

graph theory In mathematics, graph theory is the study of ''graphs'', which are mathematical structures used to model pairwise relations between objects. A graph in this context is made up of '' vertices'' (also called ''nodes'' or ''points'') which are conne ...
, the Henson graph is an undirected infinite graph, the unique countable homogeneous graph that does not contain an -vertex clique but that does contain all -free finite graphs as induced subgraphs. For instance, is a triangle-free graph that contains all finite triangle-free graphs. These graphs are named after C. Ward Henson, who published a construction for them (for all ) in 1971.. The first of these graphs, , is also called the homogeneous triangle-free graph or the universal triangle-free graph.


To construct these graphs, Henson orders the vertices of the
Rado graph In the mathematical field of graph theory, the Rado graph, Erdős–Rényi graph, or random graph is a countably infinite graph that can be constructed (with probability one) by choosing independently at random for each pair of its vertices whe ...
into a sequence with the property that, for every finite set of vertices, there are infinitely many vertices having as their set of earlier neighbors. (The existence of such a sequence uniquely defines the Rado graph.) He then defines to be the induced subgraph of the Rado graph formed by removing the final vertex (in the sequence ordering) of every -clique of the Rado graph. With this construction, each graph is an induced subgraph of , and the union of this chain of induced subgraphs is the Rado graph itself. Because each graph omits at least one vertex from each -clique of the Rado graph, there can be no -clique in .


Any finite or countable -clique-free graph can be found as an induced subgraph of by building it one vertex at a time, at each step adding a vertex whose earlier neighbors in match the set of earlier neighbors of the corresponding vertex in . That is, is a
universal graph In mathematics, a universal graph is an infinite graph that contains ''every'' finite (or at-most-countable) graph as an induced subgraph. A universal graph of this type was first constructed by Richard Rado and is now called the Rado graph or ...
for the family of -clique-free graphs. Because there exist -clique-free graphs of arbitrarily large chromatic number, the Henson graphs have infinite chromatic number. More strongly, if a Henson graph is partitioned into any finite number of induced subgraphs, then at least one of these subgraphs includes all -clique-free finite graphs as induced subgraphs.


Like the Rado graph, contains a bidirectional Hamiltonian path such that any symmetry of the path is a symmetry of the whole graph. However, this is not true for when : for these graphs, every automorphism of the graph has more than one orbit.


{{reflist Parametric families of graphs Infinite graphs