

Kristaq Mitro (1 December 1945 – 3 April 2023) was an Albanian film director. He was professor at University of Arts, Tirana. He directed '' Apasionata'' in
1983 The year 1983 saw both the official beginning of the Internet and the first mobile cellular telephone call. Events January * January 1 – The migration of the ARPANET to TCP/IP is officially completed (this is considered to be the beginning ...
Ibrahim Muçaj Ibrahim Muçaj ( December 8th 1944 – January 5th 2010)
was an
Ndahet nga jeta në moshën 77-vjeçare regjisori i njohur, Kristaq Mitro


* Një djalë edhe një vajzë (1990) * Telefoni i një mëngjesi (1987) * Duaje emrin tënd (1984) * Apasionata (1983) * Njeriu i mirë (1982) * Në prag të lirisë (1981) * Liri a vdekje (1979) * Nusja dhe shtetërrethimi (1978) * Dimri i fundit (1976) * Tokë e përgjakur (1976) * Kur zbardhi një ditë (1971)


External links

* 1945 births 2023 deaths Albanian film directors People from Vlorë {{albania-film-director-stub