

Ivan Ivanovich (Ива́н Иванович) (March 28, 1554 – November 19, 1581) was a Tsarevich (
heir apparent An heir apparent, often shortened to heir, is a person who is first in an order of succession and cannot be displaced from inheriting by the birth of another person; a person who is first in the order of succession but can be displaced by the b ...
) of
Russia Russia (, , ), or the Russian Federation, is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world, with its internationally recognised territory covering , and encompassing one-eigh ...
and the son of
Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV Vasilyevich (russian: Ива́н Васи́льевич; 25 August 1530 – ), commonly known in English as Ivan the Terrible, was the grand prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and the first Tsar of all Russia from 1547 to 1584. Iv ...
, who killed him in a fit of rage.

Early life

Ivan was the second son of Ivan the Terrible by his first wife Anastasia Romanovna. His brother was Feodor. The young Ivan accompanied his father during the
Massacre of Novgorod The Massacre of Novgorod was an attack launched by Tsar Ivan IV (The Terrible)'s ''oprichniki'' on the city of Novgorod, Russia in 1570. Although initially an act of vengeance against the perceived treason of the local Orthodox church, the massac ...
at the age of 15. For five weeks, he and his father would watch the Oprichniks with enthusiasm and retire to church for prayer. At age 27, Ivan was at least as well read as his father, and in his free time, wrote a biography on
Antony of Siya Antony of Siya (russian: Антоний Сийский) (1479–1556) was a Russian Orthodox monk who was proclaimed a saint after his death. He founded the Antonievo-Siysky Monastery on the River Siya in modern Arkhangelsk Oblast Arkhange ...
. Ivan is reputed to have once saved his father from an assassination attempt. A Livonian prisoner named Bykovski raised a sword against the Tsar, only to be rapidly stabbed by the Tsarevich.


In 1566, it was suggested that the 12-year-old Ivan marry
Virginia Eriksdotter Virginia Eriksdotter (1 January 1559 – 1633) was a Swedish noble. She was the recognized illegitimate daughter of King Erik XIV of Sweden and his official royal mistress Agda Persdotter. Life Virginia was born at Kalmar Castle during her fat ...
, daughter of King
Eric XIV of Sweden Eric XIV ( sv, Erik XIV; 13 December 153326 February 1577) was King of Sweden from 1560 until he was deposed in 1569. Eric XIV was the eldest son of Gustav I (1496–1560) and Catherine of Saxe-Lauenburg (1513–1535). He was also ruler of E ...
, but this did not come about. At the age of seventeen, Ivan was betrothed to
Eudoxia Saburova Eudoxia Saburova (russian: Евдокия Богдановна Сабурова; died 1620), was a Russian noblewoman, Tsesarevna of Russia as the first spouse of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of Russia, son of Ivan the Terrible. Biography She was the d ...
, who had previously been proposed as a bride for Tsar Ivan. Indeed, she had been one of twelve women paraded before the Tsar in a bride-show for him to make a choice. The Tsar had rejected Eudoxia as a bride for himself but she was later married to the Tsar's son. The Tsar wanted his daughter-in-law to produce an heir very quickly, and this did not happen, so the Tsar banished her to a convent and found another bride for his son. This second wife was
Praskovia Solova Feodosiya or Praskovia Mikhailovna Solovaya (russian: Феодосия Михайловна Соловая; died 1621), was a Russian noblewoman, Tsesarevna of Russia as the second spouse of Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich of Russia, son of Ivan the Terrib ...
, who met quickly with the same fate as her predecessor, and was also put away into a convent. A third wife was found for Ivanovic, Yelena Sheremeteva, who was found to be pregnant in October 1581. That child was presumably miscarried around the time when Ivan died by his father's hand in November 1581.


Ivan Ivanovich is believed to have been killed by his father,
Ivan the Terrible Ivan IV Vasilyevich (russian: Ива́н Васи́льевич; 25 August 1530 – ), commonly known in English as Ivan the Terrible, was the grand prince of Moscow from 1533 to 1547 and the first Tsar of all Russia from 1547 to 1584. Iv ...
. Some sources claim Ivan Ivanovich's relationship with his father began to deteriorate during the later stages of the
Livonian War The Livonian War (1558–1583) was the Russian invasion of Old Livonia, and the prolonged series of military conflicts that followed, in which Tsar Ivan the Terrible of Russia (Muscovy) unsuccessfully fought for control of the region (pre ...
. Angry with his father for his military failures, Ivan demanded to be given command of some troops to liberate besieged Pskov. Their relationship allegedly further deteriorated when on 15 November 1581, the Tsar, after seeing his pregnant daughter-in-law wearing unconventionally light clothing, physically assaulted her. Hearing her screams, the Tsarevich rushed to his wife's defense, angrily shouting, "You sent my first wife to a convent for no reason, you did the same with my second, and now you strike the third, causing the death of the son she holds in her womb." Yelena subsequently suffered a
miscarriage Miscarriage, also known in medical terms as a spontaneous abortion and pregnancy loss, is the death of an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently. Miscarriage before 6 weeks of gestation is defined by ESHRE as biochemical ...
. The Tsarevich confronted his father on the matter, only to have the topic changed to his insubordination regarding Pskov. The elder Ivan accused his son of inciting rebellion, which the younger Ivan denied, but vehemently stuck to the view that Pskov should be liberated. Angered, Ivan's father struck him on the head with his
sceptre A sceptre is a staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia. Figuratively, it means royal or imperial authority or sovereignty. Antiquity Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia The ''Was'' and other ...
. Boris Godunov, who was present at the scene, tried to intervene but received blows himself. The younger Ivan fell, barely conscious and with a bleeding wound on his temple. The elder Ivan immediately threw himself at his son, kissing his face and trying to stop the bleeding, whilst repeatedly crying, "May I be damned! I've killed my son! I've killed my son!" The younger Ivan briefly regained consciousness and was reputed to have said "I die as a devoted son and most humble servant". For the next few days, the elder Ivan prayed incessantly for a miracle, but to no avail, and the Tsarevich died on 19 November 1581. Ivan's death had grave consequences for Russia, since it left no competent heir to the throne. After the Tsar's death in 1584, his unprepared son Feodor I succeeded him with Godunov as ''de facto'' ruler. After Feodor's death, Russia entered a period of political uncertainty known as the
Time of Troubles The Time of Troubles (russian: Смутное время, ), or Smuta (russian: Смута), was a period of political crisis during the Tsardom of Russia which began in 1598 with the death of Fyodor I (Fyodor Ivanovich, the last of the Rurik dy ...




* Troyat, Henri ''Ivan le Terrible''. Flammarion, Paris, 1982 * de Madariaga, Isabel ''Ivan the Terrible''. Giulio Einaudi editore, 2005 * Robert Payne and Nikita Romanoff, ''Ivan The Terrible'' (New York, 2002) {{DEFAULTSORT:Ivan Ivanovich Of Russia Russian tsareviches Heirs apparent who never acceded Murdered Russian royalty 1554 births 1581 deaths People murdered in Russia 16th-century Russian people Deaths by beating in Europe