Kalaupapa HI Postmark



Kalaupapa () is a small
unincorporated community An unincorporated area is a region that is not governed by a local municipal corporation. Widespread unincorporated communities and areas are a distinguishing feature of the United States and Canada. Most other countries of the world either hav ...
on the
island An island or isle is a piece of subcontinental land completely surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, skerries, cays or keys. An island in a river or a lake island may be ...
Molokai Molokai , or Molokai (), is the fifth most populated of the eight major islands that make up the Hawaiian Islands archipelago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is 38 by 10 miles (61 by 16 km) at its greatest length and width with a us ...
, within
Kalawao County Kalawao () is a location on the eastern side of the Kalaupapa Peninsula of the island of Molokai, in Hawaii, which was the site of Hawaii's leper colony between 1866 and the early 20th century. Thousands of people in total came to the island to ...
in the
U.S. state In the United States, a state is a constituent political entity, of which there are 50. Bound together in a political union, each state holds governmental jurisdiction over a separate and defined geographic territory where it shares its sove ...
Hawaii Hawaii ( ; haw, Hawaii or ) is a state in the Western United States, located in the Pacific Ocean about from the U.S. mainland. It is the only U.S. state outside North America, the only state that is an archipelago, and the only ...
. In 1866, during the reign of
Kamehameha V Kamehameha V (Lota Kapuāiwa Kalanimakua Aliʻiōlani Kalanikupuapaʻīkalaninui; December 11, 1830 – December 11, 1872), reigned as the fifth monarch of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi from 1863 to 1872. His motto was "Onipaʻa": immovable, firm, st ...
, the Hawaii legislature passed a law that resulted in the designation of Molokai as the site for a
leper colony A leper colony, also known by many other names, is an isolated community for the quarantining and treatment of lepers, people suffering from leprosy. ''M. leprae'', the bacterium responsible for leprosy, is believed to have spread from East Af ...
, where patients who were seriously affected by
leprosy Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease (HD), is a long-term infection by the bacteria '' Mycobacterium leprae'' or '' Mycobacterium lepromatosis''. Infection can lead to damage of the nerves, respiratory tract, skin, and eyes. This nerve da ...
(also known as Hansen's disease) could be quarantined, to prevent them from infecting others. At the time, the disease was little understood: it was believed to be highly contagious and was incurable until the advent of antibiotics. The communities where people with leprosy lived were under the administration of the Board of Health, which appointed superintendents on the island. Kalaupapa is located on the
Kalaupapa Peninsula Kalawao County ( haw, Kalana o Kalawao) is a county in the U.S. state of Hawaii. It is the smallest county in the 50 states by land area and the second-smallest county by population, after Loving County, Texas. The county encompasses the Ka ...
at the base of some of the highest sea cliffs in the world; they rise 610 m above the
Pacific Ocean The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest of Earth's five oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south, and is bounded by the contine ...
. In the 1870s a community to support the leper colony was established here; the legislature required people with severe cases to be quarantined on the island in the hope of preventing contagion. The area has been preserved as the
Kalaupapa National Historical Park Kalaupapa National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park located in Kalaupapa, Hawaii, on the island of Molokai. Coterminous with the boundaries of Kalawao County and primarily on Kalaupapa peninsula, it was established ...
, which takes in the entire county. Despite the declining population, the post office is still active, having a zip code of 96742.

Leprosy settlement

The village is the site of a former settlement for people with leprosy. At its peak, about 1,200 men, women, and children were exiled to Kalaupapa Peninsula. The isolation law was enacted by King Kamehameha V and remained in effect until its repeal in 1969. Today, about five people who formerly had leprosy continue to live there. The colony is now included within
Kalaupapa National Historical Park Kalaupapa National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park located in Kalaupapa, Hawaii, on the island of Molokai. Coterminous with the boundaries of Kalawao County and primarily on Kalaupapa peninsula, it was established ...
. The original leper colony was first established in
Kalawao Kalawao () is a location on the eastern side of the Kalaupapa Peninsula of the island of Molokai, in Hawaii, which was the site of Hawaii's leper colony between 1866 and the early 20th century. Thousands of people in total came to the island to ...
in the east, opposite to the village corner of the peninsula. It was there where
Father Damien Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai, SS.CC. or Saint Damien De Veuster ( nl, Pater Damiaan or '; 3 January 1840 – 15 April 1889), born Jozef De Veuster, was a Roman Catholic priest from Belgium and member of the Congregation of the Sacr ...
settled in 1873. Later it was moved to the location of the current village, which was originally a
Native Hawaiian Native Hawaiians (also known as Indigenous Hawaiians, Kānaka Maoli, Aboriginal Hawaiians, First Hawaiians, or simply Hawaiians) ( haw, kānaka, , , and ), are the indigenous ethnic group of Polynesian people of the Hawaiian Islands. Hawai ...
fishing village. The settlement was also attended by
Mother Marianne Cope Marianne Cope, also known as Saint Marianne of Molokai, (January 23, 1838 – August 9, 1918) was a German-born American religious sister who was a member of the Sisters of St Francis of Syracuse, New York, and founding leader of its St. Josep ...
and physician
Arthur Albert St. Mouritz Arthur Albert St. Maur Mouritz,Wade, H. W. (1951)Human Inoculation Experiments in Hawaii Including Notes On Those of Arning and Of Fitch ''International Journal of Leprosy''. Volume 19 Number 2. Retrieved April 5, 2020.Mouritz, A. A. St. M. (191 ...
, among others. In 1893–1894, the Board of Health tried to remove the last fishing village inhabitants in order to expand the colony to encompass the entire Kalaupapa peninsula, including Kalawao. Shortly before the end of mandatory isolation in 1969, the state legislature considered closing the facility entirely. Intervention by interested persons, such as entertainer
Don Ho Donald Tai Loy Ho (August 13, 1930 – April 14, 2007) was a Hawaiian traditional pop musician, singer and entertainer. He is best known for the song "Tiny Bubbles" from the album of the same name. Life and career Ho was a singer of Nativ ...
and TV newsman Don Picken, resulted in allowing the residents who chose to do so to remain there for life. The opponents to closure pointed out that, although there were no active cases of leprosy in the colony, many of the residents were physically scarred by the disease to an extent that would make their integration into mainstream society difficult if not impossible. In total over the decades, more than 8,500 men, women and children living throughout the Hawaiian islands and diagnosed with leprosy were exiled to the colony by the Hawaiian government and legally declared dead.


The Kalaupapa Peninsula remains one of the most remote locations in Hawaii due to unique volcanic and geologic activity over millions of years. Molokai’s famous sea cliffs are responsible for this and are among the highest in the world at three thousand feet above sea level. Geologists thought that these cliffs were carved by wind and water erosion, but it is now believed that they formed after a third of the northern portion of the island collapsed into the sea. The offshore islands—'Ōkala, Mōkapu, and Huelo—support this theory, housing original plant species found on Molokai over two thousand years ago such as the rare native loulu palm. Around 230,000–300,000 years ago, an offshore shield volcano named Pu’u’uao erupted from the sea floor. The extremely hot and fast flowing pāhoehoe lava created a flat triangle of land which eventually cooled and connected to the main part of the island. Kalaupapa translated means “the flat plain”.

Access to the Peninsula

Until the construction of the
Kalaupapa Airport Kalaupapa Airport is a regional public use airport of the state of Hawaii, located on the northern peninsula of the island of Molokai, two nautical miles (4  km) north of Kalaupapa Settlement, in Kalawao County. Most flights to Kalaupa ...
in 1935, the only way into the peninsula was by boat or descending down the Kalaupapa Pali trail. Nowadays, accessing the peninsula via boat requires a special use permit. It is prohibited to come within 400 m of the Kalaupapa shoreline.

The Kalaupapa Trail

The Kalaupapa Pali Trail is a 5.6 km trail and is the only land access into Kalaupapa. The trail consists of 26 switchbacks with a 610 m elevation change over the course of the trail. The national park service describes the hike as extremely strenuous due to the steep, uneven surfaces and varied trail conditions. Many visitors also ride Molokai mules down the trail into Kalaupapa.

Trail collapse

On the evening of 25 December 2018, a postal service worker discovered significant damage to the trail from an enormous landslide. According to the Star Advertiser, the landslide took out a bridge on one of the switchbacks, and the trail is indefinitely closed. There has been no report of a damage assessment, likely due to the government shutdown happening at the time. The State Department of Health's Kalaupapa administrator Kenneth Seamon says that supply deliveries shouldn’t be affected since they come via barge and plane. The barge arrives once a year in the summer, and Kamaka Air stops weekly.

The Kishin Shinoyama photoshoot

In 1972, Japanese photographer Kishin Shinoyama photographed fashion-model
Marie Helvin Marie Helvin (born August 13, 1952) is a British-based American former fashion model, who worked extensively with David Bailey—to whom she was married between 1975 and 1985. In the 1970s and 1980s, she appeared in many fashion stories for Br ...
and some of her family more or less naked on the beach of Kalaupapa. These photos were edited in the book 'Marie's seven days in
Molokai Molokai , or Molokai (), is the fifth most populated of the eight major islands that make up the Hawaiian Islands archipelago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It is 38 by 10 miles (61 by 16 km) at its greatest length and width with a us ...
'. In her biography from 2007 Marie Helvin explains that, according to Japanese custom, these photos were meant to be innocent and artistic.

Visiting Kalaupapa

The Kalaupapa National Historical park was established 22 December 1980. The park only allows 100 visitors a day and each visitor must have a sponsor; either through one of the tour companies or other. The National Park Service outlines several key pieces of information to know before planning a visit: * Persons under 16 years of age are not permitted to visit Kalaupapa. * There are no medical facilities at Kalaupapa. Any emergency medical response can take hours and may require a helicopter flight to Oahu or Maui. * There are no dining or shopping facilities available at Kalaupapa. Visitors on Damien Tours LLC should bring their own water and lunches. Kalaupapa Rare Adventures and Makani Kai Air provide lunches and bottled water to their guests. Guests of residents need to bring their own food and sundry supplies, and plan on taking their trash with them when they leave. Snacks and soft drinks are available to visitors at the local bar. * Photography of patient-residents and their property is strictly prohibited without their express written permission. * The 5.6 km trail to the park is extremely steep and challenging with uneven surfaces. Rock and mudslides on the trail are common. Hiking the trail is physically demanding and careful consideration should be given to one's physical fitness level before beginning the hike. * Overnight accommodations are available only to guests of residents.

See also

Kalaupapa National Historical Park Kalaupapa National Historical Park is a United States National Historical Park located in Kalaupapa, Hawaii, on the island of Molokai. Coterminous with the boundaries of Kalawao County and primarily on Kalaupapa peninsula, it was established ...
* '' Molokai: The Story of Father Damien''
Kalaupapa Peninsular and Molokai's Sea Cliffs. Aerial Interactive Images.
Marie Helvin Marie Helvin (born August 13, 1952) is a British-based American former fashion model, who worked extensively with David Bailey—to whom she was married between 1975 and 1985. In the 1970s and 1980s, she appeared in many fashion stories for Br ...
''The autobiography''. Published in 2007 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, .


Further reading

Jack London — "The Lepers Of Molokai"
* Brennert, Alan. ''Moloka‘i: A Novel.''
New York New York most commonly refers to: * New York City, the most populous city in the United States, located in the state of New York * New York (state), a state in the northeastern United States New York may also refer to: Film and television * '' ...
: St. Martin's Griffin, 2003. . * Nalaielua, Henry, with Sally-Jo Bowman. ''No Footprints in the Sand: A Memoir of Kalaupapa''.
Honolulu Honolulu (; ) is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Hawaii, which is in the Pacific Ocean. It is an unincorporated county seat of the consolidated City and County of Honolulu, situated along the southeast coast of the islan ...
: Watermark, 2006. . * Puahala, Cathrine. ''We Had a Life: My Years at Kalaupapa.'' Hilo, Hawaiʻi: Pili Productions, 2016. ISBN 978-0-9913778-3-1 * Tayman, John. ''The Colony: The Harrowing True Story of the Exiles of Molokai''.
New York New York most commonly refers to: * New York City, the most populous city in the United States, located in the state of New York * New York (state), a state in the northeastern United States New York may also refer to: Film and television * '' ...
: Scribner's, 2006. . * The Leper, Steve Thayer 2008 * Kirby Wright. ''The Queen of Moloka‘i Book 1: Based On a True Story.''
California California is a state in the Western United States, located along the Pacific Coast. With nearly 39.2million residents across a total area of approximately , it is the most populous U.S. state and the 3rd largest by area. It is also the ...
: Lemon Shark Press, 2019. . *
Arthur Albert St. Mouritz Arthur Albert St. Maur Mouritz,Wade, H. W. (1951)Human Inoculation Experiments in Hawaii Including Notes On Those of Arning and Of Fitch ''International Journal of Leprosy''. Volume 19 Number 2. Retrieved April 5, 2020.Mouritz, A. A. St. M. (191 ...
The Path of the Destroyer
', 1916. * Greene, Linda W.
Exile in Paradise
'. National Park Service, 1985. * Wade, H. W
Human Inoculation Experiments in Hawaii Including Notes On Those of Arning and Of Fitch
''International Journal of Leprosy''. Volume 19 Number 2, 1951.

External links

"Fear and Loathing in Hawaii: 'Colony'" (NPR Fresh Air, February 2 2006)

"Last days of a leper colony" (CBS News article, March 22 2003)

February 5, 2008.

December 1, 2008.
Pictopia.org 1667769 (26-Kalaupapa, HI-1) Plan for Proposed Lighthouse Keeper's House
Unincorporated communities in Kalawao County, Hawaii Populated places on Molokai Leper colonies Leprosy in Hawaii Unincorporated communities in Hawaii