

A hunting knife is a
knife A knife ( : knives; from Old Norse 'knife, dirk') is a tool or weapon with a cutting edge or blade, usually attached to a handle or hilt. One of the earliest tools used by humanity, knives appeared at least 2.5 million years ago, as evide ...
used during
hunting Hunting is the human practice of seeking, pursuing, capturing, or killing wildlife or feral animals. The most common reasons for humans to hunt are to harvest food (i.e. meat) and useful animal products ( fur/ hide, bone/ tusks, horn/ a ...
for preparing the game to be used as food: skinning the animal and cutting up the meat. It is different from the hunting dagger which was traditionally used to kill wild game. Some hunting knives are adapted for other uses in the wild; such as a Camp knife, which hunters may use as
machete Older machete from Latin America Gerber machete/saw combo San_Agustín_de_las_Juntas.html" ;"title="Agustín Cruz Tinoco of San Agustín de las Juntas">Agustín Cruz Tinoco of San Agustín de las Juntas, Oaxaca uses a machete to carve wood. ...
s or hatchets when those specific tools are not available. In this case, their function is similar to a survival knife.


Hunting knives are traditionally designed for cutting rather than stabbing, and usually have a single sharpened edge. The blade is slightly curved on most models, and some hunting knives may have a blade that has both a curved portion for skinning, and a straight portion for cutting slices of meat. Some blades incorporate a guthook. Most hunting knives designed as "skinners" have a rounded point as to not damage the skin as it is being removed.

Types of knife

* Fixed-Blade- Fixed-blade versus a folding knife is both personal and practical. If the game you hunt is large and the terrain more rugged, a fixed blade knife is often a better option for its strength and dependability. * Folding knives- Folding knives have the advantage of being easier to carry and to conceal. They are also considered safer.

Type of blade

* Clip Point - The clip point knife blade is thin with a well-defined point. The blade itself is relatively flat. And this type of blade is used for the Dressing and Skinning. * Drop Point- The blade of a drop point knife is thick and curved. It’s used to dress the animal and skinning. * Skinning Blade- These types of blade specially designed for skinning. The blade quickly and neatly separates the skin from the meat.


Hunting knives include the puukko, the yakutian knife and the Sharpfinger. Most American designs are based on a smaller version of the Bowie knife. Knifemaker
Bob Loveless Robert Waldorf Loveless (January 2, 1929 – September 2, 2010), a.k.a. Bob Loveless or RW Loveless, was an American knife maker who designed and popularized the hollowground drop point blade and the use of full tapered tangs and screw-type handle s ...
popularized the Drop point hunting knife and William Scagel popularized the Camp knife.

See also

* Yakutian knife


{{DEFAULTSORT:Hunting Knife Knives Hunting equipment Fur trade