József Madarász



József Madarász de Kisfalud (27 August 1814 – 31 January 1915) was a Hungarian lawyer and politician, who served as Speaker of the House of Representatives between 1898 and 1899. He functioned as an emissary in the Hungarian Diet of 1832-1836. Later he served as Member of Parliament from 1848 to 1915, his death (except the period between 1848 and 1867 when the National Assembly was not convened).


He was born into a Calvinist family, his parents were court judge Gedeon Madarász and Zsófia Tóth.

See also

Laszló Lovassy László Lovassy (May 8, 1815 in Nagyszalonta, Hungary – January 6, 1892 in Nagyszalonta) was one of the leaders of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. His father was István Lovassy and his mother was Örzse Illéssy. After finishing his s ...
Ferenc Pulszky Ferenc Aurél Pulszky de Cselfalva et Lubócz (17 September 1814 – 9 September 1897) was a Hungarian politician, writer and nobleman. After fleeing Hungary in 1849 and being condemned to death in his absence, he was able to return and resume hi ...


* Jónás, Károly - Villám, Judit: ''A Magyar Országgyűlés elnökei 1848-2002''. Argumentum, Budapest, 2002. pp. 129–133 {{DEFAULTSORT:Madarasz, Jozsef 1814 births 1915 deaths Hungarian centenarians Hungarian Calvinist and Reformed Christians Men centenarians Speakers of the House of Representatives of Hungary Left Centre politicians