

''Kurdalagonus'' is a genus of cetotheriid mysticete in the subfamily Cetotheriinae from the Miocene of the Russian Caucasus. ''"Kurdalagonus" adygeicus'' has been reassigned to ''
Mithridatocetus ''Mithridatocetus'' is a genus of cetotheriid mysticete in the subfamily Cetotheriinae. Known specimens have been found in marine deposits in Crimea, Ukraine, and the Russian Caucasus.P. Goldin and D. Startsev. 2016. "A systematic review of c ...
'', while the referral of ''" Cetotherium" maicopicum'' to ''Kurdalagonus'' has been questioned.P. Goldin and D. Startsev. 2016. "A systematic review of cetothere baleen whales (Cetacea, Cetotheriidae) from the Late Miocene of Crimea and Caucasus, with a new genus". ''Papers in Paleontology''.


{{Taxonbar, from=Q28432433 Baleen whales Miocene cetaceans Prehistoric cetacean genera Fossil taxa described in 2012 Miocene mammals of Europe