Professional life
* 1947–48 Senior Assistant, Greenwich P. L. * 1949–52 Librarian, City of London College * 1952 British Bliss Classification Association committee member * 1952 Member (later Chair) Classification Research Group * 1952–62 Assistant Lecturer, North Western Polytechnic * 1960 Chair of the Bliss Classification Association Committee * 1963–64 Deputy Director, Aslib-Cranfield Project * 1966–67 Library School, University of Maryland * 1968 Lecturer, North Western Polytechnic * 1973–84 Reader, School of Librarianship, Polytechnic (later University) of North London * 1985 RetiredBC2
From the 1960s Jack Mills was the driving force behind the revision of theSee also
*Bibliography of Jack Mills' works
* Brown, A. G., in collaboration with D. W. Langridge and J. Mills An introduction to subject indexing 2nd ed. London: Bingley, 1982 * Brown, A. G., in collaboration with D. W. Langridge and J. Mills Introduction to subject indexing: a programmed text. Vol. 1, Subject analysis and practical classification, Vol. 2,UDC and chain procedure in subject cataloguing. London: Bingley, 1976 * Cleverdon, C. W., Lancaster, F. W. and Mills, J. “Uncovering some facts of life in information retrieval.” Special libraries 55(2) 1964, 48–62 * Cleverdon, C. W., Mills,J. and Keen, M. Factors determining the performance of indexing systems. Cranfield: College of Aeronautics, 1966. * Cleverdon, C. W. and Mills, J. “The testing of index language devices.” Aslib proceedings, 19 (6) 1967, 173–194. * Daniel, R. and Mills, J. (for the Classification Research Group) A classification and thesaurus of library and information science. London: Polytechnic of North London, School of Librarianship, 1972. * Lancaster, F. W. and Mills, J. “Testing indexes and index language devices: the Aslib-Cranfield Project.” American documentation, 15(1) 1964, 4–13 * Langridge, D., Mills, J. and Perrault, J. Indexing for ERIC: a programmed course. School of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, 1967. * Mills, J. “The Bibliographic Classification” in Kent, A. and Lancour, H. (eds.) Encyclopedia of library and information science, Vol. 2 1969, 368–80. * Mills, J. “The Bibliographic Classification” in Maltby, Arthur (ed.) Classification in the 1970s: a discussion of development and prospects for the major schemes. London: Bingley 1972, 25–52. * Mills, J. “The Bibliographic Classification” in Maltby, A. (ed) Classification in the 1970s: a second look. London: Bingley, 1976, 25–50. * Mills, J “The Bliss and Colon Classifications.” Library Association record, 53 1951, 146–53 * Mills, J. “Bliss Bibliographic Classification” in Prytherch, Ray (ed.) Harrod's librarians' glossary and reference book : a directory of over 10,200 terms, organisations, projects and acronyms in the areas of information management, library science, publishing and archive management. 10th ed. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. * Mills, J.“Chain indexing and the classified catalogue.” Library Association record, 57(4) 1955, 141–148. * Mills, J. “Classification” in Sewell, P. H. Five year's work in librarianship 1951–55. London: Library Association, 1958, 216–44 * Mills, J. “Classification” in Sewell, P. H. Five year's work in librarianship 1956–60. London: Library Association, 1963, 237–267 * Mills, J. “Classification of a subject field.” Classification Research Group Bulletin no.2, March 1957, B1. (Preprint of papers to be presented at the International Study Conference on Classification for Information Retrieval, Dorking, May 1957). * Mills, J “Classifying by Bliss.” Library Association record, 52 1950, 370–2 * Mills, J. “A comment on the article by R. A. Ukoh 'Library classification and change: the example of Bliss'. Libri, 25, 168)” Libri 26 (2) June 76, 156–157. * Mills, J. “A common language for information retrieval.” Publisher, 181 (4948) Dec 68, 32–33 * Mills, J. “Composite classification in the BC.” Bliss Classification bulletin, 2(1) 1957, 6–15 * Mills, J. “Dr. Ranganathan and the study of classification” in Library science in India. Madras, 1953, 38–41 * Mills, J. “Faceted classification and logical division in information retrieval.” Library trends, 52(3) 2004, 541–70 * Mills, J. Guide to the Universal decimal classification (BS 1000C). London: British Standards Institution, 1963 * Mills, J. “Inadequacies of existing general classification schemes” in Some problems of a general classification scheme. London: Library Association, 1964, 32–37 * Mills, J. “Indexing a classification scheme.” Indexer, 2(2) 1960, 44–8 * Mills, J. “Information retrieval: a revolt against conventional systems?” Aslib proceedings,16(2) 1964, 48–63 * Mills, J. “Introductory address” (a paper on faceted classification) Knowledge organisation for information retrieval. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Classification Research. University College London 16–18 June 1997 The Hague: FID, 1997, 1–11 * Mills, J. A modern outline of library classification. London: Chapman and Hall, 1960 * Mills, J. “The new Bliss Classification.” Catalogue and Index, (40) 1976, 3–6. * Mills, J. “A new edition of Bliss.” Catalogue and index, (17) 1970, 8–9. * Mills, J. “Number building and filing order in BC.” Bliss classification bulletin 2 (10), March 1957 * Mills, J. “Prcoordination et hirarchie dans l’indexation.” Le Bulletin des bibliothques de France, Sept–Oct 1965, 331–46 * Mills, J. “Progress in documentation: library classification.” Journal of Documentation, 26(2)June 70, 120–160 * Mills, J. “Ranganathan’s ‘Prolegomena’ and ‘Colon Classification’.” Library Association record, 60(5) 1958, 152–4 * Mills, J. Registration classification and cataloguing revised edition. Purley: London and Home Counties Branch of the Library Association, 1960 * Mills, J. “Review of the Bibliographic Classification.” Library Association record, 1953, 298–300 * Mills, J. “Some current problems of classification for information retrieval.” Classification Society bulletin, 1(4) 1968, 18–27 * Mills, J. The Universal decimal classification (Rutgers series on systems for the intellectual organisation of information ed. by Susan Artandi, Vol. 1) Rutgers: New Brunswick 1964 * Mills, J. “Using classification in teaching indexing.” Journal of documentation, 21(4) 1965, 279–86 * Mills, J. and Broughton, V. Bliss bibliographic classification. 2nd ed. London: Butterworths, 1977–1987; Bowker-Saur, 1990–1999; M nchen: Saur, 2007– * Mills, J. and McCann, W. The organisation of information in the construction industry (SfB Agency UK Development paper no. 3) London: Royal Institute of British Architects, 1968References
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