

In commutative algebra, a Krull ring, or Krull domain, is a commutative ring with a well behaved theory of prime factorization. They were introduced by
Wolfgang Krull Wolfgang Krull (26 August 1899 – 12 April 1971) was a German mathematician who made fundamental contributions to commutative algebra, introducing concepts that are now central to the subject. Krull was born and went to school in Baden-Baden. H ...
in 1931. They are a higher-dimensional generalization of
Dedekind domain In abstract algebra, a Dedekind domain or Dedekind ring, named after Richard Dedekind, is an integral domain in which every nonzero proper ideal factors into a product of prime ideals. It can be shown that such a factorization is then necessarily ...
s, which are exactly the Krull domains of
dimension In physics and mathematics, the dimension of a mathematical space (or object) is informally defined as the minimum number of coordinates needed to specify any point within it. Thus, a line has a dimension of one (1D) because only one coor ...
at most 1. In this article, a ring is commutative and has unity.

Formal definition

Let A be an
integral domain In mathematics, specifically abstract algebra, an integral domain is a nonzero commutative ring in which the product of any two nonzero elements is nonzero. Integral domains are generalizations of the ring of integers and provide a natural s ...
and let P be the set of all prime ideals of A of
height Height is measure of vertical distance, either vertical extent (how "tall" something or someone is) or vertical position (how "high" a point is). For example, "The height of that building is 50 m" or "The height of an airplane in-flight is ab ...
one, that is, the set of all prime ideals properly containing no nonzero prime ideal. Then A is a Krull ring if # A_ is a
discrete valuation ring In abstract algebra, a discrete valuation ring (DVR) is a principal ideal domain (PID) with exactly one non-zero maximal ideal. This means a DVR is an integral domain ''R'' which satisfies any one of the following equivalent conditions: # ''R'' i ...
for all \mathfrak \in P , # A is the intersection of these discrete valuation rings (considered as subrings of the quotient field of A ). #Any nonzero element of A is contained in only a finite number of height 1 prime ideals. It is also possible to characterize Krull rings by mean of valuations only: An integral domain A is a Krull ring if there exists a family \ _ of discrete valuations on the field of fractions K of A such that: # for any x \in K \setminus \ and all i, except possibly a finite number of them, v _ ( x) = 0 ; # for any x \in K \setminus \, x belongs to A if and only if v _ ( x) \geq 0 for all i \in I . The valuations v_i are called essential valuations of A. The link between the two definitions is as follows: for every \mathfrak p\in P, one can associate a unique normalized valuation v_ of K whose valuation ring is A_. Then the set \mathcal V = \ satisfies the conditions of the equivalent definition. Conversely, if the set \mathcal V' = \ is as above, and the v_i have been normalized, then \mathcal V' may be bigger than \mathcal V, but it ''must'' contain \mathcal V. In other words, \mathcal V is the minimal set of normalized valuations satisfying the equivalent definition. There are other ways to introduce and define Krull rings. The theory of Krull rings can be exposed in synergy with the theory of divisorial ideals. One of the best references on the subject is ''Lecture on Unique Factorization Domains'' by P. Samuel.


With the notations above, let v_ denote the normalized valuation corresponding to the valuation ring A_, U denote the set of units of A, and K its quotient field. * ''An element x \in K belongs to U if, and only if, v_ (x) = 0 for every \mathfrak p \in P.'' Indeed, in this case, x \not\in A_\mathfrak p for every \mathfrak p\in P, hence x^ \in A_; by the intersection property, x^\in A. Conversely, if x and x^ are in A, then v_ (xx^) = v_ (1) = 0 = v_ (x) + v_ (x^), hence v_ (x) = v_ (x^) = 0, since both numbers must be \geq 0. * ''An element x \in A is uniquely determined, up to a unit of A, by the values v_ (x), \mathfrak p \in P.'' Indeed, if v_ (x) = v_ (y) for every \mathfrak p \in P, then v_ (xy^) = 0, hence xy^\in U by the above property (q.e.d). This shows that the application x\ \ U\mapsto \left(v_(x) \right)_ is well defined, and since v_(x)\not = 0 for only finitely many \mathfrak p, it is an embedding of A^/U into the free Abelian group generated by the elements of P. Thus, using the multiplicative notation "\cdot" for the later group, there holds, for every x\in A^\times, x = 1\cdot \mathfrak p_1^\cdot\mathfrak p_2^\cdots \mathfrak p_n^\ \ U, where the \mathfrak p_i are the elements of P containing x, and \alpha_i = v_ (x). * The valuations v_ are pairwise independent. As a consequence, there holds the so-called ''weak approximation theorem'', an homologue of the Chinese remainder theorem: ''if \mathfrak p_1, \ldots \mathfrak p_n are distinct elements of P, x_1,\ldots x_n belong to K (resp. A_), and a_1, \ldots a_n are n natural numbers, then there exist x\in K (resp. x\in A_) such that v_ (x - x_i) = n_i for every i.'' * Two elements x and y of A are ''coprime'' if v_ (x) and v_ (y) are not both > 0 for every \mathfrak p\in P. The basic properties of valuations imply that a good theory of coprimality holds in A. * Every prime ideal of A contains an element of P. * Any finite intersection of Krull domains whose quotient fields are the same is again a Krull domain. * If L is a subfield of K, then A\cap L is a Krull domain. * If S\subset A is a multiplicatively closed set not containing 0, the ring of quotients S^A is again a Krull domain. In fact, the essential valuations of S^A are those valuation v_ (of K) for which \mathfrak p \cap S = \emptyset. * If L is a finite algebraic extension of K, and B is the integral closure of A in L, then B is a Krull domain.


#Any unique factorization domain is a Krull domain. Conversely, a Krull domain is a
unique factorization domain In mathematics, a unique factorization domain (UFD) (also sometimes called a factorial ring following the terminology of Bourbaki) is a ring in which a statement analogous to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds. Specifically, a UFD is ...
if (and only if) every prime ideal of height one is principal. # Every integrally closed
noetherian In mathematics, the adjective Noetherian is used to describe objects that satisfy an ascending or descending chain condition on certain kinds of subobjects, meaning that certain ascending or descending sequences of subobjects must have finite lengt ...
domain is a Krull domain. In particular,
Dedekind domain In abstract algebra, a Dedekind domain or Dedekind ring, named after Richard Dedekind, is an integral domain in which every nonzero proper ideal factors into a product of prime ideals. It can be shown that such a factorization is then necessarily ...
s are Krull domains. Conversely, Krull domains are integrally closed, so a Noetherian domain is Krull if and only if it is integrally closed. # If A is a Krull domain then so is the
polynomial ring In mathematics, especially in the field of algebra, a polynomial ring or polynomial algebra is a ring (which is also a commutative algebra) formed from the set of polynomials in one or more indeterminates (traditionally also called variables ...
A and the
formal power series ring In mathematics, a formal series is an infinite sum that is considered independently from any notion of convergence, and can be manipulated with the usual algebraic operations on series (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, partial sum ...
A x . # The polynomial ring R _1, x_2, x_3, \ldots/math> in infinitely many variables over a
unique factorization domain In mathematics, a unique factorization domain (UFD) (also sometimes called a factorial ring following the terminology of Bourbaki) is a ring in which a statement analogous to the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds. Specifically, a UFD is ...
R is a Krull domain which is not noetherian. # Let A be a
Noetherian In mathematics, the adjective Noetherian is used to describe objects that satisfy an ascending or descending chain condition on certain kinds of subobjects, meaning that certain ascending or descending sequences of subobjects must have finite lengt ...
domain with
quotient field In abstract algebra, the field of fractions of an integral domain is the smallest field in which it can be embedded. The construction of the field of fractions is modeled on the relationship between the integral domain of integers and the field ...
K , and L be a finite algebraic extension of K . Then the integral closure of A in L is a Krull domain (
Mori–Nagata theorem In algebra, the Mori–Nagata theorem introduced by and , states the following: let ''A'' be a noetherian ring, noetherian reduced ring, reduced commutative ring with the total ring of fractions ''K''. Then the integral closure of ''A'' in ''K'' is ...
). This follows easily from numero 2 above. #Let A be a
Zariski ring In commutative algebra, a Zariski ring is a commutative Noetherian topological ring ''A'' whose topology is defined by an ideal \mathfrak a contained in the Jacobson radical, the intersection of all maximal ideals. They were introduced by under the ...
(e.g., a local noetherian ring). If the completion \widehat is a Krull domain, then A is a Krull domain (Mori). #Let A be a Krull domain, and V be the multiplicatively closed set consisting in the powers of a prime element p\in A. Then S^A is a Krull domain (Nagata).

The divisor class group of a Krull ring

Assume that A is a Krull domain and K is its quotient field. A prime divisor of A is a height 1 prime ideal of A. The set of prime divisors of A will be denoted P(A) in the sequel. A (Weil) divisor of A is a formal integral linear combination of prime divisors. They form an Abelian group, noted D(A). A divisor of the form div(x)=\sum_v_p(x)\cdot p, for some non-zero x in K, is called a principal divisor. The principal divisors of A form a subgroup of the group of divisors (it has been shown above that this group is isomorphic to A^\times /U, where U is the group of unities of A). The quotient of the group of divisors by the subgroup of principal divisors is called the divisor class group of A; it is usually denoted C(A). Assume that B is a Krull domain containing A. As usual, we say that a prime ideal \mathfrak P of B ''lies above'' a prime ideal \mathfrak p of A if \mathfrak P\cap A = \mathfrak p; this is abbreviated in \mathfrak P, \mathfrak p. Denote the ramification index of v_ over v_ by e(\mathfrak P,\mathfrak p), and by P(B) the set of prime divisors of B. Define the application P(A)\to D(B) by : j(\mathfrak p) = \sum_ e(\mathfrak P, \mathfrak p) \mathfrak P (the above sum is finite since every x\in \mathfrak p is contained in at most finitely many elements of P(B)). Let extend the application j by linearity to a linear application D(A)\to D(B). One can now ask in what cases j induces a morphism \bar j:C(A)\to C(B). This leads to several results. For example, the following generalizes a theorem of Gauss: ''The application \bar j:C(A)\to C(A is bijective. In particular, if A is a unique factorization domain, then so is A /math>.'' The divisor class group of a Krull rings are also used to setup powerful ''descent methods'', and in particular the Galoisian descent.

Cartier divisor

Cartier divisor In algebraic geometry, divisors are a generalization of codimension-1 subvarieties of algebraic varieties. Two different generalizations are in common use, Cartier divisors and Weil divisors (named for Pierre Cartier and André Weil by David Mu ...
of a Krull ring is a locally principal (Weil) divisor. The Cartier divisors form a subgroup of the group of divisors containing the principal divisors. The quotient of the Cartier divisors by the principal divisors is a subgroup of the divisor class group, isomorphic to the
Picard group In mathematics, the Picard group of a ringed space ''X'', denoted by Pic(''X''), is the group of isomorphism classes of invertible sheaves (or line bundles) on ''X'', with the group operation being tensor product. This construction is a global ve ...
of invertible sheaves on Spec(''A''). Example: in the ring ''k'' 'x'',''y'',''z''(''xy''–''z''2) the divisor class group has order 2, generated by the divisor ''y''=''z'', but the Picard subgroup is the trivial group.Hartshorne, GTM52, Example 6.5.2, p.133 and Example 6.11.3, p.142.


* * * * Hideyuki Matsumura, ''Commutative Algebra''. Second Edition. Mathematics Lecture Note Series, 56. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass., 1980. xv+313 pp. * Hideyuki Matsumura, ''Commutative Ring Theory''. Translated from the Japanese by M. Reid. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 8. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1986. xiv+320 pp. *{{Citation , last1=Samuel , first1=Pierre , author1-link=Pierre Samuel , editor1-last=Murthy , editor1-first=M. Pavman , title=Lectures on unique factorization domains , url=http://www.math.tifr.res.in/~publ/ln/ , publisher=Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , location=Bombay , series=Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Lectures on Mathematics , mr=0214579 , year=1964 , volume=30 Ring theory Commutative algebra