

John Colarusso is a linguist specializing in Caucasian languages. Since 1976, he has taught at
McMaster University McMaster University (McMaster or Mac) is a public research university in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The main McMaster campus is on of land near the residential neighbourhoods of Ainslie Wood and Westdale, adjacent to the Royal Botanical ...
Hamilton, Ontario Hamilton is a port city in the Canadian province of Ontario. Hamilton has a population of 569,353, and its census metropolitan area, which includes Burlington and Grimsby, has a population of 785,184. The city is approximately southwest of ...
. Colarusso has published more than sixty-five articles on linguistics, myths, politics, and the
Caucasus The Caucasus () or Caucasia (), is a region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, mainly comprising Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (country), Georgia, and parts of Southern Russia. The Caucasus Mountains, including the Greater Caucasus range ...
; he has also authored three books, edited one, and is finishing two further books.http://johncolarusso.net/teaching/18-works Among other works, he has published grammar books of the
Kabardian language Kabardian (; ; ), also known as , is a Northwest Caucasian language closely related to the Adyghe (West Circassian) language. Circassian nationalists reject the distinction between the two languages and refer to them both as " Circassian". ...

Selected publications

* * Colarusso, John (1997). "Phyletic Links between Proto-Indo-European and Proto–Northwest Caucasian". The
Journal of Indo-European Studies The ''Journal of Indo-European Studies'' (JIES) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of Indo-European studies. The journal publishes papers in the fields of anthropology, archaeology, mythology and linguistics relating to the cultural history o ...
(Chicago Linguistic Society) 25 (1–2): 119–151. * * Colarusso, John (2003). "Further Etymologies between Indo-European and Northwest Caucasian". In Holisky, Dee Ann; Tuite, Kevin. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp. 41–60. . * Colarusso, John (2014). The Northwest Caucasian Languages (RLE Linguistics F: World Linguistics): A Phonological Survey (Routledge Library Editions: Linguistics) Kindle Edition * *


Linguists from Canada Living people Year of birth missing (living people) McMaster University faculty Indo-Europeanists Linguists of Indo-European languages Linguists of Caucasian languages Linguists of Northwest Caucasian languages Kabardian language Paleolinguists Historical linguists {{NorthwestCaucasian-lang-stub