hurdy-gurdy on:  
The hurdy-gurdy is a
string instrument that produces sound by a hand-crank-turned,
rosined wheel rubbing against the strings. The wheel functions much like a violin bow, and single notes played on the instrument sound similar to those of a violin. Melodies are played on a
keyboard that presses ''tangents''—small wedges, typically made of wood—against one or more of the strings to change their pitch. Like most other acoustic stringed instruments, it has a
sound board and hollow cavity to make the vibration of the strings audible.
Most hurdy-gurdies have multiple
Drone most commonly refers to:
* Drone (bee), a male bee, from an unfertilized egg
* Unmanned aerial vehicle
* Unmanned surface vehicle, watercraft
* Unmanned underwater vehicle or underwater drone
Drone, drones or The Drones may also refer to:
strings, which give a constant pitch accompaniment to the melody, resulting in a sound similar to that of
Bagpipes are a woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. The Great Highland bagpipes are well known, but people have played bagpipes for centuries throughout large parts of Europe, ...
. For this reason, the hurdy-gurdy is often used interchangeably or along with bagpipes. It is mostly used in
Cajun French,
Asturian, Cantabrian, Galician,
Hungarian, and Slavic folk music.
One or more of the
Drone most commonly refers to:
* Drone (bee), a male bee, from an unfertilized egg
* Unmanned aerial vehicle
* Unmanned surface vehicle, watercraft
* Unmanned underwater vehicle or underwater drone
Drone, drones or The Drones may also refer to:
strings usually passes over a loose bridge that can be made to produce a distinctive percussive buzzing sound as the player turns the wheel.
Ancient kings playing an at the Pórtico de la Gloria in the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela">organistrum at the Pórtico de la Gloria in the Catedral de Santiago de Compostela in
Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, in northwestern Spain. The city has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great, now the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, as the destination of the Way of S ...
, Spain
The hurdy-gurdy is generally thought to have originated from fiddles in either Europe or the Middle East (e.g., the rebab instrument) some time before the eleventh century A.D.
[ The first recorded reference to fiddles in Europe was in the 9th century by the Persian geographer Ibn Khurradadhbih (d. 911) describing the lira (''lūrā'') as a typical instrument within the ]Byzantine Empire
The Byzantine Empire, also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium, was the continuation of the Roman Empire primarily in its eastern provinces during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was Constantin ...
. One of the earliest forms of the hurdy-gurdy was the organistrum
The organistrum is an early form of hurdy-gurdy. Generally considered the ancestor of all subsequent hurdy-gurdies, the organistrum differs substantially from later instruments in that it was played by two individuals: one turned the crank while ...
, a large instrument with a guitar
The guitar is a fretted musical instrument that typically has six strings. It is usually held flat against the player's body and played by strumming or plucking the strings with the dominant hand, while simultaneously pressing selected string ...
-shaped body and a long neck in which the keys were set (covering one diatonic octave). The organistrum had a single melody string and two drone strings, which ran over a common bridge, and a relatively small wheel. Due to its size, the organistrum was played by two people, one of whom turned the crank while the other pulled the keys upward. Pulling keys upward is cumbersome, so only slow tunes could be played on the organistrum.
The pitches on the organistrum were set according to Pythagorean temperament
Pythagorean tuning is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all interval (music), intervals are based on the ratio Perfect fifth, 3:2.Bruce Benward and Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). ''Music: In Theory and Practice'', seven ...
and the instrument was primarily used in monastic and church settings to accompany choral music. Abbot Odo of Cluny (died 942) is supposed to have written a short description of the construction of the organistrum entitled ''Quomodo organistrum construatur'' (How the Organistrum Is Made), known through a much later copy, but its authenticity is very doubtful. Another 10th-century treatise thought to have mentioned an instrument like a hurdy-gurdy is an Arabic music
Arabic music or Arab music ( ar, الموسيقى العربية, al-mūsīqā al-ʿArabīyyah) is the music of the Arab world with all its diverse music styles and genres. Arabic countries have many rich and varied styles of music and also m ...
al compendium written by Al Zirikli. One of the earliest visual depictions of the organistrum is from the twelfth-century ''Pórtico da Gloria'' (Portal of Glory) on the cathedral at Santiago de Compostela
Santiago de Compostela is the capital of the autonomous community of Galicia, in northwestern Spain. The city has its origin in the shrine of Saint James the Great, now the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, as the destination of the Way of S ...
, Galicia, Spain: it has a carving of two musicians playing an organistrum.
left, Hurdy-gurdy player in , Puy-de-Dôme">Saint-Jean-des-Ollières, Puy-de-Dôme (France)">Puy-de-Dôme.html" ;"title="Saint-Jean-des-Ollières, Puy-de-Dôme">Saint-Jean-des-Ollières, Puy-de-Dôme (France)
Later on, the ''organistrum'' was made smaller to let a single player both turn the crank and work the keys. The ''solo organistrum'' was known from Spain and France, but was largely replaced by the '' symphonia'', a small box-shaped version of the hurdy-gurdy with three strings and a diatonic keyboard. At about the same time, a new form of key pressed from beneath was developed. These keys were much more practical for faster music and easier to handle; eventually they completely replaced keys pulled up from above. Medieval depictions of the ''symphonia'' show both types of keys.
During the Renaissance
The Renaissance ( , ) , from , with the same meanings. is a period in European history marking the transition from the Middle Ages to modernity and covering the 15th and 16th centuries, characterized by an effort to revive and surpass id ...
, the hurdy-gurdy was a very popular instrument (along with the bagpipe) and the characteristic form had a short neck and a boxy body with a curved tail end. It was around this time that ''buzzing bridges'' first appeared in illustrations. The buzzing bridge (commonly called the ''dog'') is an asymmetrical bridge that rests under a drone string on the sound board. When the wheel is accelerated, one foot of the bridge lifts from the soundboard and vibrates, creating a buzzing sound. The buzzing bridge is thought to have been borrowed from the '' tromba marina'' ( monochord), a bowed string instrument.
During the late Renaissance, two characteristic shapes of hurdy-gurdies developed. The first was guitar-shaped and the second had a rounded lute
A lute ( or ) is any plucked string instrument with a neck and a deep round back enclosing a hollow cavity, usually with a sound hole or opening in the body. It may be either fretted or unfretted.
More specifically, the term "lute" can re ...
-type body made of staves. The lute-like body is especially characteristic of French instruments.
Detail of '' '' by Hieronymus Bosch">The Garden of Earthly Delights'' by Hieronymus Bosch, showing the first known depiction of a buzzing bridge on a hurdy-gurdy
By the end of the 17th century changing musical tastes demanded greater polyphonic capabilities than the hurdy-gurdy could offer and pushed the instrument to the lowest social classes; as a result it acquired names like the German ''Bauernleier'' 'peasant's lyre' and ''Bettlerleier'' 'beggar's lyre'. During the 18th century, however, French Rococo
Rococo (, also ), less commonly Roccoco or Late Baroque, is an exceptionally ornamental and theatrical style of architecture, art and decoration which combines asymmetry, scrolling curves, gilding, white and pastel colours, sculpted moulding, ...
tastes for rustic diversions brought the hurdy-gurdy back to the attention of the upper classes, where it acquired tremendous popularity among the nobility, with famous composers writing works for the hurdy-gurdy. The most famous of these is Nicolas Chédeville's ''Il pastor Fido'', attributed to Vivaldi
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (4 March 1678 – 28 July 1741) was an Italian composer, virtuoso violinist and impresario of Baroque music. Regarded as one of the greatest Baroque composers, Vivaldi's influence during his lifetime was widespre ...
. At this time the most common style of hurdy-gurdy developed, the six-string ''vielle à roue''. This instrument has two melody strings and four drones. The drone strings are tuned so that by turning them on or off, the instrument can be played in multiple keys (e.g., C and G, or G and D).
During this time the hurdy-gurdy also spread further to Central Europe, where further variations developed in western Slavic countries, German-speaking areas and Hungary (see the list of types below for more information on them). Most types of hurdy-gurdy were essentially extinct by the early twentieth century, but a few have survived. The best-known are the French ''vielle à roue'', the Hungarian ''tekerőlant'', and the Spanish ''zanfoña''. In Ukraine
Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately . Prior to the ongoing Russian invas ...
, a variety called the ''lira'' was widely used by blind street musicians, most of whom were purged by Stalin
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (born Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili; – 5 March 1953) was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet political leader who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. He held power as General Secret ...
in the 1930s (see Persecuted bandurists).
left, upright=1.2, Vagabonds with hurdy-gurdy (1887 drawing)
The hurdy-gurdy tradition is well-developed particularly in Hungary
Hungary ( hu, Magyarország ) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Spanning of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia to the south, Croa ...
, Poland
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, , is a country in Central Europe. Poland is divided into Voivodeships of Poland, sixteen voivodeships and is the fifth most populous member state of the European Union (EU), with over 38 mill ...
, Belarus
Belarus,, , ; alternatively and formerly known as Byelorussia (from Russian ). officially the Republic of Belarus,; rus, Республика Беларусь, Respublika Belarus. is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by ...
, Southeastern France
France (), officially the French Republic ( ), is a country primarily located in Western Europe. It also comprises of overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Its metropolitan ar ...
and Ukraine
Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately . Prior to the ongoing Russian invas ...
. In Ukraine, it is known as the lira or relia. It was and still is played by professional, often blind, itinerant musicians known as lirnyky. Their repertoire has mostly para-religious themes. Most of it originated in the Baroque period. In Eastern Ukraine, the repertoire includes unique historic epics known as '' dumy'' and folk dances.
Lirnyky were categorised as beggars by the Russian authorities and fell under harsh repressive measures if they were caught performing in the streets of major cities until 1902, when the authorities were asked by ethnographers attending the 12th All-Russian Archaeological conference to stop persecuting them.
The hurdy-gurdy is the instrument played by ''Der Leiermann'', the street musician portrayed in the last, melancholy song of Schubert
Franz Peter Schubert (; 31 January 179719 November 1828) was an Austrian composer of the late Classical and early Romantic eras. Despite his short lifetime, Schubert left behind a vast ''oeuvre'', including more than 600 secular vocal wor ...
's ''Winterreise
''Winterreise'' (, ''Winter Journey'') is a song cycle for voice and piano by Franz Schubert ( D. 911, published as Op. 89 in 1828), a setting of 24 poems by German poet Wilhelm Müller. It is the second of Schubert's two song cycles on Müll ...
''. It is also featured and played prominently in the film '' Captains Courageous'' (1937) as the instrument of the character Manuel, acted by Spencer Tracy.
The instrument came into a new public consciousness when Donovan
Donovan Phillips Leitch (born 10 May 1946), known mononymously as Donovan, is a Scottish musician, songwriter, and record producer. He developed an eclectic and distinctive style that blended folk, jazz, pop, psychedelic rock and world musi ...
released his hit pop song, " Hurdy Gurdy Man", in 1968. Although the song does not use a hurdy-gurdy, the repeated reference to the instrument in the song's lyrics sparked curiosity and interest among young people, eventually resulting in an annual hurdy-gurdy music festival in the Olympic Peninsula area of the state of Washington each September.[''About the Over The Water Hurdy-Gurdy Association''.](_blank)
From the 'Over The Water' website. Retrieved on January 9, 2014
Today, the tradition has resurfaced. Revivals have been underway for many years as well in Austria
Austria, , bar, Östareich officially the Republic of Austria, is a country in the southern part of Central Europe, lying in the Eastern Alps. It is a federation of nine states, one of which is the capital, Vienna, the most populous ...
, Belarus
Belarus,, , ; alternatively and formerly known as Byelorussia (from Russian ). officially the Republic of Belarus,; rus, Республика Беларусь, Respublika Belarus. is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by ...
, Belgium
Belgium, ; french: Belgique ; german: Belgien officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a country in Northwestern Europe. The country is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to ...
, the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic, or simply Czechia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Historically known as Bohemia, it is bordered by Austria to the south, Germany to the west, Poland to the northeast, and Slovakia to the southeast. Th ...
, Denmark
, song = ( en, "King Christian stood by the lofty mast")
, song_type = National and royal anthem
, image_map = EU-Denmark.svg
, map_caption =
, subdivision_type = Sovereign state
, subdivision_name = Kingdom of Denmark
, establishe ...
, Germany
Germany, officially the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG),, is a country in Central Europe. It is the most populous member state of the European Union. Germany lies between the Baltic and North Sea to the north and the Alps to the sou ...
, Hungary
Hungary ( hu, Magyarország ) is a landlocked country in Central Europe. Spanning of the Carpathian Basin, it is bordered by Slovakia to the north, Ukraine to the northeast, Romania to the east and southeast, Serbia to the south, Croa ...
, Italy
Italy ( it, Italia ), officially the Italian Republic, ) or the Republic of Italy, is a country in Southern Europe. It is located in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, and its territory largely coincides with the homonymous geographical ...
, the Netherlands
, anthem = ( en, "William of Nassau")
, image_map =
, map_caption =
, subdivision_type = Sovereign state
, subdivision_name = Kingdom of the Netherlands
, established_title = Before independence
, established_date = Spanish Netherl ...
, Norway
Norway, officially the Kingdom of Norway, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe, the mainland territory of which comprises the western and northernmost portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The remote Arctic island of Jan Mayen and t ...
, Poland
Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, , is a country in Central Europe. Poland is divided into Voivodeships of Poland, sixteen voivodeships and is the fifth most populous member state of the European Union (EU), with over 38 mill ...
, Portugal
Portugal, officially the Portuguese Republic, In recognized minority languages of Portugal:
:* mwl, República Pertuesa is a country located on the Iberian Peninsula, in Southwestern Europe, and whose territory also includes the Macaronesian ...
, Russia
Russia (, , ), or the Russian Federation, is a transcontinental country spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest country in the world, with its internationally recognised territory covering , and encompassing one-eigh ...
, Slovakia
Slovakia (; sk, Slovensko ), officially the Slovak Republic ( sk, Slovenská republika, links=no ), is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by Poland to the north, Ukraine to the east, Hungary to the south, Austria to the ...
, Spain
, image_flag = Bandera de España.svg
, image_coat = Escudo de España (mazonado).svg
, national_motto = '' Plus ultra'' ( Latin)(English: "Further Beyond")
, national_anthem = (English: "Royal March")
, ...
, Sweden, and Ukraine
Ukraine ( uk, Україна, Ukraïna, ) is a country in Eastern Europe. It is the second-largest European country after Russia, which it borders to the east and northeast. Ukraine covers approximately . Prior to the ongoing Russian invas ...
. As the instrument has been revived, musicians have used it in a variety of styles of music (see the list of recordings that use hurdy-gurdy), including contemporary forms not typically associated with it.
Anna Murphy ( ; former Cellar Darling; former Eluveitie) plays a modern version of the hurdy-gurdy">Eluveitie.html" ;"title="Cellar Darling; former Eluveitie">Cellar Darling; former Eluveitie) plays a modern version of the hurdy-gurdy
A person who plays the hurdy-gurdy is called a hurdy-gurdist, or (particularly for players of French instruments) viellist.
In France, a player is called ''un sonneur de vielle'' (literally: "''a sounder of vielle''"), ''un vielleux'' or ''un vielleur''.
Because of the prominence of the French tradition, many instrument and performance terms used in English are commonly taken from the French, and players generally need to know these terms to read relevant literature. Such common terms include the following:
* ''Trompette'': the highest-pitched drone string that features the buzzing bridge
* ''Mouche'': the drone string pitched a fourth or fifth below the trompette
* ''Petit bourdon'': the drone string pitched an octave below the trompette
* ''Gros bourdon'': the drone string pitched an octave below the mouche
* ''Chanterelle(s)'': melody string(s), also called ''chanters'' or ''chanter strings'' in English
* ''Chien'': (literally "dog"), the buzzing bridge
* ''Tirant'': a small peg set in the instrument's tailpiece that is used to control the sensitivity of the buzzing bridge
thumb">Two Hungarian-style hurdy-gurdies (''tekerőlants'')
Hurdy-gurdy in
According to the Oxford English Dictionary">Museu de la Música de Barcelona
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the mid 18th century origin of the term ''hurdy-gurdy'' is onomatopoeia">onomatopoeic
Onomatopoeia is the process of creating a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes. Such a word itself is also called an onomatopoeia. Common onomatopoeias include animal noises such as ''oink'', '' ...
in origin, after the repetitive warble in pitch that characterizes instruments with solid wooden wheels that have warped due to changes in humidity or after the sound of the buzzing-bridge.
Alternately, the term is thought to come from the Scottish and northern English term for uproar or disorder, ''hirdy-girdy''
or from ''hurly-burly'',
an old English term for noise or commotion. The instrument is sometimes more descriptively called a ''wheel fiddle'' in English, but this term is rarely used among players of the instrument. Another possible derivation is from the Hungarian ''hegedűs'' (Slovenian variant ''hrgadus'') meaning a fiddle.
In France, the instrument is known as ''vielle à roue'' (wheel fiddle) or simply ''vielle'' (even though there is another instrument with this name), while in the French-speaking regions of Belgium it is also known in local dialects as ''vièrlerète/vièrlète'' or ''tiesse di dj'va'' ('horse's head').
The Flemings and the Dutch call it a ''draailier'', which is similar to its German name, ''Drehleier''. An alternate German name, ''Bauernleier'', means "peasant's lyre". In Italy, it is called the ''ghironda'' or ''lira tedesca'' while in Spain, it is a ''zanfona'' in Galicia, ''zanfoña'' in Zamora, ''rabil'' in Asturias and ''viola de roda'' in Catalonia. In the Basque language, it is known as a ''zarrabete''. In Portugal, it is called ''sanfona''.
The Hungarian name ''tekerőlant'' and the alternative ''forgólant'' both mean "turning lute". Another Hungarian name for the instrument is ''nyenyere'', which is thought to be an onomatopoeic reference to the repetitive warble produced by a wheel that is not even. This term was considered derogatory in the Hungarian lowlands, but was the normal term for the instrument on
Csepel island directly south of Budapest. The equivalent names ''ninera'' and ''niněra'' are used in Slovakia and the Czech Republic respectively. In Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian the instrument is called "wheel lyre" (''колёсная лира'', ''колісна ліра'', ''колавая ліра''). In Poland it is called "cranked lyre" (lira korbowa).
''Leier'', ''lant'', and related terms today are generally used to refer to members of the
A lute ( or ) is any plucked string instrument with a neck and a deep round back enclosing a hollow cavity, usually with a sound hole or opening in the body. It may be either fretted or unfretted.
More specifically, the term "lute" can re ...
The lyre () is a stringed musical instrument that is classified by Hornbostel–Sachs as a member of the lute-family of instruments. In organology, a lyre is considered a yoke lute, since it is a lute in which the strings are attached to a ...
family, but historically had a broader range of meaning and were used for many types of stringed instruments.
In the eighteenth century, the term ''hurdy-gurdy'' was also applied to a small, portable
barrel organ or
street organ (a cranked box instrument with a number of organ pipes, a bellows and a barrel with pins that rotated and programmed the tunes) that was frequently played by poor
buskers, street musicians specifically called
organ grinders. Such organs require only the turning of the crank to play; the music is coded by pinned barrels, perforated paper rolls, and, more recently, by electronic modules. The French call these organs ''Orgue de Barbarie'' ("Barbary organ"), while the Germans and Dutch say ''Drehorgel'' and ''draaiorgel'' ("turned organ"), instead of ''Drehleier'' ("turning lyre"). In Czech, the organ is called ''Flašinet''.
Major parts of a modern French-type hurdy-gurdy
In her overview of the instrument's history, Palmer recorded twenty-three different forms,
and there is still no standardized design today.
The six-stringed French ''vielle à roue'' is the best-known and most common sort. A number of regional forms developed, but outside France the instrument was considered a
folk instrument and there were no schools of construction that could have determined a standard form.
There are two primary body styles for contemporary instruments: guitar-bodied and lute-backed. Both forms are found in French-speaking areas, while guitar-bodied instruments are the general form elsewhere. The box form ''
symphonia'' is also commonly found among players of early music and historical re-enactors.
left, Wheel and tangents on a French type hurdy-gurdy with three ''chanterelles'' (melody strings). The keyboard is visible on the right side of the picture.
Historically, strings were made of
Gut or guts may refer to:
* Abdomen or belly, the region of a vertebrate between the chest and pelvis
* Abdominal obesity or "a gut", a large deposit of belly fat
* Gastrointestinal tract or gut, the system of digestive organs
* Ins ...
, which is still a preferred material today and modern instruments are mounted with violin (D or A) and cello (A, G, C) strings.
However, metal-wound strings have become common in the twentieth century, especially for the heavier drone strings or for lower melody strings if octave tuning is used. Nylon is also sometimes used, but is disliked by many players. Some instruments also have optional sympathetic strings, generally guitar or banjo B strings.
The drone strings produce steady sounds at fixed pitches. The melody string(s) (French ''chanterelle(s)'', Hungarian ''dallamhúr(ok)'') are stopped with tangents attached to keys that change the vibration length of the string, much as a guitarist uses his or her fingers on the fretboard of a guitar. In the earliest hurdy-gurdies these keys were arranged to provide a
Pythagorean temperament
Pythagorean tuning is a system of musical tuning in which the frequency ratios of all interval (music), intervals are based on the ratio Perfect fifth, 3:2.Bruce Benward and Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). ''Music: In Theory and Practice'', seven ...
, but in later instruments the tunings have varied widely, with
equal temperament
An equal temperament is a musical temperament or tuning system, which approximates just intervals by dividing an octave (or other interval) into equal steps. This means the ratio of the frequencies of any adjacent pair of notes is the same, ...
most common because it allows easier blending with other instruments. However, because the tangents can be adjusted to tune individual notes, it is possible to tune hurdy-gurdies to almost any temperament as needed. Most contemporary hurdy-gurdies have 24 keys that cover a range of two chromatic octaves.
To achieve proper intonation and sound quality, each string of a hurdy-gurdy must be wrapped with cotton or similar fibers. The cotton on melody strings tends to be quite light, while drone strings have heavier cotton. Improper cottoning results in a raspy tone, especially at higher pitches. In addition, individual strings (in particular the melody strings) often have to have their height above the wheel surface adjusted by having small pieces of paper placed between the strings and the bridge, a process called ''shimming''. Shimming and cottoning are connected processes since either one can affect the geometry of the instrument's strings.
Buzzing bridge
upEntire buzzing bridge system for a French-style instrument, with part labels
French type buzzing bridge
Hungarian type buzzing bridge (on a bass ''tekerő'')
In some types of hurdy-gurdy, notably the French ''vielle à roue'' ('fiddle with a wheel') and the Hungarian ''tekerőlant'' (''tekerő'' for short), makers have added a buzzing bridge—called a ''chien'' (French for dog) or ''recsegő'' (Hungarian for "buzzer")—on one drone string. Modern makers have increased the number of buzzing bridges on French-style instruments to as many as four. This mechanism consists of a loose bridge under a drone string. The tail of the buzzing bridge is inserted into a narrow vertical slot (or held by a peg in Hungarian instruments) that holds the buzzing bridge in place (and also serves as a bridge for additional drone strings on some instruments).
The free end of the dog (called the ''hammer'') rests on the soundboard of the hurdy-gurdy and is more or less free to vibrate. When the wheel is turned regularly and not too fast the pressure on the string (called the ''trompette'' on French instruments) holds the bridge in place, sounding a drone. When the crank is struck, the hammer lifts up suddenly and vibrates against the soundboard, producing a characteristic rhythmic buzz that is used as an articulation or to provide percussive effect, especially in dance pieces.
On French-style instruments, the sensitivity of the buzzing bridge can be altered by turning a peg called a ''tirant'' in the tailpiece of the instrument that is connected by a wire or thread to the ''trompette''. The ''tirant'' adjusts the lateral pressure on the ''trompette'' and thereby sets the sensitivity of the buzzing bridge to changes in wheel velocity. When hard to trigger, the strike or the bridge is said "sec" (dry), "chien sec", or "coup sec". When easy to trigger, the strike or the bridge is said "gras" (fat), "chien gras", or "coup gras".
There are various stylistic techniques that are used as the player turns the crank, striking the wheel at various points in its revolution. This technique is often known by its French term, the ''coup-de-poignet'' (or, more simply, the shortened ''coup''). The percussion is transmitted to the wheel by striking the handle with the thumb, fingers or base of the thumb at one or more of four points in the revolution of the wheel (often described in terms of the clock face, 12, 3, 6, and 9 o'clock) to achieve the desired rhythm. A long buzz can also be achieved by accelerating the wheel with the handle. It is called either "un glissé" (a slide) or "une trainée" (a streak). More accomplished players are able to achieve six, eight, or even twelve buzzes within one turn of the wheel.
On the Hungarian ''tekerő'' the same control is achieved by using a wedge called the ''recsegőék'' (control wedge, or literally "buzzer wedge") that pushes the drone string downward. In traditional ''tekerő'' playing, the buzzing bridge is controlled entirely by the wrist of the player and has a very different sound and rhythmic possibilities from those available on French instruments.
Regional types
Regional types of hurdy-gurdies since the Renaissance can also be classified based on wheel size and the presence or absence (and type) of a buzzing bridge. The following description of various types uses this framework:
[Description of types based on ]
Small wheel
Small-wheeled (wheel diameter less than 14 cm, or about 5.5 inches) instruments are traditionally found in Central and Eastern Europe. They feature a broad keybox and the drone strings run within the keybox. Because of the small size of the wheel these instruments most commonly have three strings: one melody string, one tenor drone, and one bass drone. They sometimes have up to five strings.
* ''String-adjusted buzzing bridge''
** ''German pear-shaped Drehleier.'' Two to three drone strings and one or two chromatic melody strings. Characteristic V-shaped pegbox. Often extensively decorated. The type of buzzing bridge found on this instrument usually has the adjustment peg set in a block next to the string, rather than in the tailpiece (as is typical of French instruments).
** ''lira/vevlira'' (Sweden). Revived in the twentieth century based on historical examples. Two body forms: an elongated boxy shape and a long pear shape. Usually diatonic, but has been extended with a chromatic range with the additional keys placed ''below'' the normal diatonic range (the opposite of most chromatic hurdy-gurdy keyboards).
* ''Wedge-adjusted buzzing bridge''
** ''tekerőlant (Hungarian)''. Usually two drones (sometimes three) + one or two chromatic melody strings. The broad keybox is often carved or decorated extensively.
** ''Tyrolian Drehleier (Austria).'' Very similar to the tekerőlant, but usually has a diatonic keyboard. May be the historical source for the tekerő.
* ''No buzzing bridge''
Slovak-style hurdy-gurdy ( ) made and played by Tibor Koblicek">ninera) made and played by Tibor Koblicek
** ''lira korbowa'' (Poland). Guitar-shaped. Two drones + one diatonic melody string.
** ''lira/лира'' (Russia). Guitar-shaped. Two drones + one diatonic melody string. Evenly spaced keyboard.
** ''lira/ліра'' or ''relia/реля'' (Ukraine). Guitar-shaped. Two drones + one diatonic melody string. Two body types: carved from a single piece of wood and guitar-shaped with transverse pegs and mult-piece construction with vertical pegs. Evenly spaced keyboard.
** ''
ninera/kolovratec'' (Slovakia). Guitar-shaped. Two drones + one diatonic melody string. Broad keybox. Superficially similar to the tekerő, but lacks the buzzing bridge.
** ''German tulip-shaped Drehleier.'' Three drones + one diatonic melody string.
Large wheel
Large-wheeled instruments (wheel diameters between 14 and 17 cm, or about 5.56.6 inches) are traditionally found in Western Europe. These instruments generally have a narrow keybox with drone strings that run outside the keybox. They also generally have more strings, and doubling or tripling of the melody string is common. Some modern instruments have as many as fifteen strings played by the wheel, although the most common number is six.
* ''String-adjusted buzzing bridge''
** ''vielle à roue'' (French). Usually four drones + two melody strings, but often extended to have more strings. Two body forms: guitar-bodied and lute-backed (''vielle en luth''). French instruments generally have a narrow key box with drone strings that run on the outside of the key box. Traditional French instruments have two melody strings and four drone strings with one buzzing bridge. Contemporary instruments often have more: the instrument of well-known player
Gilles Chabenat
The Gilles are the oldest and principal participants in the Carnival of Binche in Belgium. They go out on Shrove Tuesday from 4 am until late hours and dance to traditional songs. Other cities, such as La Louvière and Nivelles, have a tradi ...
has four melody strings fixed to a viola tailpiece, and four drone strings on a cello tailpiece. This instrument also has three trompette strings.
** ''Niněra'' (Czech). Guitar-shaped. Two forms: one has a standard drone-melody arrangement, while the other runs the drone strings between the melody strings in the keybox. Both diatonic and chromatic forms are found. Other mechanisms for adjusting the amount of "buzz" on the trompette string.
* ''No buzzing bridge''
** ''Zanfona'' (Spain). Typically guitar-shaped body, with three melody strings, and two drone strings. Some older examples had a diatonic keyboard, and most modern models have a chromatic keyboard. Zanfonas are usually tuned to the key of C major, with the melody strings tuned in unison to G above the middle C on the piano. The drones are: the ''bordonciño'' in G (one octave below the melody strings) and the ''bordón'' in C (two octaves below middle C). Sometimes, two of the melody strings are in unison, and the remaining string is tuned an octave lower, in unison with the ''bordonciño'' (this string was sometimes known as the ''human voice'', because it sounds as if someone is humming the melody an octave lower).
** ''niněra'' (Czech). Guitar-shaped. Two forms: one has a standard drone-melody arrangement, while the other runs the drone strings between the melody strings in the keybox. Both diatonic and chromatic forms are found.
Electric and electronic versions
Electronic hurdy gurdy MidiGurdy
pop music
Pop music is a genre of popular music that originated in its modern form during the mid-1950s in the United States and the United Kingdom. The terms ''popular music'' and ''pop music'' are often used interchangeably, although the former describ ...
, especially in the popular
neo-medieval music
Neo-Medieval music is a modern popular music characterized by elements of Medieval music and early music in general. Music styles within neo-Medieval music vary from authentic performance interpretations of Medieval music (understood as Classica ...
, electric hurdy-gurdies are used, wherein
electro magnetic pickups convert the vibration of its strings into electrical signals. Similar to
electric guitar
An electric guitar is a guitar that requires external amplification in order to be heard at typical performance volumes, unlike a standard acoustic guitar (however combinations of the two - a semi-acoustic guitar and an electric acoustic gu ...
s, the
signals are transmitted to an
instrument amplifier or reproduced by
A synthesizer (also spelled synthesiser) is an electronic musical instrument that generates audio signals. Synthesizers typically create sounds by generating waveforms through methods including subtractive synthesis, additive synthesis ...
in a modified form.
Electronic hurdy-gurdies, on the other hand, manage completely without strings. The signals for the melody strings are purely generated electronically by the keys and also in combination with the rotation of the wheel. The signals for drone strings and the snares are generated by the crank movements of the wheel. Depending on the technical equipment of the instrument, the
digital audio signal
In the context of digital signal processing (DSP), a digital signal is a discrete time, quantized amplitude signal. In other words, it is a sampled signal consisting of samples that take on values from a discrete set (a countable set that can ...
can be output directly via an integrated
processor and
sound card
A sound card (also known as an audio card) is an internal expansion card that provides input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under the control of computer programs. The term ''sound card'' is also applied to external au ...
. The data exchange of the musical information between the hurdy-gurdy and connected computers,
samplers or synthesizers are managed via
MIDI interface.
See also
Bowed clavier
The bowed clavier (', ' or ' in German) is a keyboard instrument strung with gut strings, the tone of which is produced by a steadily revolving, well rosined cylinder powered by a foot pedal, a mechanism similar to that found in the hurdy-gurdy ...
Donskoy ryley
The Donskoy ryley (russian: Донской рылей) is a String instrument, stringed musical instrument from Russia. It is a type of hurdy-gurdy, where the strings are constantly bowed by a wheel which is turned using a crank, and the pitch of ...
Recordings featuring the hurdy-gurdy
The following recordings and films feature music played on the hurdy-gurdy.
* There is hurdy-gurdy and border pipes on the Earthly Delights album ''Pleasures for Four Seasons'' and ''Favourites for Four Settings'', played by John Ga ...
Viola organista
The Gizmo
''The'' () is a grammatical article in English, denoting persons or things already mentioned, under discussion, implied or otherwise presumed familiar to listeners, readers, or speakers. It is the definite article in English. ''The'' is the ...
Further reading
Hurdy-gurdy: contemporary destinations (2012), dissertation by Piotr Nowotnik
Hurdy-gurdy: new articulations (2016), dissertation by Piotr Nowotnik
External links
(video), a
TED talk by Caroline Phillips with Mixel Ducau
A demonstration of hurdy-gurdies from Polandfrom the Polish National Institute of Music and Dance
{{Authority control
Austrian musical instruments
Belarusian musical instruments
Czech musical instruments
Early musical instruments
English musical instruments
French musical instruments
Galician musical instruments
German musical instruments
Hungarian musical instruments
Irish musical instruments
Italian musical instruments
Polish musical instruments
Portuguese musical instruments
Russian musical instruments
Slovak musical instruments
Spanish musical instruments
Swiss musical instruments
Ukrainian musical instruments
Bowed string instruments
String instruments with sympathetic strings