

José Jorge Loayza (April 23, 1827 – May 28, 1904) was a Peruvian lawyer, judge and politician. He was born in Lima, Peru. Loayza served as minister of finance in 1865, foreign affairs and justice in the Government of Peru. He was three times Prime Minister of Peru (1872, June–December 1878, May 1898-September 1899).


* Basadre, Jorge: ''Historia de la República del Perú. 1822 - 1933'', Octava Edición, corregida y aumentada. Tomos 5 y 6. Editada por el Diario "La República" de Lima y la Universidad "Ricardo Palma". Impreso en Santiago de Chile, 1998. * Tauro del Pino, Alberto: ''Enciclopedia Ilustrada del Perú''. Tercera Edición. Tomo 10. LLO/MEN. Lima, PEISA, 2001.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Loayza, Jose Jorge 1827 births 1904 deaths 19th-century Peruvian judges Politicians from Lima Peruvian Ministers of Economy and Finance Foreign ministers of Peru Peruvian Ministers of Justice Presidents of the Supreme Court of Peru Prime Ministers of Peru