

The Keister Family Fiddlers is a Canadian musical group from
Chestermere Chestermere, originally named Chestermere Lake, is a city in the Canadian province of Alberta, within Rocky View County. It is largely a commuter town of Calgary and is a member municipality of the Calgary Region. The city, which surrounds Chest ...
made of sisters Quinn, Claire, Faith, and Paige Keister; who are often accompanied by their mother Sherry Keister in performances. They have performed in different countries, including South Korea and China. For a number of years the Fiddlers were regular performers at the Calgary Stampede. The group plays traditional and Celtic style music. Each of the sisters began playing the fiddle when they were six years old. In addition to fiddles, the group use other instruments, such as the
ugly stick The ugly stick is a traditional Newfoundland musical instrument fashioned out of household and tool shed items, typically a mop handle with bottle caps, tin cans, small bells and other noise makers. The instrument is played with a drum stick ...
tambourine The tambourine is a musical instrument in the percussion family consisting of a frame, often of wood or plastic, with pairs of small metal jingles, called "zills". Classically the term tambourine denotes an instrument with a drumhead, though ...
. Sometimes square dancing or tap dancing will be performed while playing the fiddle. Loren Keister, father of the sisters, serves as the manager for the group. All four sisters enrolled in the Rocky View Learning Connection program of
Rocky View Schools Rocky View School Division No. 41 or Rocky View Schools (RVS) is the public school authority that serves students to the west, north and east of the City of Calgary in the province of Alberta. The original board's name was called Calgary Rural Sc ...
, so that they could learn from home online, which allowed them to better balance their time spent in practice with demands of school.


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{{authority control Canadian folk music groups Musical groups from Alberta Musical groups with year of establishment missing