Jerzy Samp



Jerzy Samp (23 March 1951 in
Gdańsk Gdańsk ( , also ; ; csb, Gduńsk;Stefan Ramułt, ''Słownik języka pomorskiego, czyli kaszubskiego'', Kraków 1893, Gdańsk 2003, ISBN 83-87408-64-6. , Johann Georg Theodor Grässe, ''Orbis latinus oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benen ...
– 16 February 2015) was a Polish writer, publicist and historian of the literature and culture of
Pomerania Pomerania ( pl, Pomorze; german: Pommern; Kashubian: ''Pòmòrskô''; sv, Pommern) is a historical region on the southern shore of the Baltic Sea in Central Europe, split between Poland and Germany. The western part of Pomerania belongs to t ...
and especially of the
Kashubian literature Kashubian literature appeared in Poland during the second half of the nineteenth century with Florian Cejnowa (1817–1881), who used the Sławoszyno dialect of the Puck region, and Hieronim Derdowski (1852–1902), who used the Wiele dialect o ...
. He was also an activist in the
Kashubian-Pomeranian Association The Kashubian-Pomeranian Association (Kashubian- Pomeranian: ''Kaszëbskò-Pòmòrsczé Zrzeszenié'', Polish: ''Zrzeszenie Kaszubsko-Pomorskie'') is a regional non-governmental organization of Kashubians ( Pomeranians), Kociewiacy and other pe ...
(chairman of Gdańsk Branch 1986–1989, 1995–1998). Born
Gdańsk Gdańsk ( , also ; ; csb, Gduńsk;Stefan Ramułt, ''Słownik języka pomorskiego, czyli kaszubskiego'', Kraków 1893, Gdańsk 2003, ISBN 83-87408-64-6. , Johann Georg Theodor Grässe, ''Orbis latinus oder Verzeichniss der lateinischen Benen ...
Poland Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, , is a country in Central Europe. Poland is divided into Voivodeships of Poland, sixteen voivodeships and is the fifth most populous member state of the European Union (EU), with over 38 mill ...
, he studied Polish
philology Philology () is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection of textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics (with especially strong ties to etymology). Philology is also defined as ...
in the
University of Gdańsk The University of Gdańsk ( pl, Uniwersytet Gdański) is a public university, public research university located in Gdańsk, Poland. It is one of the top 10 universities in Poland and is also an important centre for the studies of the Kashubian la ...
graduating in 1975, received a doctorate in 1982, doctor habilitowany title in 1992 and the title of professor in 1995. Since 1975 he has worked in Gdańsk University in the department of the History of Literature and Culture of 19th and 20th century Pomerania. He was also a member of the Gdańsk Scientific Society (Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe), the Folklore Commission of the Polish Literature Commission of the
Polish Academy of Science The Polish Academy of Sciences ( pl, Polska Akademia Nauk, PAN) is a Polish state-sponsored institution of higher learning. Headquartered in Warsaw, it is responsible for spearheading the development of science across the country by a society ...
(Polska Akademia Nauk), the Kashubian Institute (Instytut Kaszubski), and Polish Writers Associations (Stowarzyszenie Pisarzy Polskich).


* ''Cyrografy'' (1977) * ''Smętek. Studium kreacji literackich'' (1984) * ''Baśniokrąg pomorski w pisarstwie Lecha Bądkowskiego'' (1984) * ''Motywy skandynawskie w tradycji, kulturze i piśmiennictwie kaszubsko-pomorskim'' (1988) * ''Poezja rodnej mowy'' (1985) * ''Zaklęta stegna. Bajki kaszubskie'' (1985) * ''Gdańsk w relacjach z podróży 1772–1918'' (1991) * ''Z woli morza. Bałtyckie mitopeje'' * ''Gdańsk. Przewodnik po mieście'' (1991) * ''Orunia, Zabytkim historia, kultura'' (1992) * ''Wrzeszcz. Kościół na Czarnej'' (1992) * ''Legendy gdańskie. Baśnie, podania i przypowieści'' (1992) * ''Bedeker gdański'' (1994) * ''Uczta stulecia. Dawne i nowe legendy gdańskie'' (1994) * ''Przygoda Królewianki i inne bajki z Kaszub'' (1994) * ''Miasto czterdziestu bram. Gdańskie mitopeje'' (1996)


* ''Medal Stolema'' (1985)


1951 births Polish people of Kashubian descent Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Polish male non-fiction writers Polish publicists Polish male writers Writers from Gdańsk University of Gdańsk alumni Academic staff of the University of Gdańsk Members of the Polish Academy of Sciences Recipients of the Bronze Medal for Merit to Culture – Gloria Artis 2015 deaths {{poland-writer-stub