Kristin Sigurdsdatter



Kristin Sigurdsdatter (ca. 1125–1178) was a Norwegian princess and mother of King Magnus V of Norway. Kristin was a daughter of King
Sigurd I of Norway Sigurd Magnusson (1089 – 26 March 1130), also known as Sigurd the Crusader (Old Norse: ''Sigurðr Jórsalafari'', Norwegian: ''Sigurd Jorsalfar''), was King of Norway (being Sigurd I) from 1103 to 1130. His rule, together with his half-broth ...
and Malmfred of Kiev. She married
Erling Skakke Erling Skakke (1115 – 18 June 1179) was a Norwegian Jarl during the 12th century. He was the father of Magnus V, who reigned as King of Norway from 1161 to 1184. Biography Erling Ormsson was born at Etne in the county of Hordaland, Norway. He ...
(''Erling Ormsson Skakke''), a Norwegian nobleman who had earned his reputation crusading with
Rögnvald Kali Kolsson Rögnvald Kali Kolsson (Old Norse ''Rǫgnvaldr'' or ''Rögnvaldr''; nn, Ragnvald Kale Kolsson), also known as Saint Ronald of Orkney (c. 1100 – 1158), was a Norwegian earl of Orkney who came to be regarded as a Christian saint. Two of the Or ...
, the
Earl of Orkney Earl of Orkney, historically Jarl of Orkney, is a title of nobility encompassing the archipelagoes of Orkney and Shetland, which comprise the Northern Isles of Scotland. Originally Scandinavian Scotland, founded by Norse invaders, the status of ...
. They had a son, Magnus Erlingsson. Kristin was the only legitimate child of King Sigurd. In 1130, King Sigurd died with no legitimate sons. An illegitimate son,
Magnus Sigurdsson Magnus Sigurdsson ( – 12 November 1139), also known as Magnus the Blind, was King of Norway (being Magnus IV) from 1130 to 1135 and again from 1137 to 1139. His period as king marked the beginning of the civil war era in Norway, which lasted u ...
(''Magnus 4 Sigurdsson Blinde''), became king of Norway jointly with his uncle Harald Gille. Harald Gille had four sons, Inge,
Eystein Eystein or Eysteinn is the name of: *Eystein Erlendsson (d. 1188), Norwegian bishop and saint *Eystein Halfdansson (fl. c. 730), king of Romerike and Vestfold in what is now Norway *Eystein Haraldson (died 1157), king of Norway *Eystein Ivarsson (d ...
Sigurd Sigurd ( non, Sigurðr ) or Siegfried (Middle High German: ''Sîvrit'') is a legendary hero of Germanic heroic legend, who killed a dragon and was later murdered. It is possible he was inspired by one or more figures from the Frankish Merovi ...
and Magnus Haraldsson, all of whom became kings of Norway. Following the death of King Inge in 1161, Kristin's son Magnus was crowned and named King Magnus (''Magnus 5 Erlingsson'') at the age of eight. He ruled as king of Norway until his death in 1184.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Kristin Sigurdsdatter Norwegian princesses 1178 deaths Year of birth uncertain 12th-century Norwegian people 12th-century Norwegian women Daughters of kings