

''Kings in Grass Castles'' is a 1959 book of history by Dame Mary Durack (1913–1994). The book is considered a classic of
Australian literature Australian literature is the written or literary work produced in the area or by the people of the Commonwealth of Australia and its preceding colonies. During its early Western history, Australia was a collection of British colonies; as such, ...
. It is the story of Durack's pioneering family establishing its pastoral interests in the Australian outback during the 19th century and concerns the life and times of Durack's grandfather Patrick Durack, an Irish immigrant who became a leader of the overlanders who brought their cattle on hoof to the tropical north. The book was notable for its portrayal of the role of women and families in the pastoral industry and collaboration and respect between the pastoralists and local Aboriginal peoples. Durack published a sequel, ''
Sons in the Saddle A son is a male offspring; a boy or a man in relation to his parents. The female counterpart is a daughter. From a biological perspective, a son constitutes a first degree relative. Social issues In pre-industrial societies and some current c ...
'', in 1983. ''Kings in Grass Castles'' was made into a TV mini-series in 1998.


External links

Kings in grass castles _ Mary Durack
National Library of Australia Trove The National Library of Australia (NLA), formerly the Commonwealth National Library and Commonwealth Parliament Library, is the largest reference library in Australia, responsible under the terms of the ''National Library Act 1960'' for "mainta ...
* {{Use dmy dates, date=June 2019 1990s Australian television miniseries 1998 Australian television series debuts 1998 Australian television series endings 1959 Australian novels Western Australian literature