

The High-Flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO) (하나로) is a 30 MW multi-purpose research reactor located at Daejeon, Republic of Korea. It was designed by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute ( KAERI) as a facility for research and development on the neutron science and its applications. HANARO has been playing a significant role as a national facility in the area of neutron science, the production of key radioisotopes, material testing for power reactor application, neutron transmutation doping ( NTD), neutron activation analysis, and neutron radiography. After the installation of a cold neutron source in 2010, it has been also serving as a regional and international facility for neutron science.



High-Flux Advanced Neutron Application Reactor (HANARO)

General Information

Current Status and the Future of the Irradiation Services in the HANARO Reactor

External links

* https://www.kaeri.re.kr/board?menuId=MENU00419 HANARO official web site in Korean * https://www.kaeri.re.kr/mpse Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute * http://www.neutron.or.kr/ The Korean Neutron Beam User's Association * http://www.icns2017.org/ The International Conference on Neutron Scattering in 2017 Science and technology in South Korea Neutron facilities Nuclear research reactors {{nuclear-stub