Joeri Van Dijk



Joeri van Dijk-Passchier (14 July 1983,
The Hague The Hague ( ; nl, Den Haag or ) is a list of cities in the Netherlands by province, city and municipalities of the Netherlands, municipality of the Netherlands, situated on the west coast facing the North Sea. The Hague is the country's ad ...
) is a
sailor A sailor, seaman, mariner, or seafarer is a person who works aboard a watercraft as part of its crew, and may work in any one of a number of different fields that are related to the operation and maintenance of a ship. The profession of the ...
from the
Netherlands ) , anthem = ( en, "William of Nassau") , image_map = , map_caption = , subdivision_type = Sovereign state , subdivision_name = Kingdom of the Netherlands , established_title = Before independence , established_date = Spanish Netherl ...
, who represented his country at the 2004 Summer Olympics in
Athens Athens ( ; el, Αθήνα, Athína ; grc, Ἀθῆναι, Athênai (pl.) ) is both the capital city, capital and List of cities and towns in Greece, largest city of Greece. With a population close to four million, it is also the seventh List ...
. Van Dijk took the 20th place on the Men's Mistral One Design.

Further reading

2004 Olympics (Athens)

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Living people 1983 births Sportspeople from The Hague Dutch windsurfers Sailors at the 2004 Summer Olympics – Mistral One Design Olympic sailors of the Netherlands Dutch male sailors (sport) {{Netherlands-yachtracing-bio-stub