

John Gray Banks (June 30, 1888 – June 24, 1961) was a lawyer and political figure in Saskatchewan. He represented Pelly from 1948 to 1952 in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan as a Liberal. He was born in
Durham, Ontario Durham is a community in the municipality of West Grey, Grey County, Ontario, Canada. Durham is located near the base of the Bruce Peninsula. Location Durham, Ontario is 44 kilometres South of Owen Sound and 89 kilometres North of Guelph on Ont ...
, the son of Richard H. Banks and Emily Gray, and was educated in Durham and at the University of Saskatchewan. In 1918, Banks married Edith Verna Allen. He lived in
Kamsack Kamsack, Saskatchewan, Canada is a town in the Assiniboine River Valley, where the Whitesand River joins the Assiniboine River. It is northeast of Yorkton. Highway 8 and Highway 5 intersect in the town. Coté First Nation is located north an ...
, Saskatchewan. Banks was defeated by
Arnold Feusi Arnold Joseph Feusi (March 31, 1912 – January 14, 1998) was an American-born educator, civil servant and political figure in Saskatchewan. He represented Pelly from 1952 to 1956 in the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan as a Co-operativ ...
when he ran for reelection to the provincial assembly in 1952.


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* Saskatchewan Liberal Party MLAs 1888 births 1961 deaths People from Kamsack, Saskatchewan People from Grey County University of Saskatchewan alumni {{Saskatchewan-politician-stub