

computational fluid dynamics Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structures to analyze and solve problems that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to perform the calculations required to simulate t ...
, the immersed boundary method originally referred to an approach developed by Charles Peskin in 1972 to simulate fluid-structure (fiber) interactions. Treating the coupling of the structure deformations and the fluid flow poses a number of challenging problems for numerical simulations (the elastic boundary changes the flow of the fluid and the fluid moves the elastic boundary simultaneously). In the immersed boundary method the fluid is represented in an Eulerian coordinate system and the structure is represented in
Lagrangian coordinates __NOTOC__ In classical field theories, the Lagrangian specification of the flow field is a way of looking at fluid motion where the observer follows an individual fluid parcel as it moves through space and time. Plotting the position of an indiv ...
. For
Newtonian fluids A Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the viscous stresses arising from its flow are at every point linearly correlated to the local strain rate — the rate of change of its deformation over time. Stresses are proportional to the rate of chan ...
governed by the
Navier–Stokes equations In physics, the Navier–Stokes equations ( ) are partial differential equations which describe the motion of viscous fluid substances, named after French engineer and physicist Claude-Louis Navier and Anglo-Irish physicist and mathematician G ...
, the fluid equations are : \rho \left(\frac + \cdot\nabla\right) = -\nabla p + \mu\, \Delta u(x,t) + f(x,t) and if the flow is incompressible, we have the further condition that : \nabla \cdot u = 0. \, The immersed structures are typically represented as a collection of one-dimensional fibers, denoted by \Gamma . Each fiber can be viewed as a parametric curve X(s,t) where s is the Lagrangian coordinate along the fiber and t is time. The physics of the fiber is represented via a fiber force distribution function F(s,t) . Spring forces, bending resistance or any other type of behavior can be built into this term. The force exerted by the structure on the fluid is then interpolated as a source term in the momentum equation using : f(x,t) = \int_\Gamma F(s,t) \, \delta\big(x - X(s,t)\big) \, ds, where \delta is the Dirac function. The forcing can be extended to multiple dimensions to model elastic surfaces or three-dimensional solids. Assuming a massless structure, the elastic fiber moves with the local fluid velocity and can be interpolated via the delta function : \frac = u(X,t) = \int_\Omega u(x,t) \, \delta\big(x - X(s,t)\big) \, dx, where \Omega denotes the entire fluid domain. Discretization of these equations can be done by assuming an Eulerian grid on the fluid and a separate Lagrangian grid on the fiber. Approximations of the Delta distribution by smoother functions will allow us to interpolate between the two grids. Any existing fluid solver can be coupled to a solver for the fiber equations to solve the Immersed Boundary equations. Variants of this basic approach have been applied to simulate a wide variety of mechanical systems involving elastic structures which interact with fluid flows. Since the original development of this method by Peskin, a variety of approaches have been developed to simulate flow over complicated immersed bodies on grids that do not conform to the surface of the body. These include methods such as the immersed interface method, the Cartesian grid method, the ghost fluid method and the cut-cell method. Mittal and Iaccarino. refer to all these (and other related) methods as Immersed Boundary Methods and provide various categorizations of these methods. From the point of view of implementation, they categorize immersed boundary methods into ''continuous forcing'' and ''discrete forcing'' methods. In the former, a force term is added to the continuous Navier-Stokes equations before discretization, whereas in the latter, the forcing is applied (explicitly or implicitly) to the discretized equations. Under this taxonomy, Peskin's original method is a ''continuous forcing'' method whereas Cartesian grid, cut-cell and the ghost-fluid methods are ''discrete forcing'' methods.

See also

* Stochastic Eulerian Lagrangian method * Stokesian dynamics * Volume of fluid method *
Level-set method Level-set methods (LSM) are a conceptual framework for using level sets as a tool for numerical analysis of surfaces and shapes. The advantage of the level-set model is that one can perform numerical computations involving curves and surfaces on a ...
* Marker-and-cell method

Software: Numerical codes

FloEFD: Commercial CFD IBM code
Advanced Simulation Library Advanced Simulation Library (ASL) is free and open-source hardware-accelerated multiphysics simulation platform. It enables users to write customized numerical solvers in C++ and deploy them on a variety of massively parallel architectur ...

Mango-Selm : Immersed Boundary Methods and SELM Simulations, 3D Package, (Python interface, LAMMPS MD Integration), P. Atzberger, UCSB

Stochastic Immersed Boundary Methods in 3D, P. Atzberger, UCSB

Immersed Boundary Method for Uniform Meshes in 2D, A. Fogelson, Utah

IBAMR : Immersed Boundary Method for Adaptive Meshes in 3D, B. Griffith, NYU.

IB2d: Immersed Boundary Method for MATLAB and Python in 2D with 60+ examples, N.A. Battista, TCNJ

* ttps://openfoamwiki.net/index.php/Extend-bazaar/Toolkits/ImmersedBoundary CFD IBM code based on OpenFoam
sdfibm: Another CFD IBM code based on OpenFoam

SimScale: Immersed Boundary Method for fluid mechanics and conjugate heat transfer simulation in the cloud



* * *. * * * * * * * * {{Numerical PDE Fluid mechanics Computational fluid dynamics Numerical differential equations