Institut National Supérieur Des Arts Du Spectacle



The Institut national supérieur des arts du spectacle et des techniques de diffusion, better known as INSAS, is a Belgian film and
drama Drama is the specific Mode (literature), mode of fiction Mimesis, represented in performance: a Play (theatre), play, opera, mime, ballet, etc., performed in a theatre, or on Radio drama, radio or television.Elam (1980, 98). Considered as a g ...
school founded by Raymond Ravar,
André Delvaux André Albert Auguste Delvaux (; 21 March 1926 – 4 October 2002) was a Belgian film director. He co-founded the film school INSAS in 1962 and is regarded as the founder of the Belgian national cinema. Adapting works by writers such as Joh ...
, Paul Anrieu, and Jean Brismée in 1962. Director
Fabrice Du Welz Fabrice Du Welz (born 21 October 1972 in Belgium) is a Belgian film director and screenwriter. He has directed several films including '' Calvaire'' in 2004, '' Vinyan'' in 2008 and '' Message from the King'' in 2016. Career Fabrice du Welz, ...
, was a former student.


External links

Official Website
Educational institutions established in 1962 Film schools in Belgium Art schools in Belgium Graphic design schools 1962 establishments in Belgium {{Belgium-school-stub