

Kongsberg Skiing Museum ( no, Kongsberg Skimuseum) is a
museum A museum ( ; plural museums or, rarely, musea) is a building or institution that cares for and displays a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance. Many public museums make these ...
skiing Skiing is the use of skis to glide on snow. Variations of purpose include basic transport, a recreational activity, or a competitive winter sport. Many types of competitive skiing events are recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IO ...
, located at
Kongsberg Kongsberg () is a historical mining town and municipality in Buskerud, Viken county, Norway. The city is located on the river Numedalslågen at the entrance to the valley of Numedal. Kongsberg has been a centre of silver mining, arms production ...
Viken county Viken may refer to: *Viken, Scandinavia, a historical region *Viken (county), a Norwegian county established in 2020 *Viken, Sweden, a bimunicipal locality in Skåne County, Sweden *Viken (lake), a lake in Sweden, part of the part of the Göta cana ...
Norway Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and t ...
. It was initially created by two Olympic champion ski jumpers,
Birger Ruud Birger Ruud (23 August 1911 – 13 June 1998) was a Norwegian ski jumper and alpine skier. Career Born in Kongsberg, Birger Ruud, with his brothers Sigmund and Asbjørn, dominated international jumping in the 1930s, winning three world champi ...
Petter Hugsted Petter Hugsted (11 July 1921 – 19 May 2000) was a Norwegian ski jumper who won the gold medal in the individual large hill event at the 1948 Olympics. Hugsted won junior competition at the Holmenkollen ski festival in 1940. His career was imp ...
. The museum focuses on ''the golden age'' of
ski jumping Ski jumping is a winter sport in which competitors aim to achieve the farthest jump after sliding down on their skis from a specially designed curved ramp. Along with jump length, competitor's aerial style and other factors also affect the final ...
in Norway, from 1924 to 1952, when jumpers from Kongsberg dominated ski jumping on the national as well as international level. The museum collection documents skiing, ski equipment and ship production equipment from the late 1700s to around 1950. It also displays awards issued to skiers from Kongsberg. The museum is located in central Kongsberg, together with the
Norwegian Mining Museum The Norwegian Mining Museum ( no, Norsk Bergverksmuseum) is located at Kongsberg in Viken county, Norway. Norwegian Mining Museum documents the history of the former Kongsberg Silver Mines (''Kongsberg Sølvverk''). The museum was established i ...
(''Norsk Bergverksmuseum'').


External links

Kongsberg Skiing Museum website
Ski museums and halls of fame Museums in Viken Sports museums in Norway Kongsberg {{Norway-museum-stub