

The ''International Railway Journal'' (IRJ) is a monthly international
trade magazine A trade magazine, also called a trade journal or trade paper (colloquially or disparagingly a trade rag), is a magazine or newspaper whose target audience is people who work in a particular trade or industry. The collective term for th ...
published by Simmons-Boardman Publishing in Falmouth, England.


Founded by Robert Lewis and ''
Railway Age ''Railway Age'' is an American trade magazine for the rail transport industry. It was founded in 1856 in Chicago (the United States' major railroad hub) and is published monthly by Simmons-Boardman Publishing Corporation. History The magazine' ...
'' editor Luther Miller as the world's first globally distributed magazine for the railway industry, the first edition of IRJ was published as a pilot in October 1960. Monthly production commenced in January 1961.


The magazine covers a range of rail-related content, covering sectors including passenger, freight, high-speed, metro and light rail. Regular subject matters include financial news, fleet orders, infrastructure, new technologies and government policy.

Circulation and Distribution

IRJ publishes regular content on its website, and also publishes a monthly print edition, distributed through controlled circulation. IRJ's print edition had a circulation of 10,234 copies in 2020, according to the
Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) is a non-profit organisation A nonprofit organization (NPO) or non-profit organisation, also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution, is a legal entit ...
.International Railway Journal
Audit Bureau of Circulations (UK) The Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) is a non-profit organisation A nonprofit organization (NPO) or non-profit organisation, also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution, is a legal entit ...
December 2020


{{Reflist Magazines established in 1960 Mass media in Cornwall Monthly magazines published in the United Kingdom Professional and trade magazines Rail transport magazines published in the United Kingdom 1960 establishments in England