuilt bank (here called "New Landsbanki"), was one of the largest Icelandic commercial banks that f ...
two days earlier and decided to split all domestic operations into this new surviving version of the bank, while leaving the remaining foreign operations of Landsbanki for bankruptcy and winding-up proceedings. The total assets value declined roughly to a third for the new bank, when comparing to the previous size for the old version of the bank. The number of employees were also reduced from 2770 in 2007, to only 1233 in 2012.
In April 2011, the legal name was changed from NBI hf. to Landsbankinn hf. The bank has been mostly state owned since its establishment. In December 2009, the Icelandic State Treasury owned 81.33% of the shares and the remaining 18.67% of the shares were owned by (Landsskil). In April 2013, the Icelandic State Treasury acquired 16.67% of Landsskil's shares and thus the Treasury owned 98% of the shares while Landsbankinn received 2% of own shares, or 500 million shares. The Bank received the shares from LBI hf. with the obligation to allocate them to employees. In September 2013, 317 million own shares were allocated to employees, of which employees received 119 million shares and 198 million of own shares were repurchased by the Bank for settlement of tax obligations and pension liabilities. The allocation of the remainder of the own shares was completed in February 2014. In 2022 the Icelandic State Treasury owned 98.2% of the shares, the bank owned 1.6% and the remainder were owned by less than 900 other investors.
[Landsbankinn – Ownership]
''Landsbankinn'', Reykjavík, 29 March 2015. Retrieved on 15 February 2018.
See also
List of banks in Iceland
The following is a list of banks in Iceland.
Contemporary banks
* Central Bank of Iceland
* Arion Bank (formerly known as ''New Kaupthing'')
* Íslandsbanki (formerly known as ''New Glitnir'')
* Landsbankinn (formerl ...
External links
*{{in lang, en
Mobile site
Banks of Iceland
Banks established in 2008
Companies based in Reykjavík
2008 establishments in Iceland