See also
*Underbarrel pistols
* FN M1900 * Semmerling XLMReferences
{{reflist * Brandt, Jakob H. “Magazine der Selbstladepistolen Jieffeco und Melior”. Deutsche Waffen Journal, June 1995. * Daubresse, Alain. Les armuriers Liègeois a travers leurs réalisations. Alain Daubresse: 2014. * Daubresse, Alain. * Gadisseur, Guy and Druart, Michel. Le Qui est Qui: de l’Armurierie liégeoise, 1800-1950, Tome 1, Editions du Pecari: 2005. * Hogg, Ian and Walter, John. Pistols of the World, 4th Edition. Krause Publications, Iola, WI: 2004. * Hogg, Ian V. and Weeks, John. Pistols of the World. Arms & Armour Press, London: 1978. * Matthews, J. Howard, Firearms Identification. Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, Illinois: 1962. * Olson, John, Editor. Famous Automatic Pistols and Revolvers, Volume 2. Jolex. * Schroeder, Joseph J. Jr., Editor. Arms of the World 1911: The Fabulous ALFA Catalogue of Arms and the Outdoors. Follett Publishing Company, Chicago: 1972. Semi-automatic pistols 1901–1909 .25 ACP semi-automatic pistols .32 ACP semi-automatic pistols