Iacono's Working Set Structure



In computer science, Iacono's working set structure is a comparison based
dictionary A dictionary is a listing of lexemes from the lexicon of one or more specific languages, often arranged alphabetically (or by radical and stroke for ideographic languages), which may include information on definitions, usage, etymologies ...
. It supports insertion, deletion and access operation to maintain a dynamic set of n elements. The working set of an item x is the set of elements that have been accessed in the structure since the last time that x was accessed (or inserted if it was never accessed). Inserting and deleting in the working set structure takes O(\log n) time while accessing an element x takes O(\log w(x)). Here, w(x) represents the size of the working set of x.


To store a dynamic set of n elements, this structure consists of a series of '' Red–black trees'', or other ''
Self-balancing binary search tree In computer science, a self-balancing binary search tree (BST) is any node-based binary search tree that automatically keeps its height (maximal number of levels below the root) small in the face of arbitrary item insertions and deletions.Donald ...
s'' T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_k, and a series of '' deques'' (Double-ended queues) Q_1, Q_2, \ldots Q_k, where k = \lceil \log\log n\rceil. For every 1\leq i\leq k, tree T_i and deque Q_i share the same contents and pointers are maintained between their corresponding elements. For every i < k , the size of T_i and Q_i is 2^. Tree T_k and deque Q_k consist of the remaining elements, i.e., their size is n - \sum_^ 2^. Therefore, the number of items in all trees and the number of elements in all deques both add up to n. Every element that has been inserted in the data structure is stored in exactly one of the trees and its corresponding deque.

Working set Invariant

In the deques of this structure, elements are kept in sorted order according to their working set size. Formally, element x lies after y in deque Q_i if and only if w(x)< w(y). Moreover, for every 1\leq i < k, the elements in deque Q_i have a smaller working sets than the elements in deque Q_. This property is referred to as the Working set invariant. Every operation in the data structure maintains the Working set invariant.


The basic operation in this structure is called shift from h to j, where h and j are indices of some trees in the structure. Two cases are considered in a shift from h to j: If h< j, then for every h\leq i < j, taken in increasing order, an item is dequeued from Q_i and enqueued into Q_. The corresponding item is deleted from T_i and inserted into T_. The running time of this operation is O(\sum_^ \log , T_i, ) = O(\sum_^ \log 2^) = O(2^ j). Analogously, if j< h, then for every j < i \leq h, taken in decreasing order, an item is dequeued from Q_i and enqueued into Q_. The corresponding item is deleted from T_i and inserted into T_. The running time of this operation is O(\sum_^ \log , T_i, ) = O(\sum_^ \log 2^) = O(2^ h). Regardless of the case, after a shift operation, the size of T_h decreases by one whereas the size of T_j increases by one. Since that elements in the deques are sorted with respect to their working sets sizes, a shift operation maintains the Working set invariant.


To search for an element x, search for x in T_1, T_2, \ldots T_k, in increasing order, until finding a tree T_j containing x. If no tree is found, the search is unsuccessful. If x is found, it is deleted from T_j and then inserted into T_1, i.e., it is moved to the front of the structure. The search finishes by performing a shift from 1 to j which restores the size of every tree and every deque to their size prior to the search operation. The running time of this search is O(\sum_^ \log 2^) = O(2^ j) if the search was successful, or O(\sum_^ \log 2^) = O(2^k) = O(\log n) otherwise. By the Working set property, every element in trees T_1, T_2, \ldots, T_ belongs to the working set of x. In particular, every element in T_ belongs to the working set of x and hence, w(x) > , T_, = 2^. Thus, the running time of a successful search is O(2^j) = O(\log 2^) = O(\log w(x)).


Inserting an element x into the structure is performed by inserting x into T_1 and enqueuing it into Q_1. Insertion is completed by performing a shift from 1 to k. To avoid overflow, if , T_k, = 2^ before the shift, i.e., if the last tree is full, then k is incremented and a new empty T_k and Q_k is created. The running time of this operation is dominated by the shift from 1 to k whose running time is O(2^k) = O(2^) = O(\log n). Since element x, whose working set is the smallest, is enqueued in Q_1, the Working set invariant is preserved after the shift.


Deleting an element x is done by searching for x on each tree in the structure, in increasing order, until finding a tree T_j that contains it (if non is found the deletion is unsuccessful). Item x is deleted from T_j and Q_j. Finally, a shift from k to j maintains the size of T_j equal to 2^. The running time of this operation is O(2^k) = O(\log n). The working set invariant is preserved as deleting an element does not change the order of the working set of the elements.


'' Splay trees'' are self adjusting search trees introduced by Sleator and Tarjan in 1985. Using restructuring heuristic, splay trees are able to achieve insert and delete operations in O(\log n)
amortized In computer science, amortized analysis is a method for analyzing a given algorithm's complexity, or how much of a resource, especially time or memory, it takes to execute. The motivation for amortized analysis is that looking at the worst-case ...
time, without storing any balance information at the nodes. Moreover, the Working Set Theorem for splay trees states that the cost to access an element in a splay tree is O(\log w(x))
amortized In computer science, amortized analysis is a method for analyzing a given algorithm's complexity, or how much of a resource, especially time or memory, it takes to execute. The motivation for amortized analysis is that looking at the worst-case ...
. Iacono's workings set structure obtains the same running time for search, insert and delete in the worst-case. Therefore, offering an alternative to splay trees.


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Journal of the ACM The ''Journal of the ACM'' is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering computer science in general, especially theoretical aspects. It is an official journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. Its current editor-in-chief is Venkatesan ...
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Trees (data structures)