

''Lambdavirus'' (synonyms ''Lambda-like viruses'', ''Lambda-like phages'', ''Lambda phage group'', ''Lambda phage'') is a genus of
virus A virus is a wikt:submicroscopic, submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living Cell (biology), cells of an organism. Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and ...
es in the order ''
Caudovirales ''Caudovirales'' is an order of viruses known as the tailed bacteriophages (''cauda'' is Latin for "tail"). Under the Baltimore classification scheme, the ''Caudovirales'' are group I viruses as they have double stranded DNA (dsDNA) genomes, ...
'', in the family ''
Siphoviridae ''Siphoviridae'' is a family of double-stranded DNA viruses in the order ''Caudovirales''. Bacteria and archaea serve as natural hosts. There are 1,166 species in this family, assigned to 366 genera and 22 subfamilies. The characteristic structu ...
''. Bacteria serve as natural hosts, with transmission achieved through passive diffusion. There are five species in this genus. The genus also includes several unclassified viruses—including the corynephages β and ω, which infect ''
Corynebacterium diphtheriae ''Corynebacterium diphtheriae'' is the pathogenic bacterium that causes diphtheria. It is also known as the Klebs–Löffler bacillus, because it was discovered in 1884 by German bacteriologists Edwin Klebs (1834–1912) and Friedrich Löff ...
'' and carry the deadly
diphtheria toxin Diphtheria toxin is an exotoxin secreted by ''Corynebacterium diphtheriae'', the pathogenic bacterium that causes diphtheria. The toxin gene is encoded by a prophageA prophage is a virus that has inserted itself into the genome of the host ba ...
Corynephage beta
Corynephage omega


The following species are recognized: * '' Enterobacteria virus O276'' * '' Escherichia virus DE3'' * '' Escherichia virus HK629'' * '' Escherichia virus HK630'' * '' Escherichia virus Lambda''


Lambdaviruses are
nonenveloped A viral envelope is the outermost layer of many types of viruses. It protects the genetic material in their life cycle when traveling between host cells. Not all viruses have envelopes. Numerous human pathogenic viruses in circulation are encase ...
, with a head and tail. The head is about 60 nm in diameter, consisting of 72 capsomers (T=7, levo).


All species have been fully sequenced. They range between 42k and 49k nucleotides, with 56 to 73 proteins.

Life cycle

The virus attaches to the host cell's adhesion receptors using its terminal fiber, and ejects the viral DNA into the host cytoplasm vi
long flexible tail ejection system
Viral replication is cytoplasmic. Replication follows the replicative transposition model. DNA-templated transcription is the method of transcription. Translation takes place by -1 ribosomal frameshifting, and +1 ribosomal frameshifting. Once the viral genes have been replicated, the procapsid is assembled and packed. The tail is then assembled and the mature virions are released via lysis, and holin/endolysin/spanin proteins. Bacteria serve as the natural host. Transmission routes are passive diffusion.


According to ICTV'
first report
in 1971, the genus ''Lambdalikevirus'' was first accepted under the name ''Lambda phage'', unassigned to order, family, or subfamily. In th
second report
(1975), the genus was renamed to ''Lambda phage group''. Upon its creation in 1984, the genus was assigned to family ''
Siphoviridae ''Siphoviridae'' is a family of double-stranded DNA viruses in the order ''Caudovirales''. Bacteria and archaea serve as natural hosts. There are 1,166 species in this family, assigned to 366 genera and 22 subfamilies. The characteristic structu ...
''. In 1995, ICTV'
sixth report
once again changed the genus' name, this time to ''Lambda-like phages''. The whole family was moved to the newly created order ''
Caudovirales ''Caudovirales'' is an order of viruses known as the tailed bacteriophages (''cauda'' is Latin for "tail"). Under the Baltimore classification scheme, the ''Caudovirales'' are group I viruses as they have double stranded DNA (dsDNA) genomes, ...
'' in 1998, and the genus was renamed to ''Lambda-like viruses'' in ICTV'
seventh report
in 1999. I
the genus was renamed again, to ''Lambdalikevirus''. The genus was later renamed to ''Lambdavirus''.


External links

{{Use dmy dates, date=April 2017 Siphoviridae Virus genera