

John Fredriksen (born 10 May 1944) is a Norwegian-born Cypriot oil tanker and shipping billionaire businessman based in London. He owns the world's largest oil tanker fleet and has major interests in the offshore driller
Seadrill Seadrill is a deepwater drilling contractor for the petroleum industry. It is incorporated in Bermuda for tax purposes and managed from London and Houston The company operates semi-submersible platforms, jackup rigs and drillships. History Sead ...
, the
fish farming upright=1.3, mariculture.html" ;"title="Salmon farming in the sea (mariculture">Salmon farming in the sea (mariculture) at Loch Ainort, Isle of Skye, Scotland Fish farming or pisciculture involves commercial animal husbandry, breeding of fish, ...
company Mowi, the dry bulk company
Golden Ocean Group Golden Ocean Group is a Bermuda-registered, Norway- based dry bulk shipping company. The company was created as a demerged part of Frontline in 2004 and is listed on Nasdaq and the Oslo Stock Exchange Oslo Stock Exchange ( no, Oslo Børs) ( ...
, and the
supply vessel Supply may refer to: *The amount of a resource that is available ** Supply (economics), the amount of a product which is available to customers **Materiel, the goods and equipment for a military unit to fulfill its mission *Supply, as in confiden ...
Deep Sea Supply Deep Sea Supply is an international operator of offshore supply vessels. It operates nine anchor handling tug supply vessels (AHTS) and two platform supply vessels (PSV). 17 ships are under construction. The main office is located in Arendal, N ...
. Through his investment companies Hemen Holdings and Meisha, Fredriksen controls the companies Frontline and
Golar LNG Golar LNG owns and operates marine LNG infrastructure. The company had developed Floating LNG liquefaction terminal (FLNG) and Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) projects based on the conversion of existing LNG carriers. Front End En ...
. In 2010–2011, Frontline owned 9.6 percent of another large tanker company, Overseas Shipholding Group. North Atlantic Drilling, Sevan Drilling, and Asia Offshore Drilling are partly owned by Seadrill. Born in
Oslo Oslo ( , , or ; sma, Oslove) is the capital and most populous city of Norway. It constitutes both a county and a municipality. The municipality of Oslo had a population of in 2022, while the city's greater urban area had a population of ...
, Norway, Fredriksen is now a naturalised Cypriot citizen. Before abandoning his Norwegian citizenship, he was Norway's richest man. Norwegian magazine ''
Kapital ''Das Kapital'', also known as ''Capital: A Critique of Political Economy'' or sometimes simply ''Capital'' (german: Das Kapital. Kritik der politischen Ökonomie, link=no, ; 1867–1883), is a foundational theoretical text in materialist phi ...
'' listed Fredriksen in 2013 with a net worth of NOK 69,75 billion (11.9 billion). In 2012, he was included in the 50 Most Influential list of
Bloomberg Markets ''Bloomberg Markets'' is a magazine published six times a year by Bloomberg L.P. as part of Bloomberg News. Aimed at global financial professionals, ''Bloomberg Markets'' publishes articles on the people and issues related to global financial ma ...
Magazine. He was named in the top 10 most influential people in the shipping industry according to Lloyds List 2014.



Fredriksen was born on 10 May 1944 to a welder and his wife, and grew up in
Etterstad Etterstad () is a neighborhood in Oslo, located between the river Alna and Strømsveien, north of Vålerenga. It was incorporated into Oslo in 1946, two years before the merger of Oslo and Aker. The area is mainly residential. History The are ...
, in the eastern half of
Oslo Oslo ( , , or ; sma, Oslove) is the capital and most populous city of Norway. It constitutes both a county and a municipality. The municipality of Oslo had a population of in 2022, while the city's greater urban area had a population of ...
. Fredriksen is a widower and has two twin daughters: Cecilie and Kathrine Astrup Fredriksen (both born 1983). Fredriksen's late wife, dentist Inger Astrup Fredriksen (died 2006), originally belonged to one of the Astrup families in Norway. Her father was a professor of psychiatry, and her grand uncle was the painter Nikolai Astrup.


Frederiksen first got into oil trading in the 1960s in
Beirut Beirut, french: Beyrouth is the capital and largest city of Lebanon. , Greater Beirut has a population of 2.5 million, which makes it the third-largest city in the Levant region. The city is situated on a peninsula at the midpoint o ...
Lebanon Lebanon ( , ar, لُبْنَان, translit=lubnān, ), officially the Republic of Lebanon () or the Lebanese Republic, is a country in Western Asia. It is located between Syria to Lebanon–Syria border, the north and east and Israel to Blue ...
, before buying his first tankers in the 1970s. He made his fortune during the
Iran–Iraq War The Iran–Iraq War was an armed conflict between Iran and Iraq that lasted from September 1980 to August 1988. It began with the Iraqi invasion of Iran and lasted for almost eight years, until the acceptance of United Nations Security Counci ...
in the 1980s, when his tankers picked up oil at great risk and huge profits. As described by his biographer, "he was the lifeline to the
Ayatollah Ayatollah ( ; fa, آیت‌الله, āyatollāh) is an Title of honor, honorific title for high-ranking Twelver Shia clergy in Iran and Iraq that came into widespread usage in the 20th century. Etymology The title is originally derived from ...
." Fredriksen would later become the world's largest tanker owner, with more than seventy oil tankers and major interests in oil rigs and fish farming. His fleet is dominated by costly double-hulled, environmentally safer tankers. In 2006, Seadrill bought more than 50 percent of Smedvig, gaining control of the company (51.24 percent of the votes and 52.27 percent of the capital). Smedvig is Fredriksen's biggest ever deal. Noble Corp sold its stake to Seadrill in 2009, leaving Seadrill with full control. Fredriksen has been the majority owner of Vålerenga I.F. for many years.


The ''
Sunday Times Rich List The ''Sunday Times Rich List'' is a list of the 1,000 wealthiest people or families resident in the United Kingdom ranked by net wealth. The list is updated annually in April and published as a magazine supplement by British national Sunday n ...
'' has ranked Fredriksen's wealth as £475m (2003), £1.050b (2004) and £1.887b (2005). In 2012, Fredriksen and his family were listed as the 9th richest in Britain with a combined wealth of £6.6bn. Fredriksen owns houses in London, Oslo, Cyprus, and
Marbella Marbella ( , , ) is a city and municipality in southern Spain, belonging to the province of Málaga in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is part of the Costa del Sol and is the headquarters of the Association of Municipalities of the r ...
, Spain. His house The Old Rectory in London has been estimated to be worth around US$172 million. He is a collector of classic Norwegian art.


Fredriksen claims to support research projects at The
Radium Hospital Oslo University Hospital, Radiumhospitalet ( no, Oslo universitetssykehus, Radiumhospitalet) is one of the four campuses of Oslo University Hospital in Oslo, Norway, and is dedicated to cancer treatment. This part of the hospital is the most specia ...
and to have donated several hundreds of millions of Norwegian kroner to medical research at hospitals in Norway.

''Gard'' case

In 1985, the Norwegian insurance company Gard became suspicious about losses of cargo from Fredriksen's tankers. A private investigation was initiated, and a system for the use of heavy oil as bunker fuel was revealed. The case was turned over to the Norwegian police and in June 1986 Fredriksen's offices in Oslo were searched and several of his nearest associates, and after a while also Fredriksen, were placed in detention while the case was investigated. After several years of arguments between the various lawyers, the case was settled out of court. Fredriksen had to pay a fine of 2 million NOK for risking his crew's lives, and in addition had to pay the insurance company Gard an amount of over 800,000.«Fredriksen aksepterte å betale Gard 800,000-dollar, pluss halvparten av den Marine Management-konto de hadde tatt beslag i.», fra Storeulv, side 160



* Hauge, Odd Harald and Gunnar Stavrum. ''Storeulv, en uautorisert biografi om John Fredriksen''. Oslo: Gyldendal, 2005. . Print. {{DEFAULTSORT:Fredriksen, John 1944 births Cypriot billionaires 20th-century Cypriot businesspeople Living people Norwegian businesspeople in shipping Norwegian emigrants to Cyprus Businesspeople from Oslo Norwegian people of Danish descent Cypriot people of Norwegian descent Naturalized citizens of Cyprus People who lost Norwegian citizenship Conservatism in Norway