Naturally occurring
rhenium (
75Re) is 37.4%
185Re, which is
A stable is a building in which livestock, especially horses, are kept. It most commonly means a building that is divided into separate stalls for individual animals and livestock. There are many different types of stables in use today; the ...
(although it is
predicted to decay), and 62.6%
187Re, which is
unstable but has a very long
half-life (4.12×10
10 years).
Among elements with a known stable isotope, only
indium and
tellurium similarly occur with a stable isotope in lower abundance than the long-lived radioactive isotope.
There are 33 other unstable isotopes recognized, the longest-lived of which are
183Re with a half-life of 70 days,
184Re with a half-life of 38 days,
186Re with a half-life of 3.7186 days,
182Re with a half-life of 64.0 hours, and
189Re with a half-life of 24.3 hours. There are also numerous
isomers, the longest-lived of which are
186mRe with a half-life of 200,000 years and
184mRe with a half-life of 177.25 days.
[ All others have half-lives less than a day.
List of isotopes
, -
, rowspan=2, 160Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 85
, rowspan=2, 159.98212(43)#
, rowspan=2, 860(120) μs
.82(+15−9) ms, p (91%)
, 159W
, rowspan=2, (2−)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (9%)
, 156Ta
, -
, 161Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 86
, 160.97759(22)
, 0.37(4) ms
, p
, 160W
, 1/2+
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 161mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 123.8(13) keV
, 15.6(9) ms
, α
, 157Ta
, 11/2−
, -
, rowspan=2, 162Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 87
, rowspan=2, 161.97600(22)#
, rowspan=2, 107(13) ms
, α (94%)
, 158Ta
, rowspan=2, (2−)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+ (6%)
, 162W
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 162mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 173(10) keV
, rowspan=2, 77(9) ms
, α (91%)
, 158Ta
, rowspan=2, (9+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+ (9%)
, 162W
, -
, rowspan=2, 163Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 88
, rowspan=2, 162.972081(21)
, rowspan=2, 390(70) ms
, β+ (68%)
, 163W
, rowspan=2, (1/2+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (32%)
, 159Ta
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 163mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 115(4) keV
, rowspan=2, 214(5) ms
, α (66%)
, 159Ta
, rowspan=2, (11/2−)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+ (34%)
, 163W
, -
, rowspan=2, 164Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 89
, rowspan=2, 163.97032(17)#
, rowspan=2, 0.53(23) s
, α (58%)
, 160Ta
, rowspan=2, high
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+ (42%)
, 164W
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 164mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 120(120)# keV
, 530(230) ms
, (2#)−
, -
, rowspan=2, 165Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 90
, rowspan=2, 164.967089(30)
, rowspan=2, 1# s
, β+
, 165W
, rowspan=2, 1/2+#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α
, 161Ta
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 165mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 47(26) keV
, rowspan=2, 2.1(3) s
, β+ (87%)
, 165W
, rowspan=2, 11/2−#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (13%)
, 161Ta
, -
, rowspan=2, 166Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 91
, rowspan=2, 165.96581(9)#
, rowspan=2, 2# s
, β+
, 166W
, rowspan=2, 2−#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α
, 162Ta
, -
, rowspan=2, 167Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 92
, rowspan=2, 166.96260(6)#
, rowspan=2, 3.4(4) s
, α
, 163Ta
, rowspan=2, 9/2−#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+
, 167W
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 167mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 130(40)# keV
, rowspan=2, 5.9(3) s
, β+ (99.3%)
, 167W
, rowspan=2, 1/2+#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (.7%)
, 163Ta
, -
, rowspan=2, 168Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 93
, rowspan=2, 167.96157(3)
, rowspan=2, 4.4(1) s
, β+ (99.99%)
, 168W
, rowspan=2, (5+, 6+, 7+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (.005%)
, 164Ta
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 168mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , non-exist
, 6.6(15) s
, -
, rowspan=2, 169Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 94
, rowspan=2, 168.95879(3)
, rowspan=2, 8.1(5) s
, β+ (99.99%)
, 169W
, rowspan=2, 9/2−#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (.005%)
, 165Ta
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 169mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 145(29) keV
, rowspan=2, 15.1(15) s
, β+ (99.8%)
, 169W
, rowspan=2, 1/2+#
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (.2%)
, 164Ta
, -
, rowspan=2, 170Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 95
, rowspan=2, 169.958220(28)
, rowspan=2, 9.2(2) s
, β+ (99.99%)
, 170W
, rowspan=2, (5+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, α (.01%)
, 166Ta
, -
, 171Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 96
, 170.95572(3)
, 15.2(4) s
, β+
, 171W
, (9/2−)
, -
, 172Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 97
, 171.95542(6)
, 15(3) s
, β+
, 172W
, (5)
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 172mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 0(100)# keV
, 55(5) s
, β+
, 172W
, (2)
, -
, 173Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 98
, 172.95324(3)
, 1.98(26) min
, β+
, 173W
, (5/2−)
, -
, 174Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 99
, 173.95312(3)
, 2.40(4) min
, β+
, 174W
, -
, 175Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 100
, 174.95138(3)
, 5.89(5) min
, β+
, 175W
, (5/2−)
, -
, 176Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 101
, 175.95162(3)
, 5.3(3) min
, β+
, 176W
, 3+
, -
, 177Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 102
, 176.95033(3)
, 14(1) min
, β+
, 177W
, 5/2−
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 177mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 84.71(10) keV
, 50(10) μs
, 5/2+
, -
, 178Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 103
, 177.95099(3)
, 13.2(2) min
, β+
, 178W
, (3+)
, -
, 179Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 104
, 178.949988(26)
, 19.5(1) min
, β+
, 179W
, (5/2)+
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 179m1Re
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 65.39(9) keV
, 95(25) μs
, (5/2−)
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 179m2Re
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1684.59(14)+Y keV
, >0.4 μs
, (23/2+)
, -
, 180Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 105
, 179.950789(23)
, 2.44(6) min
, β+
, ''180W''
, (1)−
, -
, 181Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 106
, 180.950068(14)
, 19.9(7) h
, β+
, 181W
, 5/2+
, -
, 182Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 107
, 181.95121(11)
, 64.0(5) h
, β+
, 182W
, 7+
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 182m1Re
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 60(100) keV
, 12.7(2) h
, β+
, 182W
, 2+
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 182m2Re
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 235.736(10)+X keV
, 585(21) ns
, 2−
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 182m3Re
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 461.3(1)+X keV
, 0.78(9) μs
, (4−)
, -
, 183Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 108
, 182.950820(9)
, 70.0(14) d
, EC
, 183W
, 5/2+
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 183mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 1907.6(3) keV
, 1.04(4) ms
, IT
, 183Re
, (25/2+)
, -
, 184Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 109
, 183.952521(5)
, 35.4(7) d[
, β+
, 184W
, 3(−)
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 184mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 188.01(4) keV
, rowspan=2, 177.25(7) d]
, IT (75.4%)
, 184Re
, rowspan=2, 8(+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β+ (24.6%)
, 184W
, -
, 185Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 110
, 184.9529550(13)
, colspan=3 align=center, Observationally Stable[Believed to undergo α decay to 181Ta]
, 5/2+
, 0.3740(2)
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 185mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 2124(2) keV
, 123(23) ns
, (21/2)
, -
, rowspan=2, 186Re
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 75
, rowspan=2 style="text-align:right" , 111
, rowspan=2, 185.9549861(13)
, rowspan=2, 3.7186(5) d
, β− (93.1%)
, ''186Os''
, rowspan=2, 1−
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, EC (6.9%)
, 186W
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 186mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 149(7) keV
, rowspan=2, 2.0(5)×105 y
, IT (90%)
, 186Re
, rowspan=2, (8+)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, β− (10%)
, ''186Os''
, -
, 187Reprimordial
Primordial may refer to:
* Primordial era, an era after the Big Bang. See Chronology of the universe
* Primordial sea (a.k.a. primordial ocean, ooze or soup). See Abiogenesis
* Primordial nuclide, nuclides, a few radioactive, that formed before ...
A radionuclide (radioactive nuclide, radioisotope or radioactive isotope) is a nuclide that has excess nuclear energy, making it unstable. This excess energy can be used in one of three ways: emitted from the nucleus as gamma radiation; transfer ...
[Used in rhenium–osmium dating]
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 112
, 186.9557531(15)
, 41.2(2)×109 y[Can undergo Bound-state β− decay with a half-life of 32.9 years when fully ionized]
, β−[Theorized to also undergo α decay to 183Ta]
, 187Os
, 5/2+
, 0.6260(2)
, -
, 188Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 113
, 187.9581144(15)
, 17.0040(22) h
, β−
, 188Os
, 1−
, -
, style="text-indent:1em" , 188mRe
, colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 172.069(9) keV
, 18.59(4) min
, IT
, 188Re
, (6)−
, -
, 189Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 114
, 188.959229(9)
, 24.3(4) h
, β−
, 189Os
, 5/2+
, -
, 190Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 115
, 189.96182(16)
, 3.1(3) min
, β−
, 190Os
, (2)−
, -
, rowspan=2 style="text-indent:1em" , 190mRe
, rowspan=2 colspan="3" style="text-indent:2em" , 210(50) keV
, rowspan=2, 3.2(2) h
, β− (54.4%)
, 190Os
, rowspan=2, (6−)
, rowspan=2,
, rowspan=2,
, -
, IT (45.6%)
, 190Re
, -
, 191Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 116
, 190.963125(11)
, 9.8(5) min
, β−
, 191Os
, (3/2+, 1/2+)
, -
, 192Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 117
, 191.96596(21)#
, 16(1) s
, β−
, 192Os
, -
, 193Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 118
, 192.96747(21)#
, 30# s 300 ns,
, 5/2+#
, -
, 194Re
, style="text-align:right" , 75
, style="text-align:right" , 119
, 193.97042(32)#
, 2# s 300 ns,
* Isotope masses from:
* Isotopic compositions and standard atomic masses from:
* Half-life, spin, and isomer data selected from the following sources.
{{Navbox element isotopes