Iorwerth Hirflawdd



Iorwerth Hirflawdd was an ancestor of various medieval rulers in mid
Wales Wales ( cy, Cymru ) is a Countries of the United Kingdom, country that is part of the United Kingdom. It is bordered by England to the Wales–England border, east, the Irish Sea to the north and west, the Celtic Sea to the south west and the ...
. His epithet means 'long trouble', but nothing is known of how he acquired it, nor otherwise of his life. Nothing is known certainly of his life, but he must have lived in the mid 9th century.
Elystan Glodrydd Elystan Glodrydd (or, occasionally, Elstan Glodrydd; died 1010), also known as "Æthelstan the Famous" and "The Renowned," was, according to Welsh genealogical tracts, the founder of the fifth Royal Tribe of Wales. He was the Prince of Buellt, ...
(died c.1010), who is regarded as the founder of the fifth Royal Tribe of Wales, was seventh in descent from him. He also appears near the head of a dynasty of
Arwystli Arwystli was a cantref in mid Wales in the Middle Ages, located in the headland of the River Severn. It was chiefly associated with the Kingdom of Powys, but was heavily disputed between Powys, Gwynedd, and the Norman Marcher Lords for hun ...
, where he is named as son of Tegonwy ap Teon. Tegonwy also appears in the genealogy of
Bleddyn ap Cynfyn Bleddyn ap Cynfyn ( owl, Bledẏnt uab Kẏn ỽẏn;  AD 1075), sometimes spelled Blethyn, was an 11th-century Welsh king. Harold Godwinson and Tostig Godwinson installed him and his brother, Rhiwallon, as the co-rulers of Gwynedd ...
, who was the ancestor of the later
Princes A prince is a male ruler (ranked below a king, grand prince, and grand duke) or a male member of a monarch's or former monarch's family. ''Prince'' is also a title of nobility (often highest), often hereditary, in some European states. The ...
Powys Powys (; ) is a Local government in Wales#Principal areas, county and Preserved counties of Wales, preserved county in Wales. It is named after the Kingdom of Powys which was a Welsh succession of states, successor state, petty kingdom and princi ...
. Bleddyn's claim to rule came from his father Cynfyn, being a Powys nobleman, Interim King of Powys and maternal grandson of the former King Cadell.


*P. C. Bartum, ''Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts'' (University of Wales Press 1966), 95-7 104-5. {{DEFAULTSORT:Iorwerth Hirflawdd 9th-century Welsh people